Election and Predestination l Voddie Baucham
Understanding the doctrine of Predestination and Election is essential to the presentation of the Gospel. In this sermon, Dr. Voddie Baucham presents, defends, and applies this biblical doctrine. In this systematic exposition concerning the election and predestination of Jacob, Dr. Baucham also walks us through the importance of confessions and creeds to define what we mean when we refer to belief in Jesus and the Bible.
Election and Predestination l Voddie Baucham
Genesis 25:19-26
Grace Defined and Defended: https://store.gracefamilybaptist.net/products/grace-defined-and-defended-what-a-400-year-old-confession-teaches-us-about-sin-salvation-and-the-sovereignty-of-god
Modern Exposition of 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith: https://store.gracefamilybaptist.net/products/modern-exposition-of-1689-baptist-confession-of-faith
The Grace of the Gospel: https://store.gracefamilybaptist.net/products/the-grace-of-the-gospel
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There is no reason anyone should believe election and preordination as the only way to salvation. It is one way to be lead to salvation because God had a specific plan that required you to be made for righteousness. It is also true that some are made for unrighteousness, which is for God’s glory too. However, ALL are made for repentance and an unrighteous vessel can be cleansed and used for righteousness.
Election and predestination are true, but so is the fact that everyone can be saved. That is why we share and evangelize. Those made for unrighteousness need to hear the truth, in order to have revelation from God and receive His free gift. Ultimately it is all God and not ourselves, but regardless we all can be saved.
2 Timothy 2:19-21 ESV
But God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.” Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honorable use, some for dishonorable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.
How profound this sermon is! Thank you Pastor Baucham for this incredible thought provoking sermon!
God's blessings to all who serve Him 🙏
If I’m understanding you correctly, you’re saying people don’t sin. If that is what you’re presenting, then how in the world do you explain Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, etc. I’m not going to go into detail about your other inaccurate assumptions on Calvinism. You have interpreted some of Calvin inaccurately. Have you ever read any of Calvin’s works? I will pray that the Lord opens your eyes to such heresy as men not being sinners.
It's tragic that a man of this influence doesn't understand that election for salvation is corporate and not individual. 😢
We respond to the Gospel BECAUSE we are of the elect?
Never considered it that way before.
Much to ponder and pray over.
Thanks and blessings to you.
Thanks and praise be to God most high!
Voddie make this topic very clear. With a good explanation.
Yet, there are always godly and sincere questions that we can made that tells us that he is not completely right.
For example: "Why would God Chose me and not chose my father and mother? Because, according to this truth 'God is good' it would make sense that, since He chose me, he would also chose the people around me. Specially if i live my life according to the scripture to preech the gospel with words and with actions, so the people around me can believe in Christ. So, again, if God chose me, why he would let my most loved ones die without his salvation?"
This contradicts the attribute of "justice" and "goodness" of God. Assuming that God did not chose then, but chose me, only because he fliped a coin, is not a good point. "But it is not your work, Voddie would say". I agree, its not my work, yet, this way of thinking contradicts the attributes of God.
I believe in the election, but i also believe that god chose people based on something. And i believe this 'something' is this: 'Loving the Truth above all the things'. Because Truth is one of the greatests atributes of god. Matter of fact, Christ said He was the Path, the Truth and the Life. Truth is something important for God, thats why i belive that is the reason. And it doesnt mean that we can glory in our love for the truth, because its not even close to what is necessary to go to heaven. That would be only an attribute in which God elected us for salvation. All glory is his
Is there a distinction between elect and “for who so ever believes “ shall be saved?
Calvinism if FALSE!! He teaches that
My brother, the question wether or not a person is among "the elect" should never come to our minds, because "the elect" is whosoever will, and only God knows who will.
Not wether they are chosen by God for Heaven inspite of their will (oh, they don't have a will) or are they left by God to go on to Hell.
God Bless
Brother Voddie I love you with the love of God, but talk about "gymnastics with the Scriptures" so "whom he foreknew" means "whom he foreloved"???
John 3:16-17 KJV
For God so LOVED THE WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
There is so much I could say about the falsehood of Calvinism, but how about this for starters:
It seems so obvious to me that if a belief is attached to any man's name, other than Christ Jesus alone, Satanic deception is somehow involved.
God Bless,
Pastor K. L. Greene
Narcissistic arrogance.
