Breaking: This Could Lead to the Third Temple | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
Today on Marking the End Times, I am excited to discuss a significant archaeological discovery: the Pool of Siloam. We will explore the recent excavation and its implications, shedding light on the pool’s historical importance and its connection to the end times.
In the paid subscriber portion, I answer questions such as “What determines if you are part of the 50% of Christians to go in the rapture?” and “Are shark attacks a sign of the end times?”
Visit https://endtimes.com to access this entire video.
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1 Corinthains 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Abomination that causes desolation = SATAN.
Standing where it should not = YOUR TEMPLE (host body).
Those that took the V defiled their temple.
"Confirm the covenant": https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TSlMFszDVZQ
Over the years I've noticed many locations in Israel have been wrong.
The original Temple had a spring to wash away the blood of all the animals sacrifice. The Temple Mount has no spring. It's down below in the old city of David.
Go figure that out….
They did find Sodom. The sulfur balls had a higher content of sulfur than enywhere in the world. There are still many there.
Thank you ❤️
The third temple was completely rebuilt by Herod,first by Solomon then returning Israelites from Persia (tribes if Judah and Benjamin built the small temple that Herod completely rebuilt!) The temple Christians will see next will come out of heaven ,it will not be in a cursed city where God's Sons blood and the blood of the innocent prophets flowed.Everyone knows that contact with blood is anathema to Jews. Why would any father built a house and bless it on tbe site his son was murdered?
Why can't you wake up and listen to God,he is trying to tell you something if you will only be willing to unplug your ears and take the blinders from.your eyes.
And if you want to take it a step back farther, it’s between Lucifer and God
The rift has always been between Ishmael and Isaac
And will remain till the end, till the Lord comes
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, the apple of gods eye, the people of the Lord’s covenant promise
The sacred calf marking the end has been born in Israel 4 times now. All only pooped busts of Jesus.
Yes you to for $7 a month 😂 can sell the word of God . Holy Spirit teach the true to your church . Freely you are given freely recieve.
I'm subscbed to the subscriber only thing, and the only one I could ever get to his Jimmy Evans. Why is this? It is so hard to find it. I think I'm going to cancel because he's the only one I can get. I hear this portion, pay for the subscriber only portion and I can't get to you. It's frustrating to say the least.
Just had peace with Sudan and Saudi is right around the corner. They are already talking
I read a few verses online from the Dead Sea Scrolls and they are identical word for word to the King James Version after translated.
Our Temples were in the City of David, not Fortress Antonia as you claim.
By the FAKE jeWS
Brother Mark, the parable of the 10 virgins has NOTHING to do with the rapture. Jesus is simply teaching some will be saved and some not. It's no different than the 10 lepers. Lu17:12-19. If anyone wants to know if there is a pre-trib rapture or NOT. Study what Jesus taught and NOT man. Jn6:39-40,44,54. To God be the Glory
Jesus Christ is Lord!
Some say the Temple was built in the City of David. The place they think is the Temple mount is really where the Roman garrison was for the soldiers.
soon Israel will adopt a law authorizing Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount – in preparation for the Jewish Passover in April 2024 – on that day the Jews will make the bloody sacrifice which will provoke the rage of the Muslims and begin the battle for Jerusalem – the Jews will win and will invoke blood money to build their temple – but Biden and the UN will intervene – until Trump comes to power – he will cancel Biden's decrees and authorize the Jews to build the temple – Iran will be very threatening – Trump will bomb the country of ayathola in order to allow the organization of the Jewish Passover in April 2025 with serenity – mmmbut Iran is not KO —– for the Jewish Passover of 2025 they will launch all their missiles —- the USA will intervene to rescue Israel and China and Russia will come to rescue Iran —– it will be WW3!
Thank you for your message on the end times. 👍🏻📚 Very interesting and well studied.
The 24 Elders are the Church.
The Ten Virgins is believing Israel and unbelieving Israel.
Will there be all kinds of christians in heaven, or just us white people?
Muslim’s “truth” is never about truth it is about their own propaganda and supporting their narrative.
the millennial reign is on this earth after the great tribulation and can have a temple. the new heaven and new earth is after the millennial and won't have a temple. there is no conflict.
Jesus said “ I have come for the lost sheep of Israel “ are you part of Israel or do you believe your church is not under Israel ? Do you consider you or your church grafted into Israel ????
Can someone answer me this question ?
Mark Brother, I disagree with you, and with the popular consensus that the Temple Mount is the exact place where the second temple was, and where the third temple should be built. Taking scripture at face value, we read in Matthew 24:2, where Jesus is telling His disciples that the very stones of the temple will be brought down “ one upon another “. Meaning!, that there’s no conceivable way that the Temple Mount is the original site of the second temple. It’s been verifiably proven that the Western walk is the remains of the Roman Fort , Antonia. Not the Temple Mount YouTube has a specific archeologist who has two or three videos where he teamed up with Jewish archaeologists and scholars to “ prove” that the original Temple was in the city of King David.
Thank you Brother Mark!
Maranatha 🙏🥰🙌🏼
If they have thought the pool was located in other places in the past, how in the world can they truly confirm this one? Unfortunately, because they have wrongly named other sites as this particular pool it certainly would put doubt that they may have made a mistake again.
Thank You O'Lord Thy Will Be Done" Come Jesus Come!!🙏💪❤️😇🍞🍷
I’ve listened to you for a while now. I agree with a lot of what you say. However I’m disheartened that someone must pay and subscribe to simply hear your gospel message. This isn’t right. At first I thought of it as tithing however tithing is something that comes from your heart not something that you must do to hear the gospel message and prophetic news. I really hope this gets changed soo more people can be aware of what prophetic events are going on and more can hear the gospel.
Just a thought, i pray that the Hebrew name "Yahusha as well as the father's name YAHUAH which according to the old testament was extremely important in the past. Rev 14-1 says that the name of the father YAH will be written on their forehead. HalleluYAH
I love to hear Mark Hitchcock and I agree with a lot of what he said, but if Jesus said not one stone will be left standing of the temple how is the Western Wall and all those massive stones still standing from the Temple?
Some of my studies show that the Western Wall was only part of a Roman Garrison to House soldiers after the conqueror of the City.
Also the original Temple had a spring to wash away the blood from all the sacrifices. There is no spring on the Temple Mount it is down below the Temple mount.
Just my two copper.
Jesus Christ is Lord and soon we will know.
ron wyatt found the ark of the covenant in Israel years ago, greatest find in history.
2 Corin 3:13-15 KJV
And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished:
But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.
But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
JEWS understand Scripture the LEAST.
The 3rd Temple was built 2000 years ago. People don't understand the 3rd Temple.
Enoch (Priest & Prophet)
Very good
I'm in Jerusalem now looking forward to seeing pool of siloam progress
God's Blessings 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Thanks for sharing…
I heard that the Jews already have the pieces of the temple ready to go, and it could be built in days/weeks. So the real pool of Siloam is not near Muslim territory? The Rapture is near…🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺✝️
The blind man that Jesus healed: an amazing miracle which is more than visual sight. That man’s brain would not be able to comprehend’sight’. Jesus healed not only blindness, but enabled the blind man’s brain and sensory perception to take in the ability to ascertain’sight’. Idk if that makes sense to others, but it blows me away
So cool.