Does A Good Christian Tithe 10%? (It’s Not That Simple)
In this episode of The Bible Project Podcast, Jon and Tim explore a story about two Harvard Business School Graduates who are confronted with a biblical view of money that changes their lives.
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For the LOVE of money is the root of all evil!
2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV
[7] Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver
Harvard is antichrist
More episodes like this, please. Thank you, Bible Project
Yes, please make more episodes like this. Was so blessed by this message and story…God is so good. Thank you for all your hard work!
I know this is about tithing but, God will tear everything down that doesn’t center Him … “Unless The Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain” – Psalms 127:1
Absolutely enjoyed this. Please do more podcasts like this!!!
This was an amazing podcast.
Get to the Point.
I’ll never be super rich, because I help people. God sends people my way people He knows I won’t turn them away. If I have it I will help. Even if I don’t I’ve given my last $5 dollars away being homeless in my car. May God help us all in this superficial world that values people and wealth.
I remember Joyce Meyer, speaking on this briefly. Saying that she doesn’t believe we have to tithe due to Jesus‘s death abolishing the law. however, with that being said, she admonished us to give more to the Lord since we do live under Grace
I loved this. It was tremendously useful. Big thank you
Tithe is a bondage tool. Listen to your heart. One can give 100% or more if they like and if they believe in the true CHRIST in that Church. Never attach percentage. Nice. Hallelujah
Money is a gift and not dangerous. We should embrace this commodity. Oh, the love of it, its the Judas Spirit, actually demonic. Money come to me, I'll use you for good cause. Amen. AMEN.
🎉🎉🎉🎉 BIG ❤❤❤❤❤
We are to give directly to people
The choice to wait on (serve) God is a life defining decision.
I better understand why we need the Divine Helper to enable us into obedience.
Thank you all.
I recently discovered the bible project and I am dp blessed that I wish I could translate in French for my loved ones
Anyone know where we can find the paper?
So is their paper available to read?
Tell more stories!
Wow, this story truly blessed me. It’s no coincidence God has been tugging on my heart lately about a shift in perspective of how I’ve been tithing. Yes, for the past few years, I do believe He has used the 10% to bless others, however, listening to this podcast, the Holy Spirit is telling me to join Him on a new adventure. Thank you.
This teaching is applicable even if you're living on a very modest retirement. It's not about the how much, it's about the heart.
How ironic God spoke to them at Harvard business school, one of the greediest places on earth😮 Not much do I need to give, but how much should I keep? – and give the rest away, because it's all God's anyway. Wow!
Very interesting 🎉. God bless you for sharing!!
Wow! Taking my time to answer survey questions genuinely can turn around and clear doubts about many concerns of life!
Thank you, this was very helpful. I had often thought that I didn't want to be wealthy because of the parables Jesus taught, yet I would want to help others and could not financially. I even prayed that Father God would allow me to be one who was able to give greatly to others and keep me humble so as I wouldn't sin against He. He told me too that the money he gave to me was His. Especially when it was more than I was willing to spend. Talk about being a financial manager. Other times I would look into ways to raise money so as to be able to get out of the stereotype of being a poor believer. I invest more in his Word and Relationship. This has changed my life. Learning submission and taking a stand for righteousness in places where it is uncomfortable and unseemly. Yet so God :} I have been following Bible Project for quite some time now and have learned and shared your work with many others. I even considered applying for a job with you. Yet I'm not that techno savvy:} Nevertheless we help each other in numerous ways. I like seeing posts like this, because there is truly a fine line on whether believers are to be rich or poor and the shunning that takes place from both perspectives. It raises suspicion of those who are wealthy as if they are using the body of Christ to get rich and the humble side is looked as you have nothing to offer me. Truly a fine line and a need for a true balance that only comes from Him. I learned more so now, having had a back injury of the value of His Word and the need of daily deposits and assessments. Truly grateful. I really want this to take root in us and myself, as HIS PEOPLE. Remembering when we were created we had and have everything we need in HIM to live and so much more. Thank you LORD. That Truth puts everything in it's right place, in HIM 🙂 Thanks for going after the hard things. We all do need to talk about our lives in Christ more. Shalom
Why did this episode talk only of radically giving things away and Jesus being 'skeptical' of rich people (as if He the incarnate God, had any doubts about the state of their hearts! 🤦🏻♂️) and never even mention the MANY stories (Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Job, etc) and verses in the old testament which demonstrate that financial flourishing for your self and your children's children is an oft promised and frequently fulfilled blessing of godly living? Why not give balance and nuance to this story of God and money by discussing the relevant verses in Proverbs 13, particularly v22 "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."? You can't provide inheritance for your grandkids if you give your money away as fast as you earn it. The Patriarchs provided for many children and hundreds of servants, Paul says those who don't provide for their own (extended not just immediate nuclear) family first are worse than infidels, and Peter told Anais and Saphira the money they lied about was totally, freely, rightly theirs and they were under no obligation to give it to the church. Money is not evil, accumulating wealth is not condemned, letting them be idols is.
This is an interesting story, but I wish the podcast had explored what the Bible had to say rather than going off the experiences of these individuals.
Definitely do more like this! This is awesome!!!
Now do a story about poor people giving because I don’t think allot of my friends, we’re all below society’s poverty level, but they almost get offended by my giving. So much so that I don’t let them know if I can avoid it.
I wish I could. I always wanted to give and do for strangers. I'm jealous I didn't go to school and learn more. I pray God let's me be able to help people like me. I've been in need and prayed God sent help..
Yes please, more of these.
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