The Truth Are These What Ground Morality? Stand to ReasonMarch 1, 2023 Greg Koukl answers the question, “Can the scientific method provide a basis for morality and empathy provide an obligation for... 511100
The Truth What Greg Said to Law Students — Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonSeptember 16, 2022 Greg talks about the ideas he shared with some law students last week, then he answers questions about whether there will be differe... 38500
The Truth Can You Lose Your Salvation? — Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonAugust 19, 2022 Greg explains why he thinks a saved person can’t lose his salvation, then he answers questions about the last verse of John and whet... 99700
The Truth The World’s Greatest Marketing Campaign Stand to ReasonJune 26, 2022 @NatashaCrainAuthor, author of “Faithfully Different,” explains why secular culture appeals to us and compares “au... 87400
The Truth A Response to Genetically Modified Skeptic Part 2 — Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonFebruary 25, 2022 Greg Koukl and Jon Noyes respond to a video by @GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic (Drew McCoy) that critiques one of Greg’s STR U courses.... 108600
The Truth How Would You Define Truth? Stand to ReasonFebruary 9, 2022 Greg responds to a question about the nature of truth and whether it’s knowable. Listen to the full podcast: 310300
The Truth Here’s What Is Wrong with Our Culture’s Morality Stand to ReasonDecember 29, 2021 Greg Koukl discusses how society’s view of morality has changed and why most people are split between two worlds when it comes... 610000
The Truth To the Point LIVE with Jon Noyes: Relativism Stand to ReasonJuly 29, 2021 Join Jon Noyes for a live Q&A, and explore important Christian worldview issues such as relativism. We live in a relativistic w... 413600
The Truth Discerning Truth in a Divided World Stand to ReasonMay 31, 2021 Greg gives advice for discerning truth in a world where people have such wildly different understandings of what is happening. Liste... 1313500