Ditch this guy as fast as you can.
This is fabulous!! 6 years ago i came to the doctrines of grace after 20 years in free will baptist, once my thinking started align with God only then did i begin a true walk in sanctification.
It’s clear who the elect are. The House of Jacob Israel and the House of Judah.
ONLY their descendants are the elect.
The Abrahamic covenant is only to them.
The covenants were made with them.
The only people the disciples went to are them.
The bride is the House of Israel.
Salvation is only to the House of Israel.
The only people that have fulfilled all the promises are the Europeans and countries thereof.
Thank God Dr. Voddie Vauchan nice hearing you the Word of God,here in the Philippines,continue preaching if there is an opportunity.God blessh you.
I don't understand!! What does "bearing fruit" look like if I'm still sinning while being sanctified?! I don't know if I'm saved or Elect because I keep hearing contradictory elements. I believed I was saved all my life and tried to live according to God's word but had no real concept of sin at all. I had no real teachers of God's word so I lived according to what I thought was good and lived a totally self righteous life. Then I come across John MacArthur and for the first time in my life I'm hearing the Word of God taught and preached. I discover that yes, there are actual people who read and study God's word! people like Voddie. Now I have to look back at my life and I can't see that I was saved at all. I can't see any fruit even now, and yet, I love Christ. What is sanctification!!!???
Thank you for this important teaching!
False doctrine.
God has predestined those who would believe to have everlasting life, to have glorified bodies, to rule and reign with Him, and to be conformed into the image of Christ.
That's Biblical predestination.
God is not a wicked puppet master who decides who gets saved and who is lost.
God's sovereignty allows for a free will.
God's foreknowledge does not equate to forced knowledge.
"God is not willing that any should perish but that all may come to repentance."
Calvinism's false god is willing that many should perish and that few should come to repentance.
Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of eternal life to all who trust Him alone for salvation.
Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present, and future). That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation.
This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.
I always start with asking the Holy Spirit to give me understanding & wisdom & block any outside (worldly) thoughts/problems or NOISES that satan tries to use to interfere. THAT DIAPER in a VIPER HAD ME stopping midway for….on- my-knees reinforcement🤔🤗 but I'll be back because Voddie is my last resort. I saved him for last on purpose this time. Ive listened to several already on this topic. I can't believe I'm having such trouble with this one. But, I KNOW IN MY ❤, if Voddie doesn't make me understand, NO ONE CAN. He just has that GIFT☝
This is dangerous false teaching. It fosters passivity. Voddie has some great things to say about politics but this seminary teaching is straight up demonic!
God pretermines in Christ that we all get saved and follow Him. But we have to agree. He doesn't force us. Because God decided to show more mercy to some does not mean he predestined most people to hell. You had kids believing this?
I’m not sure if I’m on board with the predestination stuff in the normal understanding. The only way I can see it is if God has predestined that all should be saved, but it is determined based off our reaction to the gospel. We have free will and decide if we will give our life to Christ and believe on all that he has done or not.
God does not predestinate to holiness and adoption those who are not elect. Election and predestination are two doctrines that go together. There is no one who is one of the elect that is not predestined to holiness and to adoption. Therefore those who view predestination and election as not pertaining to salvation is in grave error and unbiblical.
Yes we can understand predestination and election… Predestinated to adoption… Elected for service… Neither regress to Salvation…
Dear brethren, please get a different view. Please try Beyond the Fundamentals. These Reformed / Calvinistic teachings are dangerous. Stay away from these teachers.
Predestinated to adoption… Election for service… Neither of these revert to Salvation. This is heretical teaching.😢 Hermeneutics please.
This is unbelievably wrong teaching! Read your Bibles dear people. And not the 'study Bible' by John MacArthur nor the commentaries by Sproul, Piper, Baucham. Calvinism is not the Gospel. It's narcissistic teaching. For starters, scripture CLEARLY states that there were 2 NATIONS in her womb… It's not the individuals that He hated… For Predestination and Election👇🏾
Thank you a million times Dr Voddie and GFBC; I would have never understood this better if it weren't for you. I also appreciate the last portion of the sermon – giving us wisdom as to how to apply and accept such great truths that are beyond our minds and yet being open and honest that we do not know it all and we will ponder all the days of our lives but that never to be main concern. Grateful.
