Critical Race Theory Is How the Left Wants to Change America | Mike Gonzalez Sounds Off
Heritage’s Mike Gonzalez joined WMAL’s “O’Connor and Company,” Wednesday, June 23, to talk about critical race theory, the contentious Loudoun County school board meeting this week, and why parents are right to push back against this poisonous concept.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/education/commentary/try-critical-race-theory-checklist
Mike Gonzalez, senior fellow at the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy, spent close to 20 years as a journalist, 15 of them reporting from Europe, Asia and Latin America. He left journalism to join the administration of President George W. Bush, where he was speechwriter for Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox before moving on to the State Department’s European Bureau, where he wrote speeches and Op-Eds.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/mike-gonzalez
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London Freedom Protest 26 June
CRT is anti white propaganda to enable white genocide. Wake up!
Thanks heritage
CRT plus the coming hyper inflation depression is how the left wants to provoke a national conflict to bring a dictator to power to restore order who then surges antisemitism and seeks to dismantle Israel! Return to Weimar!
CRT is reason zillion plus 1 to destroy Teacher Unions, and enable School Vouchers.
CRT (Communist Racial Trash) Must Be Thrown in the Trash.
In Europe I am too black, in Africa I am too white, gosh I'm screwed wherever I go.
Its anti-White hatred.
And it's time to separate.
Just like Obama put Common Core in schools, Biden is putting CRT in schools.
Absolutely! Critical Theory comes right out of the CCP handbook and Hitler before that. CRT is the made to order edition for America.