Did Jesus Not Die on the Cross?
Alan responds to the Qur’anic claim that Jesus didn’t die.
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Removed Comment "ah you're a gamer – now that explains your psychotic mind" – HumanitysAdvocate
You are a very good person, i can tell that. Not angry at all.
Whatever makes you feel better. Oops, that was kind of an ironic statement 😉
Keep worshiping someone who made the ultimate sacrifice (for 3 days). Ill just love people who actually died and died forever, which is everyone else. Far more of a sacrifice.
Ah, so you're a ignorant nasty troll – my mistake. I start ignoring you ASAP then ;p
Im not an argumentative sort. Theres no fun in that. I just laugh at stupid ideas.
Ridicule is not an argument.
The bible is fantasy. No one has ever walked on water, or turned water to wine, or part the sea for that matter. Just because certain elements might be true, like there was all these arabs and jews back then, doesnt mean that the key narrative plot points are any less fantasy.
And to be clear, its the silly beliefs i and others ridicule.
As for the whole repent thing. God can suck my balls as im fucking jesus… Hey look, nothing happened. I seem to be perishing at the same rate as before lol.
The olam eybah has so blinded Muslims to truth; Their apologists do not apply the same critical standards to the Quran as they do the Bible. Muslims just blindly follow same bad arguments. It is clear that Allah, the author of the "divine revelation", didn't know or understand the basic and well known beliefs of Christians in his time, as proved by apologist James White. How is it the great god Allah didn't know something? + OT prophets of Islam detail the death of Jesus on the cross – Wow.
Funny, you ridicule others about the Bible, but it is painfully obvious you have little, if any knowledge, about it.To say the Bible is "fantasy" exposes your intellectually dishonesty; All you present is ridicule, and ridicule is not an argument. It is Christians who laugh at feeble minded fools like you.
~ "Repent or parish!" Says the Lord
People like Aspartame69 are not interested in truth, just justifying their own depraved delusional thinking – all they present is ridicule, and ridicule is not an argument. †
Oh, the whole submit to your fantasy character or ill burn in hell routine. Very nice.
I notice you failed to explain how being dead for just 3 days was much of a sacrifice.
Serious research in regards to myths is very indulgent. Id rather do something useful with my life. Though from time to time i do like to take a break to point and laugh at folk such as yourself.
Please do some serious research before you pass on. You owe it to yourself .There is as much evidence for the death and resurrection as there is for your existence or mine. But if you chose not to look and research that is your choice i will pray for your soul either way, God bless.
One cult arguing with another cult. Cute.
Big J was dead for only 3 days if you believe those myths. Kinda makes a mockery of his sacrifice.