EXPOSED: Teachers taught ‘OPPRESSION MATRIX’ to rank their white supremacy
In one of his first executive orders, President Biden reversed Trump’s ban on critical race theory training within the federal government. Christopher Rufo, Director for the Center on Wealth and Poverty, discusses with Glenn what this means moving forward. AND he provides a horrifying example of how critical race theory continues to spread throughout our nation, specifically in schools: one group of Missouri teachers were recently forced to use an ‘oppression matrix’ to assign themselves each a level of ‘white supremacy.’ Listen to this clip to find out what happened when one teacher spoke out against it, and head to BlazeTV.com tonight to listen to Rufo’s entire interview with Glenn.
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This gives me a idea, lets email congress and tell them what we think 🙂
Democrats can blow pink privilege.
0:27 – So all these companies that start to do diversity training is because of biden ! … ?, #letsgobrandon
So is LGB group marxist too !?
At least with all this infomation i know what to expect now. I wouldn't even bother if the black marxist didn't destroy neighborhoods, go figure !
2002 – Teachers only cared about teaching students the basics
2020+ – Teachers only focus on teaching there students that because there white they are racist or because there a male that there a sexist or that there straight that there instantly against LGBT.
Me: Punches drywall.
The more i find out about trump the more i want to support the guy. Did he make mistakes ?, yes !, should he be treated like the scum of the earth ?, NO !
It is Absolutely true that teachers are forced to be marxists or fail diversity/equity classes. You can't be licensed to teach without these credits. This is true in Indiana
amazon sidewalk!!!!!!
Christopher Rufo, one of the very best journalists today.
Politicians trying to destroy our Self Esteem. Self Esteem
This is vile. Absolutely disgusting.
Wow I am.sick at heart hearing this .this nothing more then the BLM movement getting their way this is just sad.
That's it, I'm through with voting for RINOs, if we don't get some Liberty party patriots through the primaries, I'm staying home in the general
The real reason for it all! Any of you curious why impeachment? Why the censoring? Why was their foreign interference in OUR election. Well, take a listen and you will find out! It's all apart of The Great Reset! Michael Matt explains! Trump throws all of Davos a huge MAGA middle finger in this! Which explains their hate for him. How dare he try ruining their World Domination!!
Common Core in US schools!!
If we push back against every executive order that he produces what can he do
Glen what will happen if we the people refuse to have this man to lead over us.
America is the training ground for Russian and Chinese spies! And they will not stop until America becomes soviet Union! One must be blind not to see that coming and happening. Still think constitution will protect you and your family?…
My buddy just told me that his grand daughters teacher told the students to make sure and tell her if their family had any relatives over for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners!!! And she's in the 3'rd grade! F%ck these teachers and their unions! Let them go bankrupt!!! This is right out of Hitler's playbook!
This is pure Communism. This is divisive, anti American and racist.
This is the how that I have been looking for!
…… Communism has been in the United States now for over 100 years and their infrastructure is strong and deep and permeates all levels of government and all factions of society.
Communism needs to be dealt with like the cancer that it is and totally eradicated from off the face of the Earth.
Washington Post 2011 Dr Anthony Fauci involvement in SARS research, 2014 Obama Administration pressured to move research from USA to Wuhan.
Be part of the school district board to fight these ideas
Such total BS my daughrers college class went this route…an glad shw left that class…thx for raising awareness
Look MD school systems. We are forced in to “study circles” training, “critical care” best practices, “be well 365” curriculum, and now “deficit ideology“ professional learning. All this does is push the narrative that students are victims of white privilege and supremacy. Absolutely absurd!
Wow it's like that guy's in a library jail! the liberals caught him
I'd like to know who started this in Springfield, MO! They should be jailed @ gitmo!
Did I miss the'come to Jesus' confession… Uknow themoment when Megan Kelly saw the light, …the error of her 'cover'age of… "little boy lvr", sickofant, ALFANTIS???
B/c before the proof was scrubbed, I saw it!!! With my own eyes….But She, Kelly ignored it, ALL OF IT
George floyd was a criminal
They've been working on our Youth for 60 years…
Now you have it…a generation who loves the idea of Democratic socialism. But they are fools if they think it will lead to liberation…lol
The Left is using the liberals to do their dirty work and once they have the numbers… they'll do away with that party too…
Then we'll have a one party country and Lord Help the children of this country and of the world.
We have to stop them by saying…
More Radical Changes!!
We have the numbers but do we have the desperation?
Because it will come down to life or death.
What the heck! Craziness! Those people must be stopped!
The problem is the courts have been stacked with Marxist judges.
And honestly, there's so many people that still have no idea what is going on it's beyond scary. If most of the people haven't caught on by now, they won't until its so far down the line they'll be too afraid to say anything anyway.
This is what they are teaching in the arts departments of colleges now…and sending their students out to rule the world with it. Colleges have become the crucible and epicenter of evil in America.
I quit. That's it. I just quit. This f.ing country. This f.ing world. What's the point. The powers that be work overtime to destroy each of us. Forget it. It's just beating our heads against the wall. WTF. This is all gone insane. I just F.ing quit!
Shut down the schools like they are shutting down the pipelines!!! Both union jobs! Then let’s see what happens
Homeschooling isn’t doable for most families. Parents will have to take a solid stand against this if they want to stop it.
No more forcing anyone to pay for public schools or any schools. Tax breaks on homeschooling and push charter schools. but then the youth can't get indoctrinated that way so. that won't happen
You tube is definitely deleting the likes. I believe its been going on for a while now.
stock home syndrome keeping turning to the government for the answer when their the abusers get back to the parents to teach their kids that was done for thousands of years the government broke up the family so only one parent so the kid has to go to the brain washing camp
simple defection labeling oppressors as whites but really government are the oppressors all governments of all races oppress people
5 min and 27 seconds, Glenn Beck the socialist says you need an attorney. Glenn is crazy as a bat. We the People are not US citizens, we don't need attorneys, attorneys are for aliens and US citizens. Attorneys are officers of the commie courts, their job, take your money, thats it. Geez Glenn, you are so lost
That's the result of Western long lasting ignorance about the USSR and communism. The West did not learn these lessons nor did it want to learn. Eastern and Northern Europeans, who have suffered Nazi and communist regimes tried to tell, nobody listened. