Exposed: Shadowy ‘Non-Profit’ Targeting Glenn Beck & Conservative Media | Glenn TV | Ep 331
Why are the Left and elites at the World Economic Forum so OBSESSED with “disinformation” right now? A recent article from British news outlet the Independent mentions a “nonprofit research group” called the Center for Countering Digital Hate that just released a report whining about how Google is profiting from climate misinformation videos on YouTube. The article specifically targets Glenn and BlazeTV as purveyors of climate change denial. Glenn exposes this U.K. non-profit purporting to be doing the Lord’s work but really working overtime to shut down unapproved opinions in America. How does a tiny, practically brand-new foreign group, with one full-time employee according to its 2021 tax return, get its study quoted from the White House podium? Glenn is joined by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who subpoenaed the Center for Countering Digital Hate for the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s “investigation into how the Biden administration coerced and colluded with Big Tech to censor Americans.” Groups like the CCDH have a habit of labeling something disinformation (like the Hunter Biden laptop) and then putting out actual disinformation about that thing (it was a “Russian plant!”) to try to make you believe their narrative about it. Finally, while this year’s World Economic Forum was in session, REAL disinformation from a Ted Talk by Yuval Noah Harari in 2014 went viral. In it he attacks the very foundation of America and claims “human rights (like free speech) are just a fictional story.” Glenn says Mr. Harari is wrong – America is not just a nice story. But that’s what it is in danger of becoming. Freedom is a choice – it’s not a naturally occurring phenomenon. Let’s remember who we are and stay vigilant.
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The man? who calls the shots for oxford the Clintions bank!
They have been attacking all Truth tellers, you don't have to be important or influential, just don't Speak up is what they expect. Speak up and step up. Our children lives depend on us. God bless. 🙏
It was true then, IMO. Someone was talking to us even thru movies other media. He works in mysterious ways. Bless you.
Poor klaus..trust our evil plan my fellow elites…
That's why they Haye trump..cause he's in the way
God bless TEDX, let him see the TRUTH. AMEN
While this year's theme in Davos was "Rebuilding Trust," the sub-theme was "Combating Misinformation and Disinformation".
Isn't it paradoxical that an organization that calls itself the "Anti-Defamation League" has made a business model out of the defamation of people who oppose the dogmas of the left fascists? And a very lucrative one at that.
What Jim Jordan mentions, namely that with AI, censorship could increase exponentially, is already happening. Listen to what Rep. Harriet Hagman uncovered (excerpt from a congressional hearing here on YouTube). Frightening!
By the way, Soros's accent is not German, but Hungarian.
The only disinformation we the people get are lies from our president
Jim do nothing Jordan?
He keeps having sure trials and nothing is done.
I believe that ,that guy standing up there talking to a crowd is truly evil, like the devil himself and people are actually believing this frigging guy. Maybe the story about God is just a story that a lit of different people have contributed to but we got to believe in something, something that is good not something so evil diabolical as to let it control your every move your every thought your every day living or your every dream. We can't have that because if we have that then we have nothing.
They come from the Bible.
Let the truth give the devil its due
Misinformation and disinformation is way to much information, let's keep it simple and truthful, leave out the mid and the did and just go with info and let's us decide if it's mis or dis ourselves by researching it if we chose to go in that direction to become more informed and smarter.
The lies have been said over and over again until people believe it to be true, we need to do the exact same thing with the truth over and over again except a 1000 times more by 1000s or more people on the same page so that the truth overwhelms the lie and takes Root and become this giant protector of humanity, I believe.
Keep up the good reporting Glenn. I love it, gaining knowledge is priceless.
Oh those EV stories are true for sure.
A lot of EVs won't even go 100km in cold weather before they break down.
I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. These unelected people trying to run our own lives are you frigging living me absolutely no frigging way that I am going to let these people tell me, order on how to live my life. If anyone ever allowed that to happen then they have a problem with everyday living.
Wow… well if EV’s are failing bcuz of “disinformation” then they prob shouldn’t be so glorified eh. A product should be able to stand on its own by the consumers supporting it… oh and the real disinformation is claiming that the manufacturers stated range for these vehicles is accurate cuz it’s always wrong and not just a lil but by a lot so there’s that too🙄
In my opinion, many people don't realize. Could all these claimed "created jobs" be created by: establishing 3rd party tax exempt nonprofits or tax exempt nonprofit government service providers sponsored and paid by govt grant funding, direct or indirect. The more nonprofit providers, the more new jobs created, the more grant funded entities to move forward democrat strategies, the more money that may be funneled to friends and/or family or kronies enriching themselves or funneled thru their subsidiary nonprofits whereas it's difficult to follow the money. . Nonprofits have become just about totally dependent upon taxpayer grant funding and reimbursements paid by taxpayer. Hell a lot of these nonprofits used to be a private business offering the same services but why run a tax paying private owned business when you can get free money and be tax exempt and can hire volunteers at zero dollars or internships at zero dollars, especially in the nonprofits tucked away in universities that use students as interns or volunteers. It is ridiculous how many nonprofits are funded in this nation! My opinion.
Yeah, steak for them and bugs for us cause they really think they are royalty! Gag me!
glenn you look like a Civil War General these days
We need to dethrone the wef, tell them dumbasses to find a new hobby.
They are going after everyone…including Elon Musk. What is the most effective counter-measure?
God bless you Glenn a thousand times more even according to Deuteronomy 1 vs 11. No wonder God is concerned about lies. God and Heaven is a story? I don’t blame him because God gave the fellow rights to live!!! When he goes to hell , he will tell the devil, you didn’t tell me the story was real. It is time to push back these lies and we are grateful for all that you are doing. We release angelic hosts around you in Jesus Christ name. Shalom
This globalists are the False Prophet of the Anti Christ. Tomorrow they will say the gospel of Christ is disinformation! Lies