College Made Me a Conservative | 5 Minute Video
Jay Stephens went into her elite liberal arts college a social justice warrior….and graduated as a get-off-my-lawn conservative. How did that happen? Watch Jay’s story.
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Have you ever heard the old saying that a conservative is just a liberal who got mugged?
Well, I got mugged – to the tune of $60,000 a year. It’s called “tuition.”
Like everyone who cons themselves into attending a liberal arts college, I was captivated by the idea of changing the world. I would immerse myself in a diverse pool of academic thought, theory, and action.
Well…it didn’t quite work out that way.
Over the course of four years, I was transformed from a plucky, free-thinking free spirit into a cranky, get-off-my-lawn conservative.
The process started not long after I arrived at my elite East Coast school. I thought I was there to expand my knowledge of the world; to debate the great ideas. I soon realized, however, that my professors had something else in mind.
Invariably each class followed the same monotonous ritual: identify a problem – say, racism; blow it up beyond all proportion; blame the problem on the white majority culture; and then offer an unworkable solution – usually involving the government.
Everywhere I turned, I saw political correctness. At first, I just rolled with it. Then, I got annoyed. Then, it started to tick me off.
I was being brainwashed.
And I was paying for the privilege – with borrowed money!
Almost every speaker who came to campus was a leftist journalist, a leftist activist, or a leftist professor from another leftist school.
The ones who weren’t leftists were just weird. One time, I attended a film lecture given by a very skilled paraplegic adult film star who showed us some of her “art.” Another time, I went to a performance given by a woman who engaged in auto-eroticism behind a curtain.
I couldn’t deal with it – the PC culture, the mono thinking, the weirdness. I needed some way to cope. So, I got high – almost every day.
Parenthetically, most of the worst stoners I knew are now working in finance or politics. In fact, this is what made me first realize that I was a fan of limited government. I do not trust these goofs to make policy. Their power must be constrained.
This brings me to another black hole in the college experience: useless majors – the only thing more pervasive than marijuana and irresponsible future leaders. I’m not being judgmental here: I have a degree in film and media studies and political science. Why did I choose them? Because they’re subjects I like talking about. Practical, right?
But I was not alone. Most of my peers also chose to spend their student loan money on subjects better learned on YouTube or Turner Classic Movies.
By the time graduation approached, none of us had developed any actual job skills.
And people want to raise taxes to pay for free college for everyone? Are you kidding me? No. Just…no. I’d only give a free education to a smart kid who promised to get a degree in whatever the exact opposite of my degree is.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/college-made-me-conservative

The final straw for me is that I work in schools now and I see the damage a liberal state has caused. Burned out and overwhelmed teachers and “gentle” parents who refuse to reprimand their brats. I’m getting out, but it’s difficult.
Living communally transformed me into a conservative.
College definitely was my awakening to all that was wrong with the left
1:03 how fragile ppl lean towards the right
Conservatives think a democratically elected government’s power should be constrained but have no problem with private corporations, whom the people didn’t elect, running the country
I don't submit to the conservative label. I wish there weren't any labels at all, just 8 billion individuals, and that none of them are Leftists.
I agree with you 100%.
This is so entertaining to watch and I love it so much I want to see more of this stuff and more videos like this please thank me.
Unless you’re going for a medical degree, engineering, computer science or something of that nature college is a waste of time and money. Basically you have to treat it like a glorified trade school if you want any return on it.
College didn't per say make me a conservative. It did, however, combined with my natural curiosity, lead me to realize that I was, in fact, conservative rather than liberal. Growing up, you hear everything saying Democrats are the party of the working class and of liberty. Upon researching it, I found the opposite to be true.
Conservatives when reality favors the left and therefor also collage 😰
I became more liberal after college and I never went to liberal arts. Actually the word liberal in liberal arts is not literally liberal. It is just a useless degree that will never make you go anywhere. I decided to take an engineering course.
Difficult and sad as it is without STEM the whole college experience is ruined.
PLEASE READ: former liberal here from Los Angeles. I majored in film and television. I'm now a PROUD Audio Visual Technician/Engineer. I troubleshoot cameras, lights, etc. I work 40 hrs. a week w/ full benefits. They even pay my phone bill.
You can major in Art and work at an Art supply store like Michael's.
My friend is a musician and he works at Guitar Center – 40 hrs./wk.
But, I'm a vet. and used the GIBill. Also, the 1st class I took was a financial investment course. You can go to a library, online or a financial institution and LEARN.
College is just glorified high school. Politically biased too.
I went to Cal State LA and came out conservative largely because I took Russian as my foreign language. My professor was a political exile from the Soviet Union and had formerly been a professor of American Literature at Moscow University. The more she talked about what life was actually like in the Soviet Union the more conservative I became. As I was studying Russian this was when Alexander Solzhenitsyn was exiled from the Soviet Union for his political beliefs and writings. As a result I read "Gulag Archipelago" and became even more conservative. The entire college was a liberal bastion but I was saved by my good hearted Russian professor who spoke truth based on experience. I will always be grateful for how she shaped my life.
Same here. I was graduated with a B.A. in English and philosophy this never garnered me a better job. It did get me a lifetime of student loan debt .
Yet virtually every employer expects you to have a college degree. Another thing you're right about is that those conservative speakers on campus are weirdos. Ben Shapiro doesn't Pride himself on debating he prides himself on browbeating. Another thing you're right about is a bunch of rich white kids hanging around their fraternity drinking getting high getting in the fights knowing that when they get out they can go to work for Daddy or become a supreme Court judge.
College life is why mao and Pol pot went berserk on everyone there. Soyboys were massacred by these dictators.
Trust me it was like a school shooting but in a giant format.
And I'm afraid it's not over in the future..
If you are in your 20's and are not a liberal you have no heart.
If you are in your 40s and not a conservative, you have no brain.
Winston Churchill.
Paying taxes did it for me
College debt=indentured servitude.
oh fk and this was made in 2017. I'm barely made aware of this now in 2022. i'm attending a private university for my graduates degree and by god……. this shit is still alive and well
Acknowledging one's own errors is painful. She is a brave woman.
There is an old saying: If you are not a socialist when you are 20 you have no heart, and if you aren't a liberal when you are 30 you have no brain.
Now please understand. Americans for some strange reason use the word "liberal" to mean socialist, while a liberal is actually someone who believes in limited government, personal responsibility and individual rights.
The same happened to me for example I love CNN when I was 15 but after realising the hypocrisy other left I despise CNN and the left
Let's talk about the conservative stoners, those are the fun ones. I think I'm going to write a piece about that lol.
People spend 12 years of their life in regular school…isn't that enough? Shouldn't they learn what they need to succeed in life in that time without getting into debt for college. College is a scam!
I'm sorry your acquisition of common sense was so expensive