Disturbing End Times Trends Exposed | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I take a look at some of the deceptive lies Satan is telling us. I dive deeper into how Satan is striking the heart of humanity and creating a culture of self. I also talk about America in the end times.
Subscribers will have access to exclusive content where I answer questions such as “Can you explain “laying down your crown” at the feet of Jesus? Is the crown a reward for good works?” and “How do Genesis 10 and Ezekiel 38 fit together?”
Visit https://endtimes.com to access this entire video.
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30% of millennials and 40% of gen z identify as non binary? What is your source?
Google says those numbers are way lower.
You will know them by there works maybe they will see there democratic clowns in hell knashing of teeth
Oop! They are not Christian’s nor can be until they get set free from that Homosexual from satan. The Holy Spirit will not share your body with a spirit of darkness( Homosexuality)is not from God but from satan.
Your statistics are heartbreaking! 🇦🇺
Pastor Mark: I falsified Darwinian evolution w a law of science. When I told my medical doctor, he smiled, leaned back in his seat, grinned, and said LAY IT ON ME. What I did made him stand up and run out of the room. He slammed the door. Returned, opened the door and said I'M GOING TO CHECK THAT OUT. At my next appointment I asked him what he found out. He said, IT'S TRUE…
I DO NOT HAVE A PLATFORM TO SHARE THIS, but you do. It doesn't take long and it's very easy to understand. I'd love to share it with you. The beginning falls outside of the realm of science… Into another area otherwise known as FAITH. The reason for this is because we do NOT have a human being who was fully functional in their environment so that they could OBSERVE AND DESCRIBE the beginning BEFORE the beginning ever happened. No human observation…no repeatability…no science. It doesn't matter what you believe about the beginning, but the beginning is faith…and THAT FAITH HAS A NAME… IT'S CALLED ATHEISM.
THIS IS NOT WHAT I GAVE THE DOCTOR…on that day. I've lost doctors over this…but medical people get this. And many non-medical people get it very easily…
After I explain it to you, check it out with a medical person… it's easily understood.
If they are any lgbyqxyxt, They Are NOT Christian!
Romans chapter 1! The whole chapter!
Promo`SM 😕
Synesthesia is a disease when your brain routes sensory information through multiple unrelated senses, causing you to experience more than one sense simultaneously. Some examples include tasting words or linking colors to numbers and letters. And yet you folks don't believe that someone's gender or sexuality could also have crossed wires? There is no hate like Christian love.
The whole population is being attacked in more ways that we can count.
Very tragic 😢
There is no such thing as an LGBTQ person being a Christian. Impossible. "Christian" means "Christ-like", or "little Christ". Repentance is needed.
Just because you say you are Christian doesn't make it so. Same way if you were born biological male and say you are female. Same thing!
America has been judged as a Goat Nation. We The People did this to our country. Failing to teach,instruct we men failed as spiritual leaders in all areas. Now the Lord shows us how filthy we really are. This filth has al;ways been there, now the Lord brings it out in full meausre. Ukraine was also judged as a Goat Nation. Now look at Bahkmut. American democracy has failed.
Unless these people turn from their sinful ways , the words 'I never knew you' come to mind!
SHAME ON YOU for mentioning Christians with LGBTQ-RS+ Trans Geneder Fluid People. It is a Blasphemy and YOu should not mention them in the same breath as it is not pleasing to GOD.
All in all its gods scheme since angels have no free will and lucifur is gods beloved doing gods biding
Am Opolot, Ugandan , saved by blood of Jesus.
Daniel 7:24," As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten Kings will arise and another will arise after them and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings."
BRICS is Powerful Association of world leaders of five nations that is Brazil, India, China, Russia, SouthAfica. BRICS last admitted new member in 2010 that was south Africa.
Now Thus Saith the Lord," At This year BRICS summit in August , five more world leaders will be added to officially to BRICS. And it will became 10 world leaders that will now dominante most of world. the church will see it. It will happen before end times start."
