When Power Overrules Law and Conscience
Greg discusses a recent case where a nurse was forced to participate in an abortion and the Justice Department declined to uphold federal conscience protection laws.
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Right but you can't be "forced" to perform one at all though.
The only two settings are in female medicine (gynecology, labor and delivery) or a normal hospital setting in an emergency.
Either way you would have complete 100% ability to opt out or state your willingness to not do so.
It just seems kind of silly, it would be like a Jehova's Witness going to a transfusion clinic.
This is what happens when you only look at one side of a story. Half truths and some outright false information. There are many articles on the incident, many of which reveal just how one sided Roger Severino’s article is and how much he left out. Makes me a little disappointed in Greg on this one.
I encourage everyone to go look at the UVM’s responses and not just take Roger or the unnamed Nurse’s word for it. Also note the timing of when this occurred and when this started being publicized right before the 2020 elections.
The Hospital was clearly and publicly cooperating with HHS and the OCR, and shared their policies. Possibly the case was dismissed because no good evidence was offered. UVM’s investigation said the allegations didn’t match the facts. Some details are simply unavailable.
Bible believers need to mentally and emotionally be prepared to loose our careers when/if we’re pushed into a corner. It’s sad, it’s awful, but our only other choice is to compromise our values and violate our conscience in order to keep a job, and at that point will the job even be worth having.
Is it possible that the "Lawless One" aka (antichrist) is starting to come out? Being that the law is not respected nor enforced anymore.
This is so heartbreaking I can't imagine the nurse's trauma. And the deliberate twisting of the law. Once we lose law and order we are left with the control of those in power. If you're lucky you'll be on the side of those for whom might makes right.
This is the road to civil war. God help us.