Follow the Science
Brian Keating is an astrophysicist at a major university. Science is his life. But when he hears someone say to “follow the science,” he gets nervous. Because that’s not how science works. And never has.
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I’m an astrophysicist at a major university. Science is my life. But when I hear somebody somberly intone, “science says” or “follow the science,” I get very nervous.
Science doesn’t belong to any ideology. Science is the never-ending search for new knowledge.
That’s what science means in Latin, by the way—knowledge. Not wisdom. Not morality. Not social policy. Knowledge. What we do with that knowledge is where wisdom, morality, and social policy enter the picture.
Knowledge, it turns out, isn’t so easy to come by. And sometimes what we think we know for certain (the earth sure does look flat when we’re standing on it) turns out not to be so certain.
Of course, I trust in basic scientific truths—those things for which there is overwhelming evidence like, say, gravity; even that humans play a role in the warming of the planet.
But scientists—even the best ones—can get things wrong.
The brilliant astrophysicist Sir Fred Hoyle believed the universe existed in a steady state forever and had no beginning. But his view, once held sacrosanct by all astrophysicists, no longer holds. It’s been superseded by the Big Bang theory that the universe had a beginning and is still expanding.
In the 20th century, some of the most respected scientists in the world, including Nobel Prize winners, believed in eugenics—the reprehensible idea that the human race could be improved by selective breeding. The National Academy of Sciences, the American Medical Association, and the Rockefeller Foundation supported it. By the middle of the century, it had been thoroughly rejected as quackery. No reputable scientist would have anything to do with this idea.
So, we all need to get over this notion that just because someone—be it a politician, a bureaucrat, or even a scientist—employs the phrase “science says” means whatever they’re saying is right.
It might be right. But it might also be wrong. And if it’s wrong, it won’t necessarily be a bunch of scientists who say it’s wrong. It might be one guy.
Ask Einstein. One hundred scientists wrote a book explaining why his theory of relativity was wrong. He quipped, “If I were wrong, then one would’ve been enough.”
It takes a lot to convince scientists to accept a new theory, especially if that new theory refutes what they have always believed—in some cases, what they’ve staked their entire careers on. As Richard Feynman, one of the most eminent physicists of the 20th century, famously said, “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts…” What Feynman is saying is that a good scientist should always maintain a healthy amount of skepticism. Science is, by its nature, provisional. Science would stagnate if we merely accepted proclamations of past authorities.
So how do we do good science? This is not a new question. Since the 17th century, scientists have employed the so-called scientific method to guide their work. It’s not a perfect guide by any means, but it’s pretty darn good.
The method involves: 1. Formulating a theory. 2. Predicting the evidence that should be found if the theory is true. 3. Collecting data. 4. Analyzing the data. 5. Refining the theory and presenting evidence to other experts.
The philosopher Karl Popper added one more item to this list. Popper said that a subject is scientific if, and only if, it can be falsified. In other words, if your theory can’t be tested—if it can’t be proven wrong, it’s probably not good science.
This is just one reason why we have to be very careful about putting too much faith in “models.” They often can’t be tested. Models are predictions of the future based on current data. They can easily get things wrong.
First of all, the future (in case you hadn’t noticed) is very hard to predict. And the further out you go into the future, the less secure the prediction.
For the complete script visit https://www.prageru.com/video/follow-the-science

talking about science at Prager is like talking about jews at a Pro-Palestine rally
"Follow the Flatearthers" led me here.
A scientist trying to undermine public trust in science – a new low.
This looks like a bad twilight zone episode
lol what are you talking about ? they believed in eugenics? there is no doubt in anyones mind, or at least anyone who knows the slightest bit about biology or genetics that eugenics would work. it´s just selctive breeding, we´re succesfully doing exaxtly that, right now, by the millions. it wasn´t rejected because it´s quackery, that´s an incredibly idiotic thing to say. it was rejected becasue we deem human selective breeding unethical, while we don´t with other animals.
i was under the impression, from your podcast, that you´re an at least halfway reasonable theist, but now you seem to saying those selectively bred animals you see everywhere around you are just magicked up by god? i mean how would it work otherwisew if the actual science explanation, i.e. selective breeding, is quackery and therefor shouldn´t work?
i mean wow no reputable scientist would have anything to with that idea? you´re supposed to be scientist brian. you should realize that just because you understand how nuclear fission works, you´re not automatically in favor of dropping atom bombs on civilians. just as you can understand how selective breeding works without beeing the no. 1 cheerleader for the arian master race.
