Critical Race Theory: The Fault Lines of Social Justice | Feat. Dr. Voddie Baucham
Dr. Voddie Baucham, preacher, professor, and cultural apologist, says, “Antiracism offers no salvation—only perpetual penance to battle an incurable disease.” Join us and discover the disturbing worldview that underlines the philosophy of social justice and critical race theory.
Introduction: 0:00 – 3:37
Q&A with Dr. Baucham: 5:16 – 41:47
Dr. Baucham will bring understanding to these divisive issues while offering guidance to those seeking a pathway toward truth and community. Students and scholars will leave this webinar with a blueprint of how to hold productive conversations, unify communities that misunderstand each other, and connect Americans with varying viewpoints.
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Dear Black people: Do not waste your time listening to videos like this. Make sure your people don't look at present day results that were set in motion throughout the history of this country, and feel inherently inferior. Teach them that poverty kills and your people were pushed to the bottom rung on this country before the laws were made equal.
Then teach them that even if European Americans began to worship the ground that African Americans walked, and started to believe that they were inherently inferior to AAs, only a widespread and sustained effort to improve our economic standing in this country is going to change our disproportional results in this county.
It doesn't matter how many EAs agree with CRT, the history of this country, the confederate flag, etc. Heaven is after death. So while you are living, understanding capitalism is how our people prevent slow extinction. Any person who isn't teaching you how to survive in a capitalistic system, while you struggle at the bottom of it, is wasting your time: irrespective of their skin color.
Spend your time understanding capitalism, the Fed, inflation, the tax code, business, stocks and other asset classes, how what the fed does affects the dollar value and the dollar value of all assets priced in dollars. Don't be distracted! High inflation and hyper-inflation is coming for all Americans irrespective of race, and coming disproportionately for AAs due America's history of oppressing AAs to the bottom and our inability to collectively climb out from the bottom.
Yes we need more time and have only been completely free for 50 or so years, but we are free and we have work to do.
See you at work!
Where did Voddie go so far wrong. Truth and reality do not differ. Britain and America argued for the abolition of the transportation of slaves, but it os evident that the colonial agenda aimed at making Africans slaves upon our own continent. The evidence of this can be found in emperor Menelyk 2nd's mobilization speech where he declares, the Romans have come to make us slaves as the have done to other Africans on this continent. But Ethiopia shall stretch forth its hands to God and to smite its enemies.
Emperor Haile Selassie 1st victory speech likewise highlights the motivation of Rome and her daughters when he proclaimed, We fought against the godless and cruel dragon which had newly arisen to rob mankind of its freedom.
We are not ignotant of the strategies of neo-colonialism and its sponsors. Voddie needs to familiarise himself with emperor Haile Selassie 1st's speeches regarding colonialism and racism to het a better understanding of who the supporters of racial apartheid were and still are. I'm neither dissapointed nor surprised at Voddie's position. Many have failed to recognise western hypocrisy and have fallen for the propaganda that america was founded on Christian values. History tells a different story.
For a so called Christian country, America sure has a lot social problems perpetrated by white supremacy. Having thos black guy doesn't erase the facts of American history. If white evangelicals are so hellbent on telling the truth, then stop whitewashing history , let the truth be told and let the chips fall where they may. If the "truth" isn't too fragile for ears of black children, then it shouldn't be too fragile for the ears white children. And to say I'm disappointed in this black man…nope. His type is one of the reasons why black people are on the merry-go-round. Why di didn't listen to MLK? …Because I the end MLK changed course and wanted reparations. MLK wanted that check and was assassinated shortly after that. Anywho, Babylon is falling and black people ain't got nothing to do with its demise.
Much needed discussion especially in the Christian church
But everybody didn't start the race at the same place, did they? The generational wealth gap between races in the USA is not only expansive, it's actually still growing. And that's a pretty natural outcome when you have the dominant group of people having had a three hundred year head start over the next largest group of people.
Thank you
So called white Christians will always advocate for any melanated person who attacks and rebukes those who look like him(Mr.Baucham) or those who advocate for a non whitewashed history of this nation and world history. CRT is vile and wicked according to those who also see hatred and bigotry and prejudice and bias and stereotypes as complaints of the wicked. If the church and specifically the white church regardless of denomination or affiliation would attack hate with the same vitriol as homosexuality and abortion people of different ethnicities would come together. It’s all sin to God but as long as you continue to relegate hate,prejudice,bias,stereotypes systemic and institutional racism to the back burner things only continue to grow worse within the church. I’m not talking about non believers who think or practice those beliefs I’m speaking to believers who justify hate as woke theology. Mr. Baucham a mere 30 or more years ago would have never been a quote talking point for reformers (Calvinist) did they receive revelation from God that he’s allowed to speak on their behalf as long as he stays true to the script! While Mr.Baucham is well versed in his beliefs he’s a mere puppet for those who are in charge no different than a Al Sharpton or anyone else. It would be truly refreshing to have him speak out without fear of reprisal or retaliation.
