Drug Cartels Are Profiting From Joe Biden’s Open-Borders Agenda | Mark Morgan on Newsmax TV
Heritage Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax TV, Saturday, May 22, to talk about the border crisis, the Biden administration’s extreme open-borders agenda, and why this agenda is hurting millions of Americans.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL6YTGu_-ag
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Joe Biden benefits the cartels only.
Hunter Biden is profiting too! No surprise to anyone! Just as they did from the Covid pandemic!
We survived Obama i have my doubts if the country can survive as it is under comrade biden.
The heartland states need to ban together and watch the rest burn
I don't understand how this is LEGAL? Why can't this be STOPPED?
The only thing the war on drugs has accomplished is massive profit margins on drugs. Because thats what happens when you make something illegal. The profit margins will go up until its worth the risk to distribute and sell. So the war on drugs just make cartels rich af. Good job
Cartels own (by donations) politicians. You factor in enough money and many politicians will sell out their own children.
You are pointedly pushing this to people that are very aware of this problem… If you want to impress me and want me to keep clicking on your stuff I want to see your stuff legitimately on mainstream media Not just Fox but on CNN CNBC CBS as a legitimate news and taking very seriously… You can keep echoing this on all right media clips, but we already know all this we see it! This is nothing new .This is how it was pre-trump… And now we're right back to it but stronger and worse than ever… Trump legitimately tried to put America first… And that's why he was so beloved.. everybody talked about fixing this problem ever since I was a little kid… and after getting in office they would never touch the damn problem again… We are ruled right now by malevolent nefarious oligarchs… It has little to do with Biden Harris, they are just broken puppets put in there by these oligarchs to blow smoke up our ass and keep us all distracted about the ushering in of a one world system communism… All you do heritage foundation is piss the people off that are already pissed off about this situation.. unless we take to the border and take to the streets and start taking care of this problem, if that's what you're pushing…. I don't know if that's completely the safe way… You need to offer some legitimate solutions, some way we can be proactive in a good legit way… Like riding congressmans like standing up joining together in our own peaceful protests… But you cannot keep polarizing people just like the left is… That is not going to be the solution….That is just more freaking smoke screen that is exactly playing into their plan and into their hands… Heritage foundation? It's time to be part of the solution and not part of the problem… We are well aware or what the problem is!
Mass immigration stagnates your wages and increases your living costs.
In this episode of our new series, PolicyLAB, test subjects were tasked with assembling a mysterious device called a Stirling engine, an early alternative to the steam engine, and a machine that offers a perfect segway into a lesson about asylum reform — an issue critical to all Americans: https://youtu.be/Dy7A0cGV7JA
This is agenda driven content.
Drug cartels have taken advantage of US borders throughout all administrations..?
You guys are as bad as MSNBC .
This is no shocker, they've been doing it for years, but it has escalated 200% in the last few months. Thank you, Biden, for deconstruction of the USA.
Government drug and sex trafficking back in business?