I agree with Brain here. However, what he's describing is also a very nuanced way of thinking. To be intellectually honest, one must be careful not to reject an idea in science simply because one doesn't like it, and then conclude that their own ideas are then correct. One should be just as critical towards their own ideas. If you really like an idea, that should give you reason to be extra critical of it. Ultimately, we should be open in principle to any idea being true. That is the spirit of science. Confidence in a theory should come from it's ability to withstand scrutiny, both theoretically and experimentally. There are still many theories within science that are supported immensely by experiment and much of the technology we rely on depends on those theories. The transition from Newton to Einstein is also a good illustration of how just because a better theory comes along, doesn't mean we outright throw the old one in the trash. Newton still has a very large domain of validity that is still used today. Just because Einstein came along doesn't mean Newtons ideas quite working. Einstein just made clear where the range of Newtonian physics extends to. In fact, Einstein's theory becomes equivalent to Newtons in the limit to everyday circumstances. So we just have to be careful and be honest about the limits of any scientific theory. We can still be confident, therefore, in a theory within it's established range of validity where it has been shown to work. Of course, if an idea came along that was more accurate within that range, then we would adopt that.
Eugenics is simply selective breeding applied to humans rather than animals. Since humans are part of the animal kingdom there is no logical reason why it would not work. It might well be reprehensible by today’s standards but it does prove one thing: the fact that you don’t like an idea doesn’t stop it from being true.
Great, Keating. You're on a wingnut channel that is dedicated to anti-science. You've just handed them a bonanza, lending them your name and the name of your University. Speaking as a graduate of the UC, I find that despicable. This video will primarily be employed by people who wish to deny climate science.
In God we trust…and in God only. Science is real, but beware of putting your faith in it.
I had never heard of Bryan until I saw him with Lex Fridman. It was an amazing conversation and one of the best by Lex.
“Trust the science”. This from the people who brought you ‘non-binary’ and ‘pregnant people’.
They also brought you racially segregated dorms, graduation ceremonies and speech codes on university campuses…
This is cultural Marxism. They are militant ideologues attempting to coerce ideological conformity.
Lenin, recall, parroted Marx in arguing that Marxism was “Scientific Socialism”.
Lenin, leader of the Russian Comunist Revolution, asserted that Marxism was “the scientific method in sociology “.
It was this that granted scientific certainty to the ultimate victory of socialism.
A curious paradox laid at the heart of this analysis. If socialism was the inevitable outcome of material conditions, why did it need pointy-headed party leaders to educate the masses??
For Lenin, the Party was the guardian of “Truth”. Marxism couldn’t advance without the purging ‘false ideas.
You know suppressing “misinformation and ‘disinformation”.
Thus Lenin demanded that the party continue to purge itself of ‘wrong-think’.
Yes, plenty of party members were ‘cancelled’.
Yes, our social justice warriors frequently attack their own for violating the demands for ideological purity. (Pause for the world’s smallest violin.)
The USSR purged plenty of non-party members as well. Millions of innocent people were murdered. About 18 million people were sent to the gulag. Scores died…
This current social justice movement is cultural Marxism and it has its pointy-headed elites that believe they have “the truth”.
Throughout the education system they indoctrinate their students into this poisonous, tribalizing ideology.
Cultural Marxism seeks to weaponize its various identity categories. Each is, allegedly, oppressed by the evil, exploitative system…
This ideology has infected the corporate world, entertainment, sports, the church and the mainstream media.
As witnessed by the disclosures of Twitter and Facebook, they will make effort to purge what they declare to be “misinformation and disinformation”.
These are the labels they rigorously apply to anything that challenges their narrative.
I hope you’ll check out my book. I promise you it’s important, very important.
Follow the science the same science that says men with dicks can give birth
I rather live a simple life.
No evolution. No woke madness.
One real man + One real woman = Real Marriage
Reading, writing, math, & religion 🙏🏻
Only classes needed
Technology is evil, but the only way to connect… In a modern world.
Mark of the Beast… Black Mirror 📱
Came here via Lex Fridman podcast. Excellent.
Science gave the world covid. How gracious of science? Science will destroy the world. Trust the science?
Satan uses science to pervert, deceive and control the world, and the people of the world.
Religion vs. relationship, I have a relationship with God, through Christ.
I want all people to be saved. But truth is: many are on their way to hell.