Voddie is lying, where I don't know. Either he has done the research that he says he has done and is purposely misrepresenting what crt is, or he never did the research and is ignorantly talking about things he has no idea. Either way it's sad to see how little these people know about their own history and how it affects them to this day
I have watched lots of videos of Voddie on social justice/crt. This one was very good. I do not get tired of hearing Voddie. 43:49
I'm halfway through this video, and I'm still waiting for these folks to explain what CRT is. I don't think it's going to happen.
Wow! This is exactly what I needed to listen to! I am in a Race/Ethnicity and Society Class! The teacher is teaching CRT! It is good to hear some truth!
1789 is actually more interesting than 1989! Hint: It’s the year Josiah P. Henson was born
So important to have voices like Dr. Baucham who speak with authority based on scripture and science together. So much of our society is influenced by a post modernism framework that highly values credentials “the science” over actual truth that it requires respected scholars to break through that bias. Thank you!
How do you find a church that does not affirm this stuff?!
This is dangerous. You are looking at a legal construct that tries to explains why legal changes did not result in a more multiracial society. This is a truth. It is not a be all and end all proposition it is a theory that leads to understanding. It is academic not a religion or belief. You can be a Christian and get insights from CRT so we can be a better society.
Great info.
I would say 1962 supreme Court decision to remove prayer from public schools and the President JFK in his speech agreed with it and shortly after that he was assassinated and everything went downhill from there.
If school boards are pushing CRT you know there's something wrong.
They are using it more as a weapon of confusion rather than a cure for the problem. But what do you expect from worldly pagans.
WOW! Awesome! Loved this!
Imagine how much shit he would get if he didn’t mention his marriage when discussing the importance of 1989.
It’s the small video screens and XL words on the right side that’s making me not want to watch this in the first few mins 🤦🏾♀️
The bottom line is these are black people that are afraid to offend white people with the truth about race and racism. Nothing irks my soul more than seeing black people trying to stop black progress. Voddie and Angela are the types of black people that would have told on Harriet Tubman, they are the type that refuses to leave the plantation.
Voddie was a Black Nationalist. You don't go that far right without being able to understand both sides.
Critical race theory a Marxist ideology disguised as a civil rights movement.
The human race is the only race. We need to stop approaching the problem from a divided racial scope. We only propagate the racial divide by feeding into that narrative. All people should be judged by their individual achievements. If we leave room in the argument for sides to be taken the divide will continue. We need a fresh approach to the issue to see true change.
This discussion with Mr. Baucham and his cheer squad is absolutely asinine. Mr. Baucham presents the formal view of "critical [race] theory," namely, critical theory's relationship to Max Horkheimer, the Frankfurt School, the Enlightenment, and some of Karl Marx's theory of social change. But, their is zero real analysis of the CT terms or concepts applied to our current situation. Mr. Baucham repeatedly throws a few of "key-words" around to arouse a kind of religio-political-fear-porn—for instance the terms: Marxist, and socialism. It seems to be clear that he has not done a balanced, "critical," analysis that encompasses an understanding of ALL of the issues associated with possibly positive application of CRT/CT within Biblical Christianity. By the way, a useful alternative view of CT might be that proposed by Raymond Geuss (cf. The Ideas of a Critical Theory: Habermas & the Frankfurt School, 1-2).
If there is only one race I wish Sundays , seminaries, and versions of the gospel weren’t segregated. This nonsense was practice before the crt theory. Christians continue to justify doing wrong.
My family quit going to our Baptist church because they went woke. Never again.
"Fault Lines" is an exception work. The Dallas Statement that Dr. Baucham helped to create is a profound statement of faith. I highly encourage everyone to read it.
I respect Dr. Voddie, however our view of America even through the Biblical lens of the couriers skewed scripture to benefit the colonizers who proclaimed the scripture for their own bias ideology. Denying others who look opposite of them was (is) one of their objectives and continues today through the voices of white evangelicals and racists men, women and their children as they pursue their own right to exists via nationalism and supremacy.
Would you consider Slavery one of the Nations's founding values?
The U.S. and the our God Fearing Spirit has fought SUCCESSFULLY to end slavery and racism. Thanks to ALL Americans, Black, White, Brown, and Green! Do Not be Ashamed, but proud of these accomplishments!!!!! Don't let Critical Race Theory Undermine Americas foundation !!!!
God Bless America, and ALL of its Citizens !!!
Any of the many YouTube videos with Dr. Carol Anderson a professor at Emory University. Possibly ask to have her speak on with one of your interviews. To have an even greater understanding of what CRT is
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