COVID-19 TYRANTS: How local government & lockdowns are destroying our Bill of Rights
Like those who stood for freedom in the four Civil Rights Movements of our past, Americans are now facing a new tyrant: elected leaders across the US. The COVID-19 virus is giving them the opportunity to destroy our Bill of Rights one right at a time, and if we don’t begin fighting like Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King Jr. once did, this coronavirus pandemic will destroy everything we love about the USA.
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Glen I'm in East Tennessee now its July 13 2023. People still wear there masks. In the car. Omg.
Watching in Jan 2021. What's the unemployment rate now?
We are under a multiphase multifaceted organized communist attack!
Dump the cell phone and get a Citizens Band Radio?
Why haven't the protesters been arrested for more than 10 people in a group gathering? Covid-19 rules?
Glenn, you should look at this video it's really crazy it came from youtube my friend send it to me it was removed a couple of time but this is the topic "A Women Gets Her Contact Tracer Certificates and Tells All"
If any ever actually read the whole give me liberty or give me death speech they would realize it is a call to arms. What Patrick is really saying is live free or take a few tyrants with you!
And if my kid goes hungry because of this bs better watch over your shoulder mfkkrs
Arrest them all, line up against the wall and execute
The number of unemployed people now exceeds the number of people living in the 20 least populated states combined. That’s a staggering number. Yet the leftists continue to promote shutdown tactics. Freedom is on life support.
Why must people be forced to suit governors and mayors. Where in hell is the AG who said he would intervene on behalf of We the People. Thats his job. Hes given lip service with no follow through. I think hes exposing homaelf. The President has committed himself to overriding goverors and mayors who violate the Constitution. Its time to back up your warning Mr President. And force the AG to do his job. You both swore an oath to uphold the Constitution. Do so!
Democratic officials are a part of the real democratic communist party! This is a take over! Wake up! Covid is no worse than h1n1,the real stats prove this! Do your research! Also check all the censorship that is happening now!
Glen Beck continues to be a jerk. It's tyranny to be asked to wear a mask to protect others? WTF? Nobody is frustrated that they can't attend church..most understand the circumstances. Liquor stores are kept open because some people need a drink and withdrawal could be dangerous. Grow up people. Suck it up it won't last forever.
All of these politicians who violate civil liberties should pay with their lives.
It’s game over…
California Wineries are opening this weekend. Why no haicuts?
Alcohol, weed, government paychecks. Keep those Savages on the Reservations.
Makes you realize immediately that socialism was forced upon us all without any of us objecting. Trust??
Go Glenn! You are 1000% correct!
Demoncrats worship a different god… Their god is found in the bible though, the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience. Satan
Our service has been going for three weeks now. Ridiculous to try to control this in The United States.
——–There's a far greater power than man that foretold of Trump's rise to a two term Presidency, as divinely prophesied through Christ's proven prophet of accuracy Kim Clement. Clement's proven historical prophetic accuracy of, 911, was indeed prophesied five years before its occurrence! And this amazingly accurate prophecy brought operatives of the Secret Service interviewing Kim Clement following the tragic events of, 911, which bodes extremely well for Trump's re-election in, 2020.
——Such spectacular accuracy of multiple future events as Clement's prophecies exhibits the glory of the one and only Biblical God of America's founders and ancestors of a predominately Christian Nation!
This has nothing to do with the flu but everything to do with the dissembling of U.S. laws and the tearing up of the U.S. Constitution. This is the remaking of America for the NWO.
Glen I thought San Antonio was supposed to be opening @ 50% as of the 19th well apparently, we are still @ 25%. Now our mayor wants people to get re- trained. he says if the government gives him more time?