Does the Bible Predict the End of the World? – BibleProject Podcast on Apocalypse
Are these the end times? Why does the Bible use language of fiery judgment? And what is the mark of the beast? In this episode, Tim and Jon answer your questions about how to read apocalyptic literature.
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#Apocalypse #BibleProject #Podcast
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17:49 "it's a really long time, at least from my brain's experience of time, "
"from a rock's experience of time, 2000 years is not very long, not very long at all"
Very true.
2 Peter 3:8 , But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
We are living in the birth pains now 😳 Nov 18 2023
Matthew 24 notes two specific questions: The first addresses the temple and the second addresses the actual “end” of the long cycle. Jesus even states that it’s the worst calamity ever for the earth to experience and that God cuts things short (the 70th week) because everyone would die from the events listed—which are caused by a heavenly event. We read about the specifics of this event in the 6th seal of Revelation. Everything that Revelation is describing is a heavenly body (Wormwood) that literally devastates the earth and brings about an end to the long cycle of humanity before the Kingdom of God is fully established on the earth.
You guys really have helped me get back to God.
Thank you.
Is the end of the world now because of the war in Israel
Eschatology is the study of end times which is that THIS Creation will be destroyed and a new earth and heaven will be birthed that will never end.. Do you think I am understanding Eschatology correctly as a premillennialist? Would you refer to your ideology as an Amillennialist? Trying to bridge your teachings.
I can't believe people seriously think coronavirus vaccines are microchips to track them and the mark of the beast, how paranoid can they be? They don't know how vaccines work? My parents have worked in a hospital all their lives, vaccines are to help us cure diseases, we need them
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I really like the kind of language you guys use in podcasts, in many denominations there are certain phrases and terms, which are unfamiliar to others (both unbelievers and believers from different denominations). It’s great, that you can explain an important Christian topic to a broad audience in common terms.
46:04 BRUHH
36:20 this tho
The Second Resurrection is the Judgment Day
1 Cor 15:24-28 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.
2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day.
This scripture alone throws out the Rapture Theory. To get a better perspective of time frames we can look at the Hebrew calendar to understand Gods time line. Understanding in man’s timing many would say the earth is a lot older then 6 Thousand years.
I will focus only on what God deems relevant for His time line.
We are in the seventh day which is the sabbath rest or 7000 year cycle.
Let's break it down
50 years equals 1 Jubilee Cycle
120 Jubilee cycles equals 6000 years
According to the Hebrew calendar
2500 years is
Creation 3983 BC to Exodus 1482 BC
3500 years is Exodus 1483 BC to 2017 AD
6000 years Total
1000 years is
Modern Day 2018 AD to Completion 3018 AD
50 Jubilee cycles is Creation to Exodus
70 Jubilee cycles is Exodus to 2017
120 Jubilee cycles Total
20 Jubilee cycles is Modern Day to completion or The day of Rest or the Seventh Day
140 Jubilee cycles Grand Total
Thank you !!! Blessings & peace to everyone
Is this real.
The Bible did not predict the end of the world. It was the Old Covenant "WORLD" and then Gospel of Christ that was predicted to end in AD 70.
The end of the world is when you die and everything mankind has done will also disappear. Even if you were the most famous person in the history of mankind, even those made up stories of GOD will fade away.
So all OUR HISTORY will disappear one day and even the story that we peddle about a God who seems to exist and whom no one has seen except schizophrenics and manipulators. You should know that the earth has existed for 4.5 billion years and not for thousands of years, like the immense MAJORITY of religions that peddle it.
ALL the planet and suns of the universe will come together again in one place to explode and do another BIG BANG again and absolutely no one will know our story after the next BIG BANG, ABSOLUTELY no one will know that we have exist.
Let's celebrate Christmas on December 25, to which formerly this day of December 25 was called Saturnalia which was a pagan festival in honor of the God Saturn, Saturn which is part of Roman mythology.
We are in the Holocene, the 6th mass extinction that is coming created by the human only.
oh look two jews talking about the bible, and they got 1.2 million views, i bet their message is a really good one that is well grounded in scripture.
Wouldn't the simplest interpretation of scripture suggest that the end times prophecy has passed and not come about?
This idea of end times echoing for each generation seems to be extra-scriptural to make the square peg fit into a round hole.
