Chad Wolf to Biden on Border Crisis — Stop Blaming Trump, This Is Your Crisis | Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Wednesday, March 17, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, why the Biden administration is responsible for this crisis, and why Pres. Trump’s policy on the border was so effective.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TO-SQO5tJ8
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What a joke…liar he is
Here's the deal….come on man, we didn't say that after the election, that was before the election
Biden, Psaki and Myorkas are quilty of violating the safey and security laws of this nation with their propaganda!
They should be prosecuted and removed from office. Blaming Trump for this huge blunder is not working with 74 million people who voted for Trump!
This is more crappy lies from Biden… Don't come at all should be the message you fool impeach Biden now
Did anyone see Eric shawn be a smart ass to Chad wolfe?fox should fire him.little man acted bib.lol
And the fall of freedom
One way to tell illegals to not come, if biden, is serious – FINISH the Border walls.
Get rid of Biden – NOW !!!
Repent and trust Jesus Christ before it’s eternally to late
13,000 kids in 30 days and 100,000 Since January. More people coming now then in 20 years
This is 110% a Biden issue
I think it's turning into a critical disaster.
Hey there 👋 Thanks for dropping in to watch! Want a breakdown of more facts on issues Biden’s immigration policy is creating? Check out this great explainer: https://youtu.be/NS1pju0j1KI