Does the Bible Limit Gender to Just Male and Female
Alan Shlemon responds to a trendy new argument that claims that a non-binary interpretation can be imposed on the Genesis account of creation.
Read more from Alan on this topic: https://shr.link/dam0c
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Okay so what about people that are intersex born with both genitalia are they condemned to hell because God made them that way but they have a choice to be whatever
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Well, there are only two genders.
This is a serious question?
Well said!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
Idk about that book, but nature sure does limit it so there's that. But nature isn't an authority I guess
Those who propose a non-binary gender spectrum will typically separate gender from biological sex.
Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Well put, interesting in putting the contrast of frogs & twilight being concepts even from ancient times, but polygenders beyond two with varying preferences is a concept that is very anachronistic.