“you will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes” (Matt. 10:23); “there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom” (Matt. 16:28); “there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power” (Mk. 9:1; cf. Lk. 9:27); “this generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (Matt. 24:34).
yes and says it will happen in a moment in the twinkling of an eye!
no time for fear; The book of Revelations is about the end of The Law Day World and The
Coming in of our Grace Day !!! When Jesus spoke of the Razing of Jerusalem, HE said Nothing that bad had happened before Neither
would anything that bad happen again !!! Amen
We all just need to say it. Reveal these evil spirits and bring justice. Parables just don't do it anymore. Love you all equally, spread the word as you go through this 1st life, feel everyone's feelings through a loving manner and Jesus replied: “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
I want to know Tim's secret to be SO gracious to such bad interpretation choices (like Left Behind). When I realized the Bible just plain doesn't teach a "Rapture" and every attempt to force one into the text comes from bad Bible reading… I still can't say the word without spitting a little. He's just so gracious about it all. How does he CONSTANTLY come from that mode? Just once I want to hear him say "That's just stupid"… And yet I don't, I want to be more like Tim in this. Some of it is bound to be personality driven. He's just calmer than I am. But if he has a secret, I want to know what it is!
The End of the Age some translations instead of end of the world
Does the method of discernment you described for testing prophecy also apply to dealing with conspiracy theorists? I have relative that have become extremely preoccupied with these fatalistic views of corruption and evil in the world yet they believe they are in the side of good. The love in their heart has soured into bitter resentment for the government and fellow man, I just want to be there for them as best as I can
Good questions yallll
Pretty cool convo
Hello from north Carolina
My understanding about visions is if someone was delivering a message through a vision they saw, you would be filled with the Holy Spirit to know it's true. I was raised LDS and heard some interesting stories about divine intervention and visions, and there were times I felt the spirit and times I didn't. I think divine intervention is absolutely real. Some people may not experience it, or do and don't recognize it, and it's also not up to me to judge them because that is between them and God. My Dad always taught me that if I was ever in doubt about anything to pray out loud (which I do in private) to God and ask Him. So I think that is always a good rule of thumb when you're questioning those instances. I ask God questions about EVERYTHING 😅 and the answers I get come from using my senses. I don't get visions, I am taught in various ways. Like finding this podcast! It's been an eye opening experience and I appreciate it very much!
This death cult crap is sickening. It's so normalized that folks will talk about it with a gross smile of their faces. This is an ancient tome created by multiple authors that had a horrific view of humanity. 2000 years later, people continue to take it seriously. 🙁
Read the bible like you would an awesome science fiction book. Front to back.
Matthew 24 verses 4-9 are very closely parallel to the seals in Revelation. The seals do not occur until after Antichrist forms a covenant with the 10 King Unified government to restore the sacrifice. So we may be living in some of the conditions of the birth pains, but these are not the biblical birth pains mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24 and by John in Revelation in the seals.
In the cosmic view, an age lasts the cycle of Earth's axial precession that spans about 25,771.5 years.
In astrology next age–the March equinox will cross over into the constellation Aquarius in 2597 AD.
In the series of Jacques Fresco (1916 – 2017, 101 years old) Zeitgeist videos examining his innovations of a resource based economy in one video they explain that much of Christian doctrines surround astrology and the zodiac that involve night sky star configurations. They also claim that mystery religions circa ancient Egypt times concern cycles. Recall that Moses was likely a historical co-leader Pharaoh of Egypt, but instead of being cast out, the Hebrews were suffering from leprosy and for public health reasons left society so as to prevent disease spread. Biblical mention was made that Moses' hands when removed from his robes were diseased in appearance.
It is said that Jesus was a Judean (from Southern region of Palestine) rather than strictly a Hebrew Israelite.
–> walter veith fake hebrew khazars YouTube
If you don’t read the books of the prophets along with their historical counter parts, then you can make them say just about anything.
Easter is the English name for Ishtar, Ashteroth, Semiramis, Isis, the goddess of fertility. It is one of the lies "our fathers inherited"…not to be contrary, but we need to know the Truth. We are in the time of the end and as stated in Daniel 12, the wise will understand.
I need prayer my son is being taken away from me for trying to help get him away from his abuser his own father who hates God please pray for my son Leeam.
water is the word! fire is trials and judgements