Cutting Government Spending: Advice for Obama
Brian Riedl, Senior Domestic and Economic Policy Analyst at The Heritage Foundation, discusses how President-elect Obama can keep his campaign pledge of fiscal discipline and the need to make tough choices about government spending.
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I don't think he followed any of this advice.
They care about favors rich do for rich. You want to really cut the money we spend. Start with the billons of dollars we give to other poor that end up in the hands of there governments. Than pull all our men and women home from around the world that keep others save, as they killed us on 9/11 and hate us.
With all the government bailouts to help the functioning of the more dominant parts of society in the US & EU are basically SPENDING.
Its obvious that the Heritage Foundation is being hypocritical here.
If governments around the world are SPENDING billions to secure un-Dynamic Capital Processes, They can also place some of this SPENDING coming out of the public purse to public use on Health Care, Schools, Transport Infrastructure, Public Housing and Employment.
Doing this will boost Economies.