Daniel Chapter 11 Part 6
Bible teaching from the book of Daniel chapter 11 verses 40-45.
About Baruch: R. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zera Avraham Institute based in Israel. He also appears on the Israeli Television program Pdut L’amo where he teaches each week from the Bible (This program is in Hebrew).
A similar Bible Study program in English is broadcast on numerous television networks across the United States, Europe, and Africa. Many of his lectures are available in the forms of video, audio and written on Pdut.org (Hebrew) and LoveIsrael.org (English).
Baruch holds a PhD in Jewish Studies. His dissertation was in the translation techniques of the Septuagint. Baruch has been married for over 30 years to his wife, Rivka, and they have three adult children. The Kormans live in Israel.
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What if his PLUSH TENT is the Tabernacle of David that he found with the Ark of the Covenant when he polluted and defiled hissecret place in ezekiel 7?
Thank you so very much Dr. Baruch Sir. Our Moreh
Brother Baruch, You are careful to explain antichrist comes from the Northern empire of the Grecian quad-split. I have always been taught that antichrist would come from the Roman empire. A.E. was the Grecian foreshadowing of antichrist, but that the revived Roman empire would birth this one world leader – Daniel 7:23-25.
I realize the best practice is to keep studying scripture. However, I need guidance.
Thank you,
It may be the devil or it mat be the LORD everyone is going to serve somebody …b.dylan
For as the new heavens and the nee earth which i will make shall remain before me says the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain .
Yashua is the Son Of God
I believe
My Savior My Lord My King
Forever Amen
"Satan is not just the master but the FATHER of lies……"
Thankyou !! Praise Jesus !! Shalom
So who is the king of the north and king of the south??
Jesus, while remaining in Heaven, has returned for us as foretold. The end has come according to the Book of Daniel. We have entered the "age to come" foretold by Jesus in the Harmonious Gospel of St. Mark, chapter 10, verse 30, on December 30, 2018 A.D., the Glorious Manifestation of Our King, Lord, and Savior.
This comment provided on the 324th day of the 2nd year of the General Resurrection of the Dead.
The specifics of the Book of Daniel include the foretelling of the exact days of Jesus' baptism, crucifixion, and return in glory.
There is no more antichrist because the spirit of antichrist was destroyed by the breath of Jesus' mouth at the glory of His coming.
Almost two years after Christ's return, many people are still talking about looking for an event which has already come.
As God is the cause of all things, it can be seen that the Father in Heaven has literally blessed His Son with a Christmas present last year. the corona virus. If you believe in Jesus, the virus is harmless; if you don't believe in Jesus, you deserve it.
It also might pose a question to some, what are we going to get for Christmas this year. (?)
Remember, the Great Flood began with just one drop of rain.
It's a pleasure to listen to the explanation on the book of Daniel chapter by chapter.
Thank you so much for the teaching.🙏
Thank you for your teaching đź•Ž
God bless you and bless Israel
I thought that the fires of punishment would consume the wicked, not torture them forever. They are mortal, so will die eternal death.
Very good about the first and second creations. 1st being Genesis creation, and the second being the Kingdom of God i.e. the new creation.
I believe this is what John 1.1 is about – Yeshua is author of the Kingdom of God. "All came to be through Him." This isn't Yeshua forming the Genesis creation. Thanks for the reference to Zech 12.1. Perfect.
God bless you and bless Israel
This teaching is the best!
I wonder whether that evil kingdom isn't the country of Israel itself, as we now see it. It has all the hallmarks. Thar evil has crept in among the Jewish people and is using them for it's ends. Before you hate, examine the facts.
Daniel 10:5,6 what does the word polish mean in Hebrew