Do Christians Need to Accept Sexuality?
Greg Koukl and Amy Hall respond to the claim, “Sexuality isn’t something we need to understand; sexuality is something we need to accept.”
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It is better to marry then to burn with passion.
Being gay is not a sickness, but legalism is. Would you honestly choose celibacy for your life when you were in your 20s? Or what if God declared you could only marry someone of the same sex? Would you do that to honour God?
Whence do you get the hypothetical claim? From all I’ve seen, it’s nought but your own straw man.
The question doesn't make a lot of sense.
wow, this is a way underrated channel. Thank you for this perspective. This is exactly how I feel on the topic and this video perfectly puts it 🙏
I think a better question is how can Christians accept reality
0:35 he makes the analogy that we shouldn't accept someone who is violent because it's bad, so we shouldn't accept sex because it's bad. So, God was bad when he said, "go forth and multiply"?
Coming right out of the starting gate with comparing accepting sexuality to accepting violence and psychopathy might be a little on the strong side.
As someone who is asexual and biromantic I can say that I don't need people to understand or accept me. I would like people to understand and accept me and I am willing to talk to them about myself and my sexuality if they have questions. As long as someone is not being rude or questioning my right to exist I have no problem.
Sexuality needs to stay in the marriage bed
No. Everything fall i to place when you accept sin and God. Everything else lead to perdition.
No I don't need to accept it. It's evil.
It's really quite simple…
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
the world… If god loved the world's population, then so should you. This was not limited to any one category of person, whether along racial, ethnic, gender, etc, lines, the population of the world. Gay people existed them, as did the gender dysphoric, cross dressers, etc. He apparently loved them just as much as the straight folks.
There is also something about not judging people…
So maybe the churches of the world need to stop worrying about who loves who and just be glad they are loving someone, and being loved.
This message from God was brought to you by an atheist.
Wrong is wrong , blue is blue and right is right . Just because people keep saying it doesn't make so . God Bless
As a married man I definitely accept sexuality.
"you don't need to understand my behaviour, you just need to accept it."
The epitome of refusing to be accountable, and entitled self-delusion projected outwards.
"YOU have to accept MMMEEEEE, and I won't listen to anything you say to the contrary."
I don't.
How do you accept something you can’t understand?