ECONOMICS LESSON: Why America is the Last Best Hope
Glenn dives into today’s economics: Immigrants from second or third world countries take two to three generations to contribute to absorbing a nation’s debt. Glenn explains this economic fact and why it shows that America is the last best hope for mankind.
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Are you an economist? Just asking
Immigration should be able to support themselves or have the want to!!!! But there coming to America and sucking Taxes payers from everything they can and then some!!!
I am with you 100% sir.
Whaha, joke. America (and all it's layers) have ruined more then they can ever fix. There is only 1 way and 1 solution and it's us – the people of this world have to unite and stop this madness. Boycot big tech (Apple first) – disney – hollywood and their fundings drop. That is the beginning of their downfall.
Flat population growth is stable especially with the advent of automation. Unless you're a cleaner or carer of the elderly – we don't need you!
Stop giving money to the Federal Reserve Bank! It's a private business robbing this country of it's wealth. What are they going to do about? Get mad?
This country is so corrupt there is no saving it..look whos in our government
We need to pray, ask God bless our country and be with our president
http://www.HowToBeACrook.com ✌🏽 cheers!
DJT is trying to correct all the decades of imbalance in poor trade deals all in the name of globalism. We have to bring manufacturing back, giving companies tax breaks to do so. We have built China up since the 90s….we are done with that. Back our dollars that are from our treasury, not federal reserve notes with gold and silver, then true booming recovery happens.
Ditch the Fed and we will be set free!
That last great hope is fading fast! Once Trump is gone this nation is finished as constituted! The decades old goal of the Left, which now owns the Demo-rat Party, is to destroy this nation as constituted and replace i with a permanent single party ruled socialist "republic"! That goal so close the Left can taste it, which is why the Left is so determined to destroy Trump! He has delayed that goal! It is only a matter of time until the American voters in their stupor will elect another Demo-rat to the White House, only THIS time that President WILL be a far leftist! The proof is there can no longer be ANY doubt there is a double standard of justice in this nation, one for the ruling class, one for the peons! Hillary will walk, Comey IS walking, it will only get worse.
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For decades now, the Muslims have worked hard to take over US (most prized target) to have access to its military and economic powers to take over the world. Yes, America is the Last Best Hope for all infidels.
You should have Peter Thiel back on to talk about growth
Monster Mitt Romney is actually a Globalist/Totalitarian! Digital Economy moves us away from debt based economy to productive economy-we need a US World Reserve Cryptocurrency built on productive value and exchange for international trade.
I gave this cast a thumbs up! NExt!
Yay!…economics w/ Glenn! The best! Thanks so much Glenn.
No Glenn….America WAS the last best hope. The US fiat currency is in a death spiral…like all fiat currencies before it.
Just print more duuuuuhhhhh
We have to go through this. Theres no way out of it. However, hopefully everyone stays strong by preparing food, water and fuel. Explaining to our families that holding out from the government solutions "chip" we can outlast the collapse and rebuild. America will still be here after this government is gone. Be strong American Patriots.
In academia, economics is referred to as the dismal science.
The situation round the world is not getting better.
I am sorry Glen I would like to go back to the 1960s. My father had a job. There was food on the table. I love the house that we lived in. The 70s destroyed much of my family. So no I would like to go back to the 1960s.
GOD is the only hope for the world. GOD is using America to be the light to the World
What Glenn offers has a lot more surety, substance and credibility than that served up by the "climate change" political lobby. If anything is going to sink the developed world it will be unchecked mass immigration and reality-unencumbered government spending.
And why is the debt higher because the lawlessness of immigration.
Sounds like a disaster.
Thanks Glen for your effort. Spoken like a true patriot.
Hey Tonto, look, what the hell is that?
Tonto raises his sunglasses above his eyebrows and squints: “It’s Cryptocurrency Derek”
Only if we raise Jesus in praise and obedience once again. Laws won’t do it. Look…American kids have been indoctrinated into socialism for many years. We should have fought this years ago. It’s taken over media, universities and schools, Democrat party and some RINO’s and I believe it’s been infecting the military for too. We must fight but only Jesus can change this. The end must come bc it’s written in revelations. Anti-Christ must reign for a time.
He will come in peace and with the answers to the worlds problems. America will be judged/destroyed. I believe we are the harlot.