Did you know that in the religion of satanism, science is very important?
Yes, science is satan's lie that men can be like god. Science is the forbidden fruit, of The Knowledge of The Tree of Good and Evil. You will follow the science straight to hell.
Jehovah God, You are a great Father.Thank You for your Son, Yeshua Ha Massiach (Jesus The Messiah)
Jesus is our Living Passover.
Acts Chapter 4 verse 12: " There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved."
Isaiah 9 vs. 6, " For unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. "
Who is Christ? Who is Jesus?
Born of a virgin, Mary.
Matthew Chapter 1 verse 20: " behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to him (Joseph), in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that (Christ)which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, the Christ, is God's word made flesh. Jesus is Jehovah God's (The Creator's) Word made into flesh.
1 John chapter 5 verse 7: " For there are three that bear a record in heaven, The Father, The Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one."
John chapter 1 verse 1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John chapter 1 verse 14: " And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."
John chapter 1 verse 10: " He was in the world, and the world knew Him not."
Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12: " For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
How beautiful and awesome is God's Word, who is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, magnificent in all His glory, is He. Amen!
John's Vision Of Christ Seated On His Throne In Heaven:
Revelation chapter 4 verse 2 to 3: " Immediately, I (John), was in the Spirit, and behold a throne sat in Heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance, and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald."
Why did Christ Jesus came and sacrificed His precious life for sinners like us?
Christ (God's Word made into flesh), came because through flesh (Adam's flesh) sin entered the world, and then because of sin death entered the whole earth. Through flesh(Jesus Christ's flesh), the earth will be saved, sin is destroyed, and the curse of death shall be broken, death and the grave shall be cast into hell.
Christ, who is God's Word made into flesh, sacrificed His life for us. He was crucified for our sins and transgressions.
Christ died, and on the third day He resurrected in the flesh, conquering death and the grave. Now, Christ is seated in Heaven, at the right hand of Power(God). Through Christ's sacrifice we gain Salvation through God's abundant mercy and grace. We are reconciled and recompensed back to God, through the shed blood of His beloved Son Christ Jesus.
John chapter 3 verse 16: " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
Romans chapter 5 verse 8: " But God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Christ came to undo the sin and eternal death brought upon the world through the sin of Adam.
Death in Adam, Life In Christ:
Romans chapter 5 verse 19: " For as by one man's disobedience(Adam), many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience(Jesus) , many will be made righteous."
Romans chapter 5 verse 18: " Therefore, as through one man's (Adam's) offense, judgement came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even through one Man's (Christ's) righteous act, the free gift came to all men, resulting in the justification of life."
Romans chapter 5 verse 17: " For if by the one man's offense(Adam's offense), death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in the life through the One(Jesus Christ).
Romans chapter 5 verse 12: " Therefore, just as through one man (Adam), sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned."
Romans chapter 5 verse 21: " "So that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Do you now see that through Adam, sin and death entered the world, so that is why Christ Jesus came to give life, and give it more abundantly? Yes, Christ came to give eternal life through Salvation.
Adam's flesh brought sin, death, destruction, and condemnation.
1 Corinthians 15 : 21-22, "For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ, all shall be made alive."
Christ's sacrifice, the crucifixtion of His flesh, brings reconciliation of sins, life, resurrection, eternal life, salvation
Christ is coming back again, not as a sacrificial lamb. He is coming back as a roaring, waring lion, to destroy sin, death, and the grave once and for all. Amen! Amen! Hallelujah!
Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 to 13: " And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. "
Now do you see friends, Why Christ Jesus is so Important for our Salvation? Yes.
Now, do you understand why there is only one way to God, and that is only through Christ Jesus? Yes.
Christ is Salvation. Christ is our Lord and Saviour. Christ is the only way to God. Christ is the only Mediator between God and men(us humans).
God loves us so much, He does not want anyone to perish in hell. God wants all sinners to be saved. That is why He sent His Word to save the world. God's Word became flesh, and dwelt among us to save us.
Will you accept Christ and be saved?
Romans chapter 6 verse 23: " For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
John Chapter 3 verse 16: " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that who ever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
Salvation is free!
Christ already paid the price, all you have to do is receive salvation through acceptance of Jesus Christ, Yeshua Ha Massiach, repent of your sins, and keep His commands.
So who is Christ?
