Dennis Prager on “The Age of Feelings”
Glenn sits down with PragerU’s Dennis Prager, who says America is currently within “The Age of Feelings.” He says that failure breeds success, and that we’ve forgotten how to wrestle with God, with ourselves, and with our failures.
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Dennis Prager is annoying
the last part to Dennis's said people better start thinking
Sehr lehrreich! Mehr davon! – very instructive, more and longer!
great segment
Don't agree Glens' Guest..
That people yearn to be taken care off. The worst answer. I left my beloved Denmark, because I saw as a young person, the growing power off Socialism.Look how Scandinavia is today? They sit with waiting for a vote, to overcome tragic migrant invations, which is destroying their Utopia. Because they have come to believe government take care off them. Here, this is the question, do we want to be, within the law, self-sufficient, and self productive. But, become like Venuzeula. This Country is unique, can't loose our Constitution. So the last sentence off your host would be death to this Country, and Civilications last stance against sliding back into Barbarism.🇺🇸🇩🇰❤️🦅
Sure we are lacking courage and wisdom, but i think that above all, we are lacking discipline, the people of the past had so much discipline that if they could share it with is now, we would probably be a type 1 civilization with evolved humans that could process information faster, are stronger and can move faster, and are empathetic but stern. With the brains that we have, we could control our evolutionary path however way we see fit, not through gene editing or biological enhancements, but through our own thoughts and actions.
Laba ako ng bedsheet ngayon nangangamoy ng niluluto ko lalo pag isda 🙁
Thank you
"People don't yearn to be free. They yearn to be taken care of." The further horror of this absolutely true statement is that by the time humanity figures out the mistake we are making…it will be too late. We will be enslaved and technology, wielded by tyrants, will keep us that way. Unless something cataclysmic happens and soon, we will slip into darkness and never re-emerge.
Too many "young" (under age 40) Americans have ignorantly and unknowingly given power to those who will take their liberties away and give them "sheep food" in return.
"A nation of sheep will beget a government of Wolves." ~ Edward R. Murrow
I thought Glen Beck was wearing his Christmas jammies.
my dad was military, and very authoratative. I thought he was mean, but he was right when he said "NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS."
he loved me the hard way. he was right, like " truth doesn't care if you like it or believe it."
"… the fragility of civilization…"
"Either every generation appreciates what we have founded, or it will die."
— Dennis Prager
The age of the insane. They closed almost all the state and federal mental institutions decades ago to save money, and today those people are now politicians, CEOs of 'Non-Profits' working to change America, there is very little sane about our 'ruling elite' these days.
I thought the Age of Feelings was the fault of leftist sociologists forcing their views on our universities, hence you get safe spaces, trigger warnings, cancel culture, etc. Actually, yes that makes more sense than atheism being the reason.
God bless this kind of wise people.
I can't help but laugh. Age of Feelings? Can anyone prove their god claim without relying on their feelings?
Dennis Prager is such a good man that JESUS is going to get him before he dies 🙏🏻
Lol look at Glenn. That cardigan. Looking like some sexy Santa or something.
Really respect Mr. Prager, as a fellow conservative and history teacher let me offer my 2 cents, no! We don’t make it. Unfortunately the voice of the senseless is gaining momentum at a pace that reason can not keep up with. Sad, but true.
This 6 min clip needs to be mandatory viewing for eveyone13 and up
Classic difference between a Mormon and Jewish perspective vs. a Christian one: both of these men think it's wise and good to question the existence of God… a Christian knows that everyone innately knows God exists, but the denial of it (in many cases, passionately!) is indisputable evidence of our corruption and desperate need for divine light and guidance. Rom 1:18ff "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." Repent of your unbelief, Mr. Beck and Mr. Prager, and turn to the One who can save you, Jesus Christ, the One true God.
I'm just here to admire Glenn's sweater.
. If you believe in a higher power or don't. Make sure it's your own genuine thoughts and not someone else's.
Insightful, Thank You Gentleman 🌈
Ouch, "People don't yearn to be free, people yearn to be taken care of." Now I am deeply concerned. The Founders were the exact opposite of that idea.
At 5:35 my soul froze
Tell a woman about a problem
She wants to know how you feel?
Same to a man.
As your speaking he’s thinking; how do i fix it?
Ayn Rand spoke about this often!
I would argue religious people wrestle with their faith because they're trying to believe something that's so hard to believe. If something must be believed on faith it's only because it can't stand on it's own merrits
5:15 The look on Dennis Prager's face… Wisdom tells him to try to stop the downfall, but also tells him probably not.
Wow! "People don't yearn to be free. People yearn to be taken care of." Wow!
Why is Glenn wearing a bathrobe? Gee whiz, no! Don't wear a tie, but at least dress for success. If Prager got a Blaze show- I WOULD ReSUBSCRIBE in a second! Love that guy. Moreover, he'd be a great influence on Glenn, even if only fashion wise!
No more wars for Israel
I am working with dis-incarnate beings that are destroying the LDS religion. I agree with them that it should be replaced by my religion. Christianity is the biggest hoax and the largest cult on planet earth. I do not have a personal God above me. Do you Mr. Beck? My God is actual truth or actual facts. You may think of me as an atheist if you like. My religion is going to be called the Fairness Alliance Religion. Mr. Beck you have too many enemies. You need to turn all of your support to my religion. If you want a personal God I can be your God. The only way to establish all power is by uniting everything. Fairness is the only way to not create enemies. Fairness results in an all powerful Alliance. Join us Glenn. How is your son doing?
Wow. Glenn Beck has become Santa Claus.
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
i got kids too so i know how you feel
Mozart is Austrian not German.
“People don’t yearn to be free. People yearn to be taken care of.” -Dennis Prager
This makes sense today, especially when considering “The truth shall set you free.”
How ironic…. “Age of feelings” and immediately goes to religion being the solution.
Facts dont care about your feelings. The best way to handle this problem if youre a theist? Just ignore the facts! 🤯
Dennis once refered to the negatives of Apartheid on South Africa. Today. 25 years after Apartheid has officially ended, by which time South Africa was Africa's leading nation on the United Nations Human Development Index, Affirmative action has since done far more damage to South Africa which is clear considering that South Africa has now dropped more than 50 places in the HDI ranking when compared to Mauritius, who was ranked below SA when Apartheid ended. This is a practical example of how much damage the "feel good' of affirmative action has done when implemented on a large scale.
Dennis Prager a JEW!!! Said "people dont yearn to be free people yearn to be taken care of" well look here.Nobody pays my bills but me,nobody pays for my hospital bills but me nobody helps me when things get hard but me.Only thing that Big Govt helps me in is getting sick and taxing my hard earned money and still charging me to live on my property and home that i no longer pay on….NO DENNIS I YEARN TO BE FREE!!!!
Its so strange that people would yearn to be taken care of rather than to be free. My entire life all I have ever wanted is to be left alone, to be free to do what I want and decide my own life. And that wasn't even from a philosophical point of view. I didn't sit down as a child and ponder for days to decide freedom is better than subjugation, it was an inherent part of my personality. How anyone can value safety and security over freedom is beyond me. I would live in the most dangerous part of the world where life itself was no guarantee if it meant I could be free. Hell, the entire country was founded on the basis of people who were willing to endure incredible hardship just to be free to live their lives. To me, it is the most basic human instinct.