"I'm going to save some just to show off my grace." So God is a narcissist now. 😡
This is why I can't get behind Calvinism. With Calvinism you can't really trust that God will save you, you can't be certain that you're one of the elect. And if you ARE the elect then it's just a cruel move on God's part to make it impossible for other people to be saved.
Can’t speak for others but I am born totally depraved and wretched. God predestined and choose me out of His grace. I can’t resist it. Why? It’s because in my depravity, I will never go to God and choose God’s plan of salvation. There is no reason in human terms for Him to choose me. It humbled me then and bring me back to Him whenever I get derailed. Me and my family, we were called to salvation. We were not only called but being brought into salvation.
“Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.”
Romans 8:30 NKJV
I’m struggling so much with regards this topic. My brother and his family are calvinists and we have been debating continuously lately.
Whereas, I love you (V’s) explanation with regards the arrogance of calvinists which is often very evident (sadly) Im struggling so hard with the concept.
I humbly admit I may be wrong but do not feel for one second that Jesus died purely for the elect but for everyone who will believe.
The arguments for predestination are so weak when it comes to Gods sovereignty. Did Gods sovereignty only start post Adam?
Gosh – it takes so long to unpack the Romans 9 part….
Wow. Its so interesting how people are able to interpret scripture so differently.
Voddie – Id love to discuss with you, should you be willing. Im open to my mind being changed and am genuinely struggling with this subject so much. Its eating me up.
Will leave in the Lords hands.
Ok I have a question. So, according to this sermon praying for relatives and friends to be saved is useless because it is already predestined whether they are saved or not?
Love Love Love Voddie B's Videos! God Bless Him for Preaching the True Word of God!💕 † † †
Praise the Lord! I look at the book of Revelations, especially heavenly worship, and I don't see the angels and all hosts falling down before any man in worship and adoration. What we see instead are all the Hosts of Heaven worshiping The Father who sits on the throne and the Lamb of God our Lord and Saviour, that it may be shown that Glory belongs to God alone for our Salvation.
2 things.1: It never says Abraham sinned. The Bible never says that multiple wives is a sin. It is never chastised in the Bible. This is looking at it through an American modernized scope. He took her as a wife/concubine which is still a wife. 2: The original promise was that Abraham would have a son not that Sarah would. After he prayed then it was promised Sarah would conceive. People always preach this through an American modernized approach and attribute sin and doubt where it is not mentioned in the Bible. No disrespect meant as I appreciate Dr. Baucham but I believe he is incorrect here.
Brilliant exegesis. 🙏 Thank you again, brother.
This made me so happy and relieved. Because this just smashes the Lose your salvation thing. I know we’re not saved by works but I’m always worrying that I’m not doing enough and it’s so late in the game God probably won’t use me. But I’m definitely saved and seeking God daily to the point of obsession lately 😆 So I want to cry knowing I was chosen ! I’ve never been chosen for anything before. No even affection of my own parents or brothers. 🙌🙌🙏
Dang Voddie you did a better Job the DR Walter Martin on this!!
Every message I hear that viper in a diaper back there 😆😆
Dr. Baucham, I am so glad that the spirit of our Lord put it in you to teach this controversial message. I knew when I 1st listened to you that you were willing to go into deep waters for our King. You are truly a man of God. You do however have a way of saying This wrong to prove That right. Which lead me to write this… (please clarify) When you say that "Foreknow" means that God has seen the future & therefore he knows which of us will choose him?" I hope that's 1 of your Wrong to prove Right, because that is most def incorrect. The word "Foreknow in Greek is "Progenosko" meaning God had an intimate relationship with us (like father & child) before the foundations of the world.. Selah. You did say that "WE don't (can't) choose Christ, that He Choose Us. Which negates the message of God knowing which of us would Choose him. You were correct to say that surrendering
"You can't foreknow it, unless its been predetermined" 🤯
I wish I would have heard this message at 18 years old when I was experiencing religious abuse. Thank you.
Is there a group that denigrates and belittles Gods imagers more than calvinists/reformers, sans pro-choices??
I'm agreeing with Calvinism. Does anyone have a help whereby I can grow spiritually? Thanks
Are we then saying the disobedience of Adam was stronger than the obedience of Christ.
How do we then take Romans 5:12-19
So grateful for these uplifting and intellectual and truthful videos…
they are really helping me right now. God bless all the people who make this channel happen 🙏✝️🕊️