‘Conspiracy Theories’ That Turned Out to Be TRUE | Glenn TV | Ep 272
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Glenn breaks out the mega-chalkboard to reveal how government, Big Tech, and the media SHUT DOWN questions and speech with two simple words: conspiracy theory. It’s SHOCKING just how wrong the so-called experts have been over the past few years. Remember these “conspiracy theories”? Obamacare would make you lose your doctor and health plan. The caliphate would return. Government lockdowns don’t work. Critical race theory is being taught in our schools. Hunter Biden’s laptop is real. Twitter is shadow-banning conservatives. These are just a few of the claims that were laughed at, “fact-checked,” and censored. And all to do one thing — control the narrative. This is why there’s such an outcry over Fox News dumping Tucker Carlson. Americans feel they’ve lost one of the few voices standing against the machine. Implosion of trust in government and media has put us in a very bad place. If the WRONG side is asking common-sense questions, their motives are treated as suspect and often called “dangerous.” Glenn explains what happens to a society when truth is not allowed to be explored and why BlazeTV exists to allow our hosts and our audience to freely question EVERYTHING.
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#GlennTV #glennbeck #blazetv #theblaze #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #experts #lockdown #masks #hunterbiden #fauci #tucker #tuckercarlson

Isnt it time to introduce the tartarians the resl history of ukraine or how about the real reason for the concern on ahbrams tanks
Barry Obama said to EU USA don’t need a big military there’s UN I was there when he said it Barry is a dangerous man for USA
Didn’t they try with Russel Brand as well and Jordan Peterson
Nazism always wants to control Military ,money ,and schools teachers and children and one News only
Oh, Glenn….Did not think I would hear that from you!! You referred to the US as "our Democracy"! Tsk tsk tsk!!! Make a disclaimer, please! Other than that, your info is invaluable, as usual!! 😍
The president and vp are both democrats. The next in line of succession is the speaker of the house of representatives who was republican. Now the house has no speaker and the person with the most votes but not yet enough is a Dem. Think about it.
Tucker was fired after he made fun of some of the entertainment at the Davos meeting.
Another one proven to be true is how FEMA camps are being used for prison camps.
You can not trust ANYTHING he says now!
I love how towards the lattter part of presentation starts to shit and denys all his previous comments about conspiracy theories! What a lying hypocrit!
no step on snek
Conspiracy is always somehow always related to religion
What about the moon landing,
Conspiracy Theory now known as Trumpism: Distorting reality by twisting facts to one's advantage.
9/11 was a conspiracy!!! Lots of evidence. Read the book, TRIGGER, by David Icke. I know he has some other strange ideas, but this book is well documented. Frankly, I'm surprised the author hasn't been taken out.
GOD took me the other way, and I'm a better man for it 🙏
War is just an extension of politics.
I know 1 thing that isn't a conspiracy theory.
Because it absolutely is the Banana Republic of Americanista.
The people perpetrating the evil will quickly mock anyone bringing the truth. What would you expect them to say?
Alex Jones was right =)