Critical Race Theory Has Infiltrated the Federal Government | Christopher Rufo on Fox News
Critical race theory is a theoretical framework, rooted in Marxism, that posits individuals as oppressed or oppressor based on their skin color.
Beginning in the 1960s, higher education became permeated with critical theory. Critical theory, also rooted in Marxism, says that we must understand our beliefs—including on religion and politics—vis-a-vis the “means of production”; namely, businesses and industries. In this view, it’s in the business owners’ interest to create laws, social norms, and ideas that keep them in power.
Later on, this concept was applied to race, gender, and other identities. Critical race theorists see these identities as social constructs that support systems of oppression.
Regrettably, these theories have permeated higher education, the mainstream media, and, most recently, the responses to Floyd’s killing in the custody of Minneapolis police officers.
Christopher Rufo joined Fox News on September 1, 2020, to not only discuss the dangers of critical race theory, but how it has infiltrated the federal government.
Christopher Rufo is a visiting fellow in domestic policy studies, focusing on homelessness.
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source: trust me bro…….
President Trump could have stopped this has the witch hunt not been creating so much chaos
This explains how this woke culture has imploded. This is sick
This reminds me of Hydra infiltrating Shield
Another narrow eyed right wing psychopath. Just what we need.
Send all the woke people to Nigeria. That MIGHT be a wake up call for them. MAYBE.
The end game. Fight this battle or bye, bye USA.
CRT= Cooked-up Republican Tricks
Yeah, sure don't want to teach your kids about slavery, lynching, prejudice, and false white "supremacy", right ? But you portray the KKK, White "Supremacists", Boogaloo Boys, & Proud Boys as "Patriots ? There's nothing wrong with pointing out America's dirty laundry, the real sin is denying it & trying to hide it, sort of what you're doing with Trump's 1/6 seditionist attack on the US Capitol.
One year later people are waking up. This is how they achieved all the craziness that is going on. The Most Important thing Now is to stop the Brainwashing of our kids. And I mean the MOST IMPORTANT THING
No wonder trump is gone. He made a mistake by following the puerile.
This just sounds like "No. Please don't take my beloved white supremacy."
Cameras in government and classrooms protect ourselves and are children
This is so much bullshit! CRT is being used as a scare tactic by the right-wing nut sacks bc they have no REAL programs.
If he were alive today the Heritage Foundation would call Martin Luther King a racist communist. Like holocaust deniers the Republican Party is attempting to ban teaching the history and legacy of slavery in the US or cancel critical race theory, knowing those who don't learn from history will repeat it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-pk4XmOWyM https://www.vox.com/22443822/critical-race-theory-controversy Duke the former KKK imperial wizard recognized he represents today's Republican Party that is now enacting laws to make it harder to vote and far right Fox propagandists and other Nazi recruiters have the same heritage message. https://time.com/4514350/david-duke-donald-trump-senate-louisiana/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPsl_TuFdes
Imagine if the Confederacy and Nazis won or try posting this comment to a fascist white supremacist page on youtube (ie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB6LPIYlteo ) and you will find you've been deleted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K6-cEAJZlE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVtB6afVg9A
Surprise surprise CRT is a gravy train.
Critical New Race Theory is just another “Satanic panic” the right is pushing. It’s actually nothing at all like he is describing.
WATCH >>> We take you along to meet the self proclaimed marxist founders of Black Lives Matter and unpack some of their extreme leftist views 👉 👉 👉 https://youtu.be/8J68p5l-gjQ