Critical Race Theory, Explained
It’s critical for Americans to understand WHAT Critical Race Theory really is.
Americans should defend civil rights, and we should actively work to eliminate racism in the U.S. and anywhere it exists—but (as we document in this backgrounder) these noble aims are NOT the stated intentions of Critical Race Theory’s founders: herit.ag/37LYAly
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Illustration: The Heritage Foundation/Getty Images

💕✌🏼 This does nothing to define CRT
There is only ONE race and that is the HUMAN RACE apart from our differences we all bleed and 💩 the same way!… I treat others how I like to be treated.. it is ATTITUDE… Thanks from NZ 👍🇨🇰
Jesus said "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
I'm sure this is far more significant to the world's problems than the critical race theory,
which actually causes problems where there were none or at least fewer before!
Many, if not all humans are guilty of this idolatrous deadly motivation.
The only true and loving creator, God almighty designed us descendants of Adam and Eve to be beautifully diverse.
That's the Appreciative Acknowledgement Affirmation. Three big A's not 3 putrid k's.
So blacks sold eachother into slavery and it's the white man's fault for liberating them and trying to show them civilized culture?
Bullshit? Got it.
Racism is everywhere in the world and turning a blind eye to it by denying it doesn't make it go away or make the world any better.
Socrates was supposed to have lived by the motto "Know Thy Self" In that vein we can all contemplate the veracity of the following statements. "To know your enemy, you must become your enemy" and "You become what you fight".
Jesus was supposed to have lived by the dictum, "Love your enemy". In essence saying there is no enemy outside yourself only people who act like they don't know we are all different aspects of the One.
Know your Self. know your Self as part of the unity of all life and just get on with it.
Guess what tribe is fueling those sick theories, and who benefits from them?
Opponents want to wash away the truths of history by not allowing factual history to be taught in schools. When in fact CRT is for college level academia.
This video is a perfect reason to have ' critical race theory ' taught in schools, this video is very one sided.
The ethnically challenged cannot function in a modern high tech society. It’s racist to believe that they can succeed in such a maze of obstacles. The corporations and media have already started the new program of “The Great Reset” this new program will allow the ethnically challenged to feel better about themselves, think of it as a kinda “Fake it, until you make it” Remember, it’s all about feelings, not facts! We need more white women to lead their male counterparts to the new Marxist mindset.
This is not true in fact its bull 😒
In request for comment I would say re. CRT that to affirm and to act upon the very idea of race in a way that establishes and cultivates actionable classes toward division and enmity among human beings can only be of purpose to misconstrue and to delude for some unjust advantage, i.e., pernicious racism. This concept may be the fundamental critical principal of CRT where any law or legal action may be held in question if it is based upon the idea of race.
African Americans aren't the darkest people on the planet Indian people are darker Pakistani people are darker this is like a child's game pinning the tail on the Donkey Joe Biden is a disgrace to the entire world when it comes to racism he blankly declared he needs a black lady not any black lady but a black lady what a disgrace to the entire human race America needs a leader that isn't a racist
Here's a broad definition. CRT – A theory that helps us understand how discriminatory ideologies can unknowingly continue to exist, how laws or policies that were made to be neutral for everyone are actually just helping only one group, and that the system controlling the laws and policies are what make people Racists or Sexists, or whatever – people hate people cuz the system consciously made them so. It's like a cycle of subtle indoctrination (ideas that lead to laws, lead to people who follow those laws, which then leads them to stick with the idea to then further enhance those same laws so more people would follow them.)
Critical Race Theory is racist and needs to be banned everywhere.
It’s bad enough a Texas CRT High School is putting black students in chicken coop cages and auctioning them off to who knows where.
If I wanted to read an article with no narration I would have read an article instead of listening to a youtube video with pictures and background music
America is a fundamentally racist country and if you dont see that than youve been brainwashed by nationalism and havent studied American history
I still don’t get it. 🙄🙄
I vividly remember learning about Black panthers and redlining and how racist the south was.
That’s not Critical Race Theory.
Critical Race Theory is teaching people that whites are oppressors, and blacks are oppressed. In modern day society. That any law that doesn’t mention race is racist. Like a law criminalizing crack cocaine is racist because African Americans were more likely to do crack cocaine. Even as a Democrat, that is illogical. Would you rather the law say that crack is illegal, except for blacks? No, that would be a racist law.
The reason the law isn’t racist is because it doesn’t matter who commits the crime. White criminals go to prison all the time for using crack cocaine. So the law isn’t racist after all.
The other, much darker part of CRT is saying that whites are oppressors and blacks are oppressed. That a meritocracy disproportionately hurts blacks.
