“Completely Unacceptable” That Biden & Harris Haven’t Visited the Border | Chad Wolf on Newsmax TV
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Newsmax TV, Monday, May 24, to talk about the border crisis, why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris need to visit the border, and why the Biden administration undid Pres. Trump’s successful border policies.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL6YTGu_-ag
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Oh yeah? Well I'll see your why haven't you visited the border and raise. With my why did he refuse to shake the hand of the cop who lay down his life to protect yours during the Capitol insurrection.
Didn't wan't to see the consequence of his decision. His Press Sec covers for him! No clue???
Unacceptable but not surprising. This is intentional.
In this episode of our new series, PolicyLAB, test subjects were tasked with assembling a mysterious device called a Stirling engine, an early alternative to the steam engine, and a machine that offers a perfect segway into a lesson about asylum reform — an issue critical to all Americans: https://youtu.be/Dy7A0cGV7JA
I think Joe Biden, Kamala Harris their Leftist staff and even Jen Psaki should be put in cages at the Southern Border.
They don't care! Many will suffer on both sides.
Why would either one of those anti-American haters want to look at something that’s causing so much pain and trouble on our southern border it doesn’t mean anything to them there’s no money involved other than a legal contract for a hotel fees
As a member of the Cherokee nation I often wish we had tighter border control in the eighteen hundreds .
Not today hahahahaha!
The World is laughing at us for now but that will change in 2022 when we take back the House and the Senate. 2024 we will take back the White House and Drain the Swamp
Why don't the authorities just to step and STOP.THIS. Apprehendthem and Turner them back home.
O wow she is going to go to China and swear allegiance and get a lot of money. What ever gave you that democrats like America when Biden gets up and quoted mow to the Coast Guard. When Obama was running at the democrat convention they were bragging how great it was that chairman Mao had 75 million Chinese killed and the rest were afraid to say anything and how great 👍 it would be to do here and the so cold news got up and cheered then for that and now you are still acting surprised that they are still talking and doing the same things they want to be dictators they have never hid it just listen to what they say and not what you you believe they really meant to say they really said what they meant
We all know why they have not been to the border. If they don’t see it with their own eyes, they can deny, deny, deny!
Welcome to having a puppet president, selling out the american people for foreign interests.
They don't want damning permanent video footage of them there physically, to be used against them. So not going there proves it's a problem, what's the leftist saying, 'silence is violence.'
Blah blah blah
Mass migration stagnates your wages and increases your living costs. Supply and demand at work.
Didn't worry about the "root causes" for 47 years why would anyone think he would now?
Why should they? Things are going splendidly in their opinion.
Completely unacceptable? It depends on what you expect from the Biden-Harris Administration and eventually the Harris Administration. I expect an unmitigated disaster.
We're stuck with this cr*pfest administration until at least 2024. I hope the country can survive these anti-USA, subversive, DemocRAT f-ups.
Are you kidding me he told them to come. How in God's name does she not know this.lol
VOTE 2022 and 2024!!!!!
“The inmates, running the asylum”, seems to sum up best, of the mentality of Marxists, leftist leaders all over the world, in which common sense is void!
They caused it ,it was not the northern triangle
Both of them are a DISGRACE to the Office of President and VP!!!
What good would that do?
They WANT the chaos