German Bibles from the 1800s. So we went to Leviticus 18:22 and he’s translating it for me word for word. In the English where it says “Man shall not lie with man, for it is an abomination,” the German version says “Man shall not lie with young boys as he does with a woman, for it is an abomination.” I said, “What?! Are you sure?” He said, “Yes!” Then we went to Leviticus 20:13— same thing, “Young boys.” So we went to 1 Corinthians to see how they translated arsenokoitai (original Greek word) and instead of homosexuals it said, “Boy molesters will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
I see a lot of references to the verse in Matthew that mentions "in the days of Noah". As long as the Holy Spirit is here, the earth cannot be in the days of Noah – that is to say all people can't be thinking only evil constantly. When Jesus said that, he was trying to convey to the Disciples that His second coming would be sudden, as was the rain in the days of Noah.
Pastor mark you are wounderful to us bless your Ohana
I love Ray Stedman praying for those who are confused. Before covid, when i would ride the bus, there were many high schoolers riding. I would always tell them imago dei. You are made in the image of God. I really believed the Holy Spirit had me tell them this. This also was before so much trans was talked about. Imago Dei. Thank you. Praying for ALL
What dismaying statistics these are!
The world is a lonely place for a person wanting to walk on the narrow path, having entered through the narrow gate, but how much lonelier it must be now for young people trying to find some friends to go out with, or someone to love.
The dating pool has always been very small for those who prioritise holiness and obedience to the Lord, and loneliness will continue to be part of the believer's cross to bear.🇦🇺
(Save To Notes For Others) (Different Ways For Remission Of Sins)
Spread The Word To All The People For All Who Believe In Everthing In Scripture Shall Have Life Eternal But One Can Still Die In Sin
– Believe (People go to hell from dying in sin)
John 8:24 (KJV) I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for (if ye believe not) that I am he, ye shall (die in your sins.)
– We Are In The New Testament (Sins purged by the Lord's blood)
Matthew 26:28 (KJV) For this is my blood of the new testament, which is (shed for many) for the (remission of sins.)
– Convert (Your sins are forgiven when you initially believe)
Acts 10:43 (KJV) To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive (remission of sins.)
– Have knowledge of salvation (Different ways for remission of sins)
Luke 1:77 (KJV) To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the (remission of their sins,)
– More Ways For Remission Of Sins (Sins are forgiven from water baptism)
Acts 2:38 (KJV) Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be (baptized) every one of you in the (name of Jesus Christ) for the (remission of sins,) and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
– Confession Of Sin (Sincere in confessing sins to God)
1 John 1:9 (KJV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to (forgive us our sins,) and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
– Convert Sinner From His Error Of Sin (Explain sin)
James 5:20 (KJV) Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall (hide a multitude of sins.)
– Have Charity (Having compassion)
1 Peter 4:8 (KJV) And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall (cover the multitude of sins.)
– Love (To Love All Life)
Proverbs 10:12 (KJV) Hatred stirreth up strifes: but (love covereth all sins.)
– Endure (Predestined are those that do not die in sin)
Mark 13:13 (KJV) And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall (endure unto the end,) the same (shall be saved.)
– Repent From Sin (Sin one is not aware of)
Luke 13:5 KJV I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
People have no fear of the choices they are making. Thay don't understand the demonic realm that comes with Satan, entering their life. There is no resistance against it.
Hi friends I have videos for you on Bible Prophecy and the end times. Please consider going to Papa Joe Fortner or Shockwaves of the end times or The Watchmen Series with Papa Joe. Thank you and God bless 🙏
We are living in the times of Noah
Matthew 24
"But as for that day and hour no one knows it—not even the angels in heaven[bb]—except the Father alone.
37 For just like the days of Noah[bc] were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be.
38 For in those days before the flood, people[bd] were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark.
39 And they knew nothing until the flood came and took them all away.[be] It will be the same at the coming of the Son of Man"
AMEN YesYes We NEED to Pray those lost giung to HELL that GOD Convict them through his HOLY SPIRIT and Remove the Scales from their Eyes …and they turn from their WICKED Ways in JESUS CHRIST POWERFUL NAME AMEN GOD bless everyone 🙏🔥✝️
When people lose God they lose their minds.
But what about the millions of born again Christians who are praying for our country and who are not caving in to the culture? Is their prayer and passion for Christ and love of the Truth all for nothing? Aren’t we making any difference at all in our society?