This is simply not true. Out of thousands of white people I’ve met, I’ve met virtually none that were openly racist. This is no longer our country. The country used to be extremely racists and everyone was a racist and schools were segregated. However, today everyone is equal and anyone that wants to succeed can succeed.
A perfect example is the NBA and the NFL. Blacks are disproportionately more successful in the field of athletics and dominate the arena. Think about how much love America has towards Kobe Bryant. America loves Kobe. America loves excellence, no matter the race.
Blacks in sports and music are literal billionaires. Clearly this country is not holding anyone back from being successful.
An example of critical race theory would be if white NBA athletes started complaining that the NBA “colorblind rule” of “whoever is the better player gets drafted” is systematically racist against whites because mostly black players get picked.
You and I would both agree that such a statement is total nonsense. Blacks dominate the NBA on skill and merit and not because the “colorblind rules” are racist.
That is the lunacy of critical race theory.
A final note is that there is discussion that blacks are unfairly targeted by police. The truth is 6% of the population is black men, however they commit 50% of the murder in America. This is not racism, this is fact. But the question becomes, why?
It’s not because black men want to commit more crime, or that police are racist, it’s that blacks are much more likely be low income and low income people of all races commit crime at much higher rates.
So the problem is that blacks are more likely to be low income. Is this because of slavery? No. Not in 2021. It’s because of personal choice and cultural differences. Some cultures place high importance on education, even if low income. Think Asian families that came to the United States with no money (and experienced intense racism) but culturally focused on education. Today, Asians make up the highest income earning group in America today. That’s right, whites are not the highest income earners in America. Because America is not racist.
America rewards excellence.
America loves excellence.
And in areas where blacks excel such as athletics and music, they dominate completely due their cultural norms. And in areas of business and education, Asians and Indians dominate due to their cultural norms.
Any African American that becomes highly educated, enjoys high income and prosperous career. Think Barack Obama, for example. If Asians can be the highest income earners and blacks can become Presidents, billionaires in sports and music, then America is not systematically racist, and Critical Race Theory should not be taught in schools. Ranking people by their race is something I something I never learned in school, because it is racist. But that is what critical race teaches and is wrong across the political isle. Red or blue, this is wrong.
Ummmmm correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there some truth to CRT?
God made everyone equal, so Bill Gates and the elites owes us ALL loads of money. cough it up bill!
Interesting symbolism from the plastic surgery inflicted women at the end !
Actually, America is inherently racist. It's an experiment remember! No one talks about what that means. Our country is a company. Just like the East India Company. America acts just like the East India company. The forefathers even commented how the two shared similar visions. Heck, we even share VERY similar flags… Go learn what that company did and how it functioned. You'll see many similarities between the two. It should show you also what lay ahead for us.
The Heritage Foundation. If that is what you believe, then your institution is full of Racists…
So where's the "explanation?"
Quite one sided. Starts labeling CRT as toxic – which is hardly a good start to an objective discussion reflecting both sides of the issue.
Straight lies!
Literally the first thing CRT says is there is no difference between the races. How is that putting people against each other?! The Human Genome Project should have squashed racism when it proved there is no difference in race. But unfortunately all it showed is race isn’t real but racism is very much real.
That is a LIE to say that CRT “seeks to solve concerns about racial inequality”. That statement is merely part of the Left’s “false advertising” campaign to “sell” the rest of us on CRT. In reality, it seeks to break down and destroy the USA—our society and economic system—as we know it, only to replace it with egalitarian Marxist socialism.
Came here and got gaslit. Later saw its the heritage foundation
1:17 to be fair the founding fathers were only out to protect white land owners really, so I'm not sure what "best ideals" those are which mostly supported white land owners and denying women and blacks pretty much everything.
This is f up
Thank you for this horrible explanation of CRT. Here's your thumbs down 🙂
I've never seen a topic where the likes and dislikes are so close. I can only suppose a lot of indoctrinated members of the teacher's unions have been hitting the dislike button OR they think that voting thumbs down means you hate the idea but not the video itself. That's the problem I always had with the like/dislike ratings because you may despise the topic, let's say, Hitler and the Holocaust, but you find the video informative and well-done. It really bothered me until Tubers began asking for likes and then I realized it's a rating of the video generally and not really the subject, unless it's very opinionated and you dislike the person in it, let's say some guy named Brandon….
Critical Race Theory is an academic framework which could be used to explain why the Heritage Foundation made this video.
America was founded by racists, perpetuated by racists, and initially governed by racists. Was everyone a racist ?? Of course not. However, that is how "America" was born. The powerful were racist. Hate to break it to ya.
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