She's EXPOSING the WEF false flag coming in 2024, Journalist Whitney Webb | Redacted
Journalist Whitney Webb exposes the WEF false flag plan to carry out a massive cyber attack in 2024 that will pave the wave for a regional war in the middle east.
Read Whitney’s reporting on the WEF right here: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/04/investigative-reports/wef-warns-of-cyber-attack-leading-to-systemic-collapse-of-the-global-financial-system/
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She is 100% wrong about Jordan Peterson and Elon.
If she goes missing, we will know why.
InfoWars but identify as a female.😅😅😅
How do they know this.? This might fall into some spiritual law which says you have to tell the victim of your actions the thing you intend to do. Example the Georgia Stones up for 40 years, fair warning now they have been taken down.
Cyberpunk dystopia here we come
They don’t control me 😂😂😂😂 I’ve got my own plan 😂😂😂😂
The wef must be shut down forever
We need more people talking about this to stop it from happening
I love Whitney’s intellect, communication skills, energies and sense of civic duty on a global scale…
It’s not the WEF, it’s the WTF.
Juice are the biggest threat to humanity
Minority Report
Sun is very active, few hours ago big flare, made my gps go nuts..🎉
HOW will we EVER RESIST this demonic EVIL?!
Bring down Fink
HI Whitney and Clayton, off topic, "SONIC YOUTH" sweatshirt is Banging … Goo ✌
Then shouldn't they de-couple, start a paper trail n system with this upcoming apocalypse of the financial system. UNPLUG IT NOW.
I don’t understand how a digital ID will stop any future hacks or cyber warfare To me if the internet is hacked and banking systems go down I’m never trusting on line safety again!
In addition of my previous prediction USA companies will try to save their fortunes but want be able because prices of gold will go theough d roof -And we know who was biggest buyers of gold for long time
Only option that known number of 38 trillions become 100 pc 138 trillions of debt is to invent total world economic collapse and digitally create new USA currency who will “SAVE” fricken world actually save them so start from beginning with new USA currency which mean all USA debt wit be erased so this will be no more for USA annal interest pay for their debt on over 38 trillions of debt -USA companies than must forcefully sacrifice their fortune in banks -china and others will pay big price if they do not sell for gold all USA bond on time
Get em Whitney..
How do they know that the biggest cyber attack is coming because they have the most & best cyber internet hackers in this country then the other world's hackers and they're about to use them on our own people to push for more legal oppressive changes as they always do for more Control on All!
Mossad was deeply involved in the 9/11 false flag. Nothing happens randomly with the deep state.
But no one is ever telling us what we should DO ABOUT IT.
Israel has never been our "ally"
Everyone just clutch your crystals and repeat after me: "There are no conspiracies. There are no conspiracies. There are no conspiracies. There are no ……………"
More security state. No better than communist China……..
Remember the Maine !
China does the deed but Iran gets the blame.
Yidsrael iS the US government, get used to it.
Awesome journalism and truth🙏 please stay safe. You are amazing, thank you so much.
This is so deep
They already have started with it…
Whitney you need to get as much info out there as quick as possible. If in the future they want us to sign in and register to the internet, this will mean we will not get access to this info because the government will remove it before it is released.
The amazing reality is that those in power are either for the agenda or they are not in power. Since Bretton Woods the process of controlling the human race through economic power has gradually increased. Redacted and guests like Whitney Webb are amazingly continually bringing to light our masters and their methods of control.
How tf do they know this unless they are the ones perpetrating it.
It sounds like the false flag may attempt to justify the collapse that destroys the dollar!
Research the Cloward-Piven strategy and it will all make sense. Its difficult to find stuff on it so thats telling
RIP us. I guess it was fun while it lasted.