Did John the Apostle Actually Die As A Martyr?
One of the most fascinating finds of my research on the deaths of the apostles was that some leading evangelical scholars believe John died as a martyr. What’s their evidence? Is it convincing? This video is part of my class IN DEFENSE OF THE RESURRECTION at Talbot School of Theology (Biola U).
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I've been on the Blood Thinner Warfarin for a very long time…Warfarin (Coumadin) is actually Rat Poison the side effects of Warfarin will slowly kill you over time…especially if your doctor is playing with it like "Russian Roulette" …..too little Warfarin and you can die of a blood clot to much and you will start to hemorrhage (bleed to death -which can take 5 minutes) I've been hospitalized twice and I have had to have a blood transfusion due to internal bleeding the reason they want take me off of Warfarin is because I have a blood clotting disorder …so if a Blood Clot don't get me the Warfarin will…overtime Warfarin erodes the body ….I'm slowly being poisoned to death…I always felt like a Lab Rat and knew I would die like one…but I try to look on the bright sight I'm also probably dying like the Apostle John…who though he didn't die as painfully and gruesomely as the other Apostles he probably died naturally due to the poison….John was the Last Apostle to die his brother James was the first to die…Jesus named them "The Sons of Thunder" after they wanted to call fire down from heaven to destroy a village/city that rejected Jesus and Jesus rebuked them…saying that he came to save not destroy man…("It's in Mankind's nature to destroy himself…Jesus is trying to save Mankind from Mankind."~ Jana Nelson )
It is said in some circles that James and John ("The Son's of Thunder") were forerunners of the the 2 Witnesses in Revelation…and who again wrote Revelation…. and about the Antichrist in all his epistles ….why no other than the Apostle John…probably dying due to the effects of being poisoned by the Romans…overtime in his prison cell on the Isle of Patmos!
"Your Welcome…LOL!!
BTW God told my mother to name me after the Apostle John (The name "Jana" is the female version of the name John) And I have a Thunderous temper…LOL!!
Great video. Thanks for sharing what is known and what could have happened. I would love to know who started that legend that John died at the end of first century. Do we have credible sources or just legends? How he would have survived Patmos in his 80's or how he would have written on Patmos while under Roman guard? Was he alive, did others write the Gospel of John in his name? Why the gospel of John was not accepted by the early church and did not become mainstream until late second century. Why the Gnostics liked and quoted from Gospel of John? So much mystery about this Gospel. I have always believed the traditional view point because that is what you are suppose to believe. That being said, most church historians believed Paul wrote Hebrews until the 1800's. Now most agree that he probably did not write Hebrews. Keep the videos coming and thanks for your research. Maybe we won't know the answers on this side of heaven.
He never tasted death. He's still alive. He is to tarry until the Saviour comes
Great study—thank youso much for you hard work and clear, helpful teaching–good job!
Is it possible that Hippolytus (disciple of Irenaus, disciple of Polycarp, disciple of John) was correct in his account about John’s remains? If so then John has had a long time to fulfill Jesus’ prophecy about him, that he must “prophesy again” before many kings etc. Did John deny Jesus’ words that he would remain, or did he simply reiterate them?
Buckram doesn't argue that John the son of zebedee wrote anything.
There is two John John the Baptist and the last Apostle John .
He dissapeared…I like that…
i think he is not dead
What's the likelihood that he didn't die what if he's still alive today, and that's just me referring to the passage that says what's it to you if he's the one that I want to live till I return when Jesus was speaking to Peter
Bauckhams personal view is the gJohn was not written by John son of Zebedee, but by another disciple coincidentally also called John.
Are these lectures part of the masters or are they also present in the certificate in apologetics @ BIOLA?
John also uses the plural we in his first letter."That which WE have seen with our eyes etc" I think when John is speaking of testimony he is including the other apostles in his WE and also in his gospel.
As an atheist, you are one of my favourite Christian apologists, however I'd love to see you join "the dark side", lol. You're more honest than most about your doctrine and truly a breath of fresh air. I'd love to see more Christians being willing to be intellectually honest about their beliefs as well.
Well since Jesus never died on the cross and was rescued by nicodemus and others, so John probably died a natural death
Man made opinion don't usurp the word of God? John suffered(cup) died for his belief in Christ on the island of patmos.(martyr)🙏🏼. It's not that complicated.
I have a third option……….John never died. He's still alive and walking this Earth. I cant prove this, but somehow I know its true.
Inconclusive but I doubt Jesus didn't mean he would die that way. He hinted the same to Peter. So I wouldn't be surprised if the report was accurate. Can't be sure though.
And the Didache gives instructions on using hot and cold water to baptize people… Church "fathers" (Call no man father…) are often full of some serious errors and Paul was dealing with many of those errors in his life as well.
Good analysis as always. What caught me off guard was the tie. What's up with the tie?!! Lol. Just kidding. It looks great. Thank you.