Does Israel Discriminate Against Arabs? | 5 Minute Video
Does Israel discriminate against Arabs? Is it today’s version of apartheid South Africa? Olga Meshoe, herself a South African whose family experienced apartheid, settles the question once and for all. Donate today to PragerU! http://l.prageru.com/2ylo1Yt
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Maybe you’ve heard someone say that Israel is an apartheid state. That Israel has a policy of segregating and oppressing the minority population within its borders – like South Africa once did.
Maybe you’ve been so outraged by this information that you have considered joining the BDS movement––the effort to boycott, divest and sanction Israel until it ends its alleged “racist” policies.
I don’t blame you.
Apartheid is a great evil and deserves to be fought wherever we find it.
But here’s the thing: You won’t find apartheid in the State of Israel.
So, I’ll put it bluntly: The BDS movement is a slick propaganda effort built on lies.
I think I have the credibility to make this claim.
Having grown up in South Africa, and having spent a fair amount of time in Israel, I know what apartheid is and what it is not. My parents were raised under real apartheid where blacks were, by law, separated from whites at every level, from education to drinking fountains.
Blacks couldn’t vote, couldn’t own land, couldn’t live next to, or use the same transportation system as whites. I remember my father telling me about how my grandfather was kicked and humiliated in public by a young white boy. All he was permitted to say was, “Please stop, little boss.” That was the world my family lived in.
That was the world of apartheid South Africa.
But in Israel, the law is color-blind. Israeli Arabs have the same rights as Israeli Jews. They ride the same buses, study in the same schools, and are treated in the same hospitals. Arabs are elected to Israel’s parliament, serve as judges, and fight in the Israeli military.
On my first trip to Israel, the group I was with had a Jewish tour guide and an Arab bus driver. Imagine our surprise, having heard that Israel is an apartheid state. This would have been inconceivable in apartheid South Africa.
All these things would be self-evident to anyone who did any kind of actual research, or, even better, visited Israel––something I encourage everyone to do.
BDS doesn’t want you to do research or visit Israel. It depends on the ignorance of its audience. Sadly, on American college campuses, BDS has a significant presence. It succeeds by playing on the good intentions of good people through deliberate deception.
In short, they lie.
And lies really make me angry because lies empower evil.
Lies about blacks empowered apartheid in South Africa.
Lies about Jews made the Holocaust possible.
And lies about Israel are misleading a lot of good-hearted young people into opposing the only country in the entire Middle East that doesn’t segregate and oppress its minority population. Just ask the next Egyptian Copt or Iraqi Christian you meet on campus.
So, the question people should really be asking is: What does the BDS movement want?
The answer is simple. They want to destroy Israel. They can’t do it militarily, so they try to do it through lies.
For the the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/does-israel-discriminate-against-arabs

You CAN’T win an argument w/ someone who’s seen the real Israel
Is she Black South African* or colored**? I can't tell. If she was colored she would hav gotten much more rights than blacks in South Africa at the time but less than whites. Basically it was Afrikaners and British (Chinese got honorary status), Indians, coloreds and lastly blacks. Also her accent doesn't sound like a typical Black South African accent, sounds more Cape Colored to me.
* – I only capitalize 'black' when it's in front of a nationality like 'American', 'British' or 'South African' bcoz its not a homogenous country. I do the same for the word 'white' bcoz all lives matter.
** – Colored basically means half black half white in South Africa not fully black like under Jim Crow. I understand colored has a negative meaning in the US among blacks but I used it to refer to anyone who isn't white and usually not in a negative way bcoz I dont like using the term BIPOC or 'person of color'
Wonderful video! God bless Olga Meshoe for sharing the truth!
I know this is an old video, but I just came across it. I don't know if I enjoyed her message or her accent more 😍😄
So well spoken! Using the term "Apartheid" so loosely is such an insult to the true victims of Apartheid.
may I the only one who is shocked by her beauty?
Israel and aparthied have NOTHING in common
No it doesn’t and even if it did that wouldn’t justify supporting the Palestinians they kill Jews who come into their cities
“Is the sky blue?”
The most important fact in all of this report.. How Israel found itself in an Arab country and how the lands were secured for it by Britain with the exodus in 1940 was the beginning of the scheme
And you hid the truth about Britain by colluding over the Arab lands, dividing it according to the mood of the Balfour Declaration, killing children, and the heinous massacres that Israel committed, all of this you hid.
US: Jim Crow Laws
South Africa: Apartheid
Samething people!
The crime of apartheid is defined by the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court as inhumane acts of a character similar to other crimes against humanity "committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime". Israel is an Apartheid State!
She's pretty.
Israel is not a true democracy, because democracy is a political regime in which all eligible citizens participate equally in the proposal, in the development and in the creation of laws, that is, all are equal before the independent law of race, religion, etc.
The Israeli parliament passed on July 7, 2018 a law that defines the country as the state of the Jewish people legalizing the apartheid regime and making racial discrimination legal, the law states that "Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people" , thus excluding any other ethnic and religious group. Arabs make up about 20% of Israel's nearly 9 million people and have long called for discrimination. Another 5% of the population is made up of non-Arab Christians and other ethnic groups.
This law of the Jewish state is more or less equivalent to saying that Brazil is an exclusively Catholic country so that other religious groups (spiritists, Umbandists, Muslims, evangelicals and Jews) no longer have their rights protected and can be expelled, deported and have their confiscated properties. A law very similar to that of Israel was passed at the time in Hitler's Nazi Germany where Jews lost their property, legal rights and were persecuted to death.
In Israel, in the city of Hebron for example, there are streets and roads exclusive to Jews being prohibited the transit of Palestinians. With this law the construction of Jewish residential colonies in the Palestinian territories becomes fully accepted (although it is a violation of international law).
With this law, only Jews have full citizenship, Palestinians become second-class citizens, which characterizes the apartheid regime that existed in South Africa from 1948-1984.
The Law of the Jewish State definitively ended with democracy in Israel and instituted a regime of social and ethnic segregation which contravened the provisions of the United Nations.
היא פשוט אמרה כל כך הרבה עובדות בסרטון אחד. עבודה טובה
fun fact :
omar barghouti have studies in the tel aviv university
4:47 at times like these I regret my country has freedom.
But what abt in the west bank ??? Like why are their settlers and aparteid between native Palestinians and Israeli settlers with a very euro-centric skin . I'm sure many are middle eastern blood .
But again , aparteid in the west bank
Ironically, this video also depends on the ignorance of its audience.
The accusation of Apartheid is based purely on how Israel treats Palestinians in the West Bank, not within its internationally recognised borders.
And she didn't talk a second about it.