Mark is missing the mark when it comes to eschatology. His eschatology imposed on our day for a fulfillment in our future is misplaced by about 20 centuries.
Daniel and Revelation have already been fulfilled.
Current events have nothing to do with Bible prophecy whatsoever.
We are not living in the end times or last days.
I hope people like it real Hot. Jesus Christ will send people to the lake of Fire burning with Fire & Brimstone!!
I read my Bible Daily!! GOD is shaking the United States & World right now. Just wait till GOD pours his Wrath, Furry, Anger & Judgement out we haven’t seen anything yet just wait till the 21 Judgement’s of the Book of Revelation starts the Seal’s, Trumpets & Bowl Judgement’s start!!
I assure you God will NOT be using pronouns when they give account before him….Sad but true😢…God will NOT BE MOCKED!!
The bible teaches, "freely we receive, freely we give" so WHY do you sell God? how can someone be of God and then use God to make money?
All the churches do is to make you feel good and ask for money. I was watching kids from a youth group and all they talk about is musical groups. They worship bands just like the world. The church is sleeping. The church is addicted to money. Ministries are addicted to money. Churches invented a kind of narcotic called mission trips. They travel for tourism, and they give a nice name to look good. Just listen to what people talk after a service. My cell phone, my trip, my kids, my house, my job, my car, my vacation, my followers, etc… Why Jesus said that he wanted to spit the Laodicea church?
The globalists at the "World Economic Forum" have said by 2030 you will own nothing, and you will be "happy". Meanwhile many in the modern Church claim we do not need to be concerned about global government. The truth is found below.
What does an understanding of the New Covenant do to the Pretrib Rapture doctrine?
Since the New Covenant is “everlasting” in Hebrews 13:20, how is the New Covenant Church age going to end seven years before the Second Coming of Christ? Why would anyone think God is going back to the Old Covenant system now made “obsolete” by the New Covenant in Hebrews 8:13? We are not come to Mount Sinai in Hebrews 12:18. We are come instead to the New Covenant church of Mount Zion and the blood in Hebrews 12:22-24.
Once a person comes to understand the New Covenant promised to Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which is found fulfilled by Christ during the first century in Hebrews 8:6-13, and Hebrews 10:16-18, and specifically applied to the Church in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8, and Hebrews 12:22-24, modern Dispensational Theology falls apart, and the pretrib removal of the Church falls with it.
The Capitol "C" Church, as we use the word today, is not found in the entire Book of Revelation. Individual church bodies in ancient Asia Minor are found. In Revelation 12:11 we find those under the blood of the Lamb. A person cannot be under the blood of the Lamb and not be a part of the New Covenant Church of Jesus Christ. Verse 12 of this passage proves at least part of the tribulation period is the wrath of Satan upon the people of God.
Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
"It may come as a surprise to most pre-Trib prophecy students that the post-Trib position (in its primitive form) is the oldest point of view."
(The quotation above is from the book "Will You Escape The Tribulation? RAPTURE [Under Attack]", by Tim LaHaye, copyright 1998, Page 197.) Tim LaHaye was co-author of the “Left Behind” books and movies which have convinced millions of modern Christians that the Church age ends seven years before the Second Coming of Christ. Recently, Pastor Matt Furse of Mountain View Baptist Church in Custer, S.D. has written a book titled “Which One Is Right?’, which reveals the recent history of the pretrib rapture doctrine, and the fact it does not agree with what is written in the King James Bible.
The gathering of the Church is described at the end of 1 Thess. Chapter 4, and the timing of the event is found in chapter 5. The word “But” in the first verse of chapter 5 connects the two chapters, and the words “we” and “sleep” in verse 10 of chapter 5 prove the two chapters are connected.
The Greek words for “wrath” and “tribulation” are not the same word, as proven by the verse below.
Rev 1:9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Watch the YouTube video “Pretribulation Paradox” by former pretrib believer skydiver626.
The worse it gets, the closer we get … MARANATHA ❤
Appreciate and agree with a majority of what you said, brother, but I strongly disagree on the birth years of the Millennial generation. The correct range is from 1981-1996. Anything outside of these years really bleeds into the next generation (X or Z). And believe me, there is a difference between these generations. I say this with gentleness. Children born after 1996 had a much different education than those of us born before then.