Dr. Voddie Baucham: How Critical Race Theory Has Infiltrated the Church
Dr. Voddie Baucham—preacher, professor, and cultural apologist—has not only examined the origins of critical race theory, but the means by which it has infiltrated the Christian Church under the guise of social justice.
This clip is an excerpt from a virtual event. Watch it, here: https://youtu.be/yEL7KtQ673w
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This is part of the “apostasy” the great falling away, from the truth, from God. 2 Thessalonians 2
Close to 40% of Americans have attended college. Compared to 8% in 1960. I took sociology, but that's not CRT. There were other classes like Philosophy that asked ethical questions, but that's been going on since Socrates. Previously, I looked CRT schools and I only found a hand full of colleges, none of which were Ivey league. Now, Kimberly Crenshaw the author of CRT says that CRT is not taught in K – 12. It is only taught in the universities in the law department. So, I see Voddie as a liar. We know that the Democrats left the Democratic party over school desegregation. So, these racist ideas are emerging again, but this time they put a Black face on it.
But, what are they concepts that are on top? What is the draw that grabs the Christian attention? Marxism is just an economic structure like Capitalism. We know that Blacks were red lined against. We know that Capitalism stole from Africa it's land, resources, people, language, culture, but you are not asking the hidden ideas behind Capitalism.
Doesn't matter if it's a broader movement. Why is it gaining traction? The KKK has been gaining traction since Trump enabled it. Is that bad, too?
So, we're listening about Christianity from the Heartache Foundation ?? Omg!!!
Read the Bible yourself.
This is very sad. I find what you are sharing with people is dangerous, not Critical Race Theory. You will get a lot of likes from far right Christians who are more committed to nationalism than following Christ. Jesus would be accused of Marxim and Socialism if he were on earth today. I am proud to be in his company.
Does this CRT ban hoopla mean we will no longer be able to recite the Star Spangled Banner in schools because it talks about fighting enslaved people in the third verse and the writer wrote that blacks were inferior in other works??? This is definitely separating us. Be careful what you wish for.
They try to act like we were not taught about slavery and bigotry in years gone by. We were taught that forever.
One of the satan’s dirtiest tricks. Looks good. Sounds good. But doesn’t taste good. It is a half-truth.
Apparently there is a need for me to take a deep dive into what Critical Race Theory (CRT) is really all about because I smell the dookey doo-doo damnable doctrine of devils morphing into another anti-christ religious denomination with interest on being seated at the ecumenical council for the gates of hell against THE CHURCH OF GOD IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!
So, what's my initial take on CRT… Intelligent people want to know why systemic racism exists in America among people that founded a great nation on values which contradicts the very nature of systemic racism saying "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL WITH CERTAIN INALIENABLE RIGHTS" – Or something like that!
He’s a very sick guy
The question you should be asking sir, HAS RACISM Infiltrated the Christian Church? When will you "Black" preachers who align with White preachers in covering up the lies and ignore Social injustices in the United States…. As a Christian, I have to fight to tell Blacks what you folk preach most of the time is not Christianity, but AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY, that only plays well in America, shame on you! Fighting against the White Jesus Lie, its' amazing American Christianity STILL PROMOTES WHITE Jesus. We need Biblical Christianity, not this American Style of Christianity created by Whites and promoted by many Black preachers.
as Christ is drawing nearer and nearer to his saints (yes, he returns in his saints, 2 Thess 1:10, I Cor 15) EVERY MAN in his own order, (hour) more and more that is HIDDEN (all wrong thinking and believing) is going to be revealed. God will simply allow everything that his people especially have hidden from themselves, secret sins and secret hatred and secret beliefs, will be exposed before they can be CORRECTED (Chastening of his sons ) FOR CHRIST BRINGS MANY SONS BACK TO GLORY: visit and see how Christ returned and I experienced this as the first resurrection, which is the first rapture that took my soul out of my carnal mind and my carnal mind out of the heart (Gods house): The carnal mind is the abomination that causes DESOLATION in the temple (heart) making itself God): The carnal mind is the false prophet, the seed of the serpent that has to be revealed and overcome as CHRIST RISES IN HIS SAINTS and separates them unto the gospel so they can OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD in their own self: Rev 1:7
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
Heb 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
The ten virgins are the five carnal senses that do not have the anointing but the other five SPIRITUAL SENSES are those who have the ANOINTING that breaks the YOKE from the carnal mind so we can RISE with the HOLY ONE OF God:
Critical Race Theory is a secular humanist ideology meant to replace faith in God's Justice with submission to government enforced Marxism.
I wonder if these churches realize that Marx's philosophy and Darwinism are really the same. What I mean by that is that they are both dialectic materialism and Marx used Darwin's theory of evolution as the scientific basis to validate his extreme ideologies. In fact that is why so many young men in Russia turned to atheism and communism before the revolution and we know what a disaster that was. The theory of evolution is the Trojan hoarse that America let in our school system a long time ago but it has open the way for Marxism and I believe that's exactly what it was designed to do. Dialectic materialism are principalities and evil wickedness in high places and the very thing that exalts itself above the Knowledge of God
Subscribed, thank you!
You teach and preach lies and you have not provided on fact!!!
Biblical Repentance never ended slavery or sexism, it’s CRT and law that did it. Once biblical repentance ends racism in the church or America, you wouldn’t need to worry about CRT.
Instead of complaining all the time, why not actually go out and help a homeless person? The homeless have no time to try to figure out who’s theories are right or wrong.
CRT is propaganda a divide and conquer tool from the enemy in which it was intended. That doesn’t mean we don’t have racial issues in the system it just means Justice is in Christ ALONE.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11👑
So grateful to see you 💕🙏🏼
The "church" has a more racist history than any government… The truth always causes divisons between the wheat and the tare. Between those who are under the strong delusion and those who aren't. My problem is the church has no solution only criticism. The American church is silent on policies that affect the least of these…
Voodie has yet to accurately define what CRT is so here you go:
Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.
The basic tenets of critical race theory, or CRT, emerged out of a framework for legal analysis in the late 1970s and early 1980s created by legal scholars Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, and Richard Delgado, among others.
A good example is when, in the 1930s, government officials literally drew lines around areas deemed poor financial risks, often explicitly due to the racial composition of inhabitants. Banks subsequently refused to offer mortgages to Black people in those areas.
praise the Lord and God bless you amen
They need to stop calling it critical race theory and just call it American history. 🤷🏾♂️
All Christians are against racism, because of two things:
1. racism is just the stupidest form of hatred, and Christians don't hate people. If you think they do, it is because you do not know Jesus Christ.
2. there are no races. We all descend from Adam and Eve.
CRT cannot be infused into anyone's Christianity. CRT is a pollutant that makes your salt unsalty.
Watch the full event with Dr. Voddie Baucham, here: https://youtu.be/yEL7KtQ673w