Depression, obesity & abuse: Why our kids MUST return to school despite COIVD-19
The media continues to not only politicize COVID-19 but LIE about it too…and now, those lies are becoming deadly for our kids. There are countless reasons why our kids MUST return to school in-person as soon as possible…because throughout this coronavirus lockdown, several studies prove kids are experiencing more at-home abuse, higher symptoms of depression and anxiety, increased screen time, decreased activity levels, and a rise in obesity. Additionally, European studies have shown a return to in-person schooling does NOT lead to an increase in COVID transmission. It’s time we stand up and fight for our kids.
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Thank you Dlwnn
Thanks Glenn for reporting this heart broking issue affecting our precious children. GOD HAVE MERCY for the children.
Media did fine job of the fear campaign. Feeding us right into the NWOs Agenda 21. Sure. This is working great from their perspective.
Just a thought: Maybe Democrats don't want schools to open because their Antifa enforcers might have to go back to schools and can't engage in "peaceful protests".
Glenn Beck destroyed my family by spouting hate filled lies to my dad on fox news for years.
Mr. Beck: The USA has technology to track the virus and determine how many people have transmitted the virus. You see a portion of our DNA is shared in the mutation. Some of the countries that reopened, were able to do contact tracing using this technique and monitor city water, sewers and ozone. They use our technology. Yet we act like this is rocket science requiring several doctorate degrees. If we had done contact tracing early on, closing would not have been so prolonged. This is political . Everything you are talking about is political. In my view it stands in the way of solutions.
Dear Mr. Beck: No schools, No taxes. Schools should represent the people. But don't. What you are reporting is our social symptoms that occur in the classrooms daily. Abused children go to school and are often become abusers or abused in school. Schools medicate and treat symptoms. This is not the role of schools, yet has been the past fifteen years. Our schools were never meant to babysit and esasorbate social issues. We medicate ADHD, hyperactivity, and depression. In our society, we were struggling with depression before covid- we are the most medicated country in the world. Computers and phones had already social distanced us. Children do not know how to occupy their time and discipline their minds without technology. Obesity is not anything new. We are the fattest country in the world. And the fact that these children are eating more junk food? Really?
Schools funding only role is to program our children- look at the youth of today, our tax dollars paid for every cent. I agree we have issues.
But they vary from state to state. City from city. It does no justice to the cause of children to promote public schools since they contribute a great deal by their policies and teaching styles to our social problems. Teachers and students deserve better.
Yes, the children and parents are being terribly adversely affected by this, and our government doesn't give a flying SHIT about it.
Well, Glenn Beck sent his daughters to Leftist Indoctrination Camp, so did Pat and Stu. They even made their own school (which they had to close). Result? Glenn Beck's daughters are anti-american vegans, along with Pat and Stu's kids. They have talked and laughed about this familial vegan leftist conversion. Beck and his chuck-a-loos are useless hypocrite clowns.
3 Arizona teachers that worked in same room say they caught covid from one of their students. One teacher died from covid. These were young kids.
btw. having come from the same"neighborhood" as dr doom fauci. I can tell you he was known as the dweeb (mom tells me) that cried about a scratch (I need a tetnis shot..wah) or when he got sniffles ( I have a disease,would stay home for weeks) why do you think he is what he is??
Sometimes I think schools are just babysitting our children
You spelled COVID-19 wrong in the title of this video.
Thank you Glenn for again being responsoble & giving us the truth.
They will stop the BS if people send their children to other ways of education our schools are brainwash them not teaching them true wisdom. The bad people in power don't want the children to be ok they want depression and fear and suicide. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN
There is no pandemic. It's a scamdemic! The satanic elites shut down the economy in a day. Scare everyone into thinking they're gonna die of a bulshit virus that has a 99% survival rate…. Gave people a bunch of money to shut them up, and than orchestrated the riots so everyone is too busy hating on eachother while they are finalizing their agenda. Check Mate.!!! The point of no return is rapidly approaching and we seriously need to wake up!!
Public schools are open sewers. Home school or private school.
“Regular school” is YOU being the parent you should’ve been from the start; teaching them yourself about what life should be. You DO know that public school was a TEMPORARY measure passed early in the 20th century; designed for displaced indigenous refugees.