Dean Cheng on Ben Shapiro Show: Coronavirus Data Coming from China Is Terrible
Dean Cheng joined The Ben Shapiro Show (with Michael Knowles guest hosting) on April 16, 2020, to discuss the many conflicting stories coming out of China and the role it has played in the pandemic.
Dean Cheng brings detailed knowledge of China’s military and space capabilities to bear as The Heritage Foundation’s research fellow on Chinese political and security affairs. He specializes in China’s military and foreign policy, in particular its relationship with the rest of Asia and with the United States.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/dean-cheng
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It trying to spark anything, but I just read, the scales of the pangolins are cooked in “boy’s pee”….the duck is that about?
“共匪” (“communist bandit”) or “五毛” (“50-cent party”)
Ben thank you for your very informative videos and please listen to this video (at least the first 35 min with Dr. Mercola and Dr. Francis Boyle on viruses and maybe doing a show with either one of them.
If ideologies were infectious disease, then CCP should be quarantined and Does that mean decouple? And if yes that means decouple from the countries connected at hips with CCP's China!
Buy American made! USA! no more debt to China. All debt has been paid, due to this pandemic!
A surprising new speech from Mr Shapiro…
Why is it that previous pandemics ALSO came from Wuhan… Where a LEVEL 4 Virus research Lab is??? coincidence?
3-There's a LEVEL 4 LAb research in Wuhan that does research on coronaVirus that was outsourced by Dr. Fauci in 2014-15 with a 2.7 Million grant, when he could not get the research done in the USA anymore when the DHS stopped this research in the US…. because of the moratorium on this type of Virus research in the USA. Humm what's up with that?
4- in 2017, Fauci said on the record …. "DURING THIS ADMINISTRATION… THERE WILL BE A SURPRISED OUTBREAK"…. what the heck is that? How could he predict the future that within the 4 years of Trump, there will be a surprised outbreak? humm
it smells really bad for Fauci here…. I hope the truth is found and NOT supressed to protect Fauci…
1-What about the fact that the bats were not sold at the Wuhan market but another market about 500 miles away and 2- that bats are cooked/ boiled in soup (water boils at 212F) and the virus would be killed!!
Number two economy in the world as long as we allow them to be.
Guess China will come in even more and buy up many failed companies in the west
Watch more on the rising threat from China, here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBs6_t5NjudRj_tG3b7HvqoSblQv5mQ0W
Our Socialist-Democrats going along with the Government-run media of the Cuna Communist Party … what a surprise!
Hiroshima Nagasaki
Vietnam War
Korea War
Cold War
Moving Manufacturing to 3rd World
End of Well paid wage Workers
Yugoslavia Crumbling
Gulf Wars 1 & 2
Libya Yemen Syria
Etc. Etc. Etc.
The US GOV’T needs to EMANCIPATED from Zion. Only then it will be for them by them. US needs the largest coordinated coup in all levels of military, agencies, civilians to root out this century deep & highly ingrained infiltration of US Policy.
Ask yourselves, in the time of the Twitteratti or Clown in Chief or orange whatever:
Which single country did he dare not insult: Israel- cuz it’s a genocidal occupation, that functions as a fortified capital to several stateless entities drowning Murica into perpetual debt & infinite warfare.
America has no choice but to quarantine China
Google is the Company that pitched the Social Credit System to the Chinese Communist Party. Google is evil.
If you want to know who is in the pocket of the Chinese Communist Party just listen to who is using Chinese Communist Party talking points verbatim to attack the President of the United States and the American citizens.
Wall Street is the modern-day slave boat owners of old. They have modernized slavery using the Chinese Communist Party as the plantation owner to provide the slave labour for their profits. Instead of moving the slaves to the factories they simply moved all the factories out of Western Democracies to Communist China, to the slaves.
Time to change the game bring it home or lose it all. You choice Wall Street.
We are on our own🌟💕🌈
Screw the rice burners. We need to make everything in America uhhaaa F China.