Dealing with Doubt — Apologetics in Action | STR University: Why Apologetics?
Have you ever asked yourself, “What do I really know?” In this excerpt from our “Why Apologetics?” Stand to Reason University course, Tim Barnett explains how even a practiced apologist like himself benefits from a practical application of apologetics.
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yes religion should start to apologise for centuries of torture. where could we be now if medicine, engineering and science wasn't suppressed?
So what use then is this promised comforter? Having to rely on the wisdom of men and their teachings would cause more doubts wouldn't they?
Well said, good servant
Thank you for this video, It is because of this video that has led me to your fantastic free courses on Apologetics.
God bless your heart!
I think we all go through times of doubt. I love the example of John the Baptist. Lets us know that anyone can go through this.
Jesus' answer could have been, "Yes, I am the One." But that could have been seen as one person's opinion. Instead, he quotes Isaiah 35…the description of what the Messiah will do. "Tell him what you HAVE SEEN…" He has the testimony of the OT and current people confirm Who He is in His answer.
Love it! ❤️
If the Christians do their homework, they will understand that we have a reasonable faith. The critic does not have a reasonable faith in their position, their faith is irrational. Yes, they have faith also because the science they appeal to has huge gaps in their naturalistic worldview.
Bring red pen logic back:)