He is The Word Of God. He is the Son of God. He is God. He is the image of the invisible God. He is the Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. He is the Great I Am. He is Emmanuel. He is The Christ. He is The Messiah. He is The Creator. He is our Lord and Saviour. He is our Mediator. He is the Lion and the Lamb. He is Salvation. He is the way, the truth, and life. He is The Rock. Amen! I love you Lord!
God created the heavens and the earth with His spoken Word. Did you know, that Jesus is that Word, through which all things were created? Yes.
John chapter 14 verse 6: " Jesus said to him," I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
Colassians chapter 1 verse 15 to 16:
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven, and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him."
John chapter 1 verse 1 to 4:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men."
I hope that you know Christ, and understand Christ better now, to the glory of God. Amen!
Christ is for all who will receive Him.
This is how our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said we should pray. Matthew chapter 6 verse 9 to 13:
"Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen."
Now that you understand who Christ is, share Christ with others. Amen!
Repent of your sins. Sin no more! Be baptized in Jesus Name.
Submit to Jehovah-God.
Love God with all your heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. Keep God's Commandments. Love one another.
Forgive one another. It is written, "resist the devil, submit to God, and the devil will flee from you."
Hate sin with all your heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit.
Only Jesus The Christ, can baptize you with God's Holy Spirit. Only Christ can give you The Holy Spirit, and the Gifts of The Spirit.
Acts 11 vs. 15 to 16, " And as I began to speak, The Holy Spirit fell upon them, as upon us at the beginning. Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, "John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit."
Read Exodus Chapter 20, The 10 Commandments of God.
Share the Gospel of Christ with others.
God forgives. Mercy still abounds. But
one day mercy will seize, and the wrath of God will come upon all the earth.
Trust the Lord.
If we were to disregard science because it could be wrong, there is no point to Science at all. The difference between flat Earthers and those who believed in a Static Universe is that they had no proof. Sure they had no proof against it, but they still had no proof. What anti-vaxxers like you don't understand is that we do have proof for these kind of things. We know exactly how vaccines work and how safe it is. We can study the cosmic microwave background and doppler red-shift to know that the big bang works. We know that a static universe cannot exist because of General Relativity. We have proof that not taking vaccines are much worse than taking them. And even if we didn't vaccines would work or they wouldn't. It doesn't completely disprove it, just with no information it reduces it to a 50/50 chance.
3:05 It's called a hypothesis, not a theory.
This video is confusing. The first examples used to prove that science can be wrong were only theories, which are only informed guesses and have no solid evidence. Theories are likely to be wrong.
Theories are different from scientific fact. Scientific facts are meant to be testable. By design scientific fact cannot be wrong. It is not ok to say that scientific fact can be wrong because theories can be wrong.
This video confused me into believing the false idea that data gathered using the scientific method is wrong, when it was supposed to tell me that theories, expert estimates, and models can be wrong.
Science can be wrong, but that doesn't mean that science is wrong.
Anyone can test scientific facts. It is unlikely to be wrong unless it is proven to be wrong. You cannot say scientific fact is false if you can't prove it.
It is possible to gain new knowledge but that doesn't always mean it makes old knowledge useless.
cool, now do race. also, this little distillation of "eugenics" is VERY misleading. if traits are heritable (they are) and some traits are more desirable than others (they are) they by selecting for these desirable traits over undesirable ones the average expression of desirable traits would necessarily increase. That's all eugenics means. The opposite of eugenic is dysgenic. what could possibly be the motivation for such a dishonest distillation of something so axiomatically air-tight?????
VERY ironic PragerU. Wow. WOW. I agree with everything, though.
Studies reported by different researchers do not constitute a singular infallible person called "The Science" that must be worshipped without question. Anyone who says to follow "The Science" has no understanding of what the scientific method is and the difference between scientific inquiry engaged in by various researchers and public policy created by politicians.
The UK, Denmark, and other regions are lifting all of their domestic COVID-19 restrictions. Wait, don't we need mandated masks, unending vaccine doses, digital vaccine passports, business/school closures, and lockdowns because…"The Science"! Trust "The Science", right!
'Follow the science' not the proper statement, should be "watch for truth."
Does anyone think a lefty would even bother to watch this?
The problem with Eugenics is that humans have always done it. We select for the best, healthiest traits we can when available. We're fighting diseases and degenerative physical conditions so they they won't show up in future generations. It happens naturally, though, the problem is the politicization of it, like what is happening with science right now.
If we should follow the science then why won’t the libs eat GMO food?