Daniel Chapter 1 Part 1
Bible teaching from the book of Daniel chapter 1 verses 1-9.
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Bible teaching from the book of Daniel chapter 1 verses 1-9.
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Dr Baruch shalom where is Daniel Book in spanish??? Thans God Bless
I would like to watch this videos in spanish
Bendiciones, perdón lo pueden pasar en español gracias bendiciones
Por favor en español
Thank you so very much Dr. Baruch Sir.
Dear Rabbi Baruch Korman, I love it that you are a Messianic Jew and an Orthodox rabbi, and liked listening to your full series on Daniel. I feel like Messianic and Hebrew-speaking Jews like yourself have special insights into the TaNaKh. It's also impressive to me that you did your PhD work on the Septuagint. The Septuagint version of Daniel has three special sections, like where Habakkuk visited Daniel. Habakkuk's visit to Daniel shows up in later rabbinical tradition too. So I want to please ask if some of the ancient Jewish establishment ever considered any of the special LXX writings of the Deuterocanon to be canonical.
Have you heard of the theory that the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) could be from the legitimate Aaronic or Zadokite Temple priests of Onias' dynasty? In the early 2nd century BC, the Maccabean rulers had a conflict with the Aaronic Temple priests of Onias' line. Onias' dynasty went into exile, especially into Egypt. One academic theory is that the DSS are priestly archives. These archives contain the Tanakh along with the Hebrew version of most of the Deuterocanon. For example, the DSS "Great Psalter" scroll ends with Psalm 151, and the Eastern Orthodox Deuterocanon includes Psalm 151. The scribes of the Jewish establishment translated the Bible's writings as the Greek LXX in this same 2nd century BC era, and the Greek LXX includes the Deuterocanon.
The earliest reference that I know of that might address this issue directly is Josephus' description of the "22" Biblical books that the Temple priests held. Josephus was writing a bit after the destruction of the Second Temple. Unfortunately, Josephus' story about the 22 books doesn't fully clear up the issue of whether the Temple's Biblical canon included any Deuterocanonical texts. Josephus wrote about this in "Against Apion, Book 1", and his "22 books" actually refer to 22 collections of Biblical books, with a single "book" representing multiple "books" in some cases. This is because even if he were only referring to the current rabbinical Tanakh as these 22 books, we would still number them as about 39 books. Furthermore, some of the Deuterocanonical texts are inside of or attached to accepted canonical texts, like how Psalm 151 is at the end of the DSS and LXX Psalms. As a result, these special sections would not affect the counting of the 22 Biblical books, regardless of whether these special sections were considered canonical.
Yours with kindness.
Hermanos no todos entendemos en inglés
Está en español también? Dónde?
I wrote a poem for Daniel 1
Judah was taken by the Babylonian king
It was all in God's plan
God allowed four young men
To be taken to a foreign land
They remained faithful to God
For they knew He was never far
Boy your man named Daniel,
The king named Belteshazzar
You can have whatever you want
As long as you learn the Babylonian way
They learned the language and the culture
But hid God in their hearts all day
Daniel and his friends, they honored God
One way was through their diet
When it came to what they put in their bodies
They simply refuse to stay quiet
The young man were offered the best food and wine
You must be healthy and strong
Give us water and vegetables only
To honor God you can't to go wrong
If we change your diet and fail
Us guards the king will detest
The guards were afraid that these Jewish teens
Wouldn't stand to compete with the rest
The four young man impressed the king
With our strength and ease to learn
Also, Daniel could tell visions and dreams
What a high respect he earned
The king tested these four young men
Found them smart and wise
Place them in the king's royal service
Only the beginning of their rise
(By Esther Coleman-Spells)
Suplicamos que los traduzcan al español
Por favor, traducir al español
This is preaching/teaching. It's not about musical emotionalism but in the great power of the word brought by this wonderful teacher/preacher. Western ministers ( USA) need to know proper doctrine and theology and to keep scripture in it's context.
They did the same to the Savior of the World . They first greecianized romanised and then anglicised .
Can you say Yeshua . Some have a really hard time with that . Why would that be ?
I have come upon Bro Korman's expositions late. I am so very blessed because the majority are captioned. Thank you so very, very much.
Dr. Baruch, I just finished your last Isaiah video & I didn't want to learn from anyone else so I skipped to Daniel. I'm blown away from the divine poetic teachings from you on an understanding and relationship with God that I didn't know existed.
I'm am SO glad I didn't take a shortcut and used spiritual discipline to listen to you decipher the word in a way that is so contrastly different from all the negative connotations I've been told from negative American Christian false teaching ……
I don't know if you'll do every chapter, and if I can't learn the rest from you, is there someone you could suggest that has the level of discipline and correct insight that you have ? Thankyou, so much.
Love this teaching with all the extra information.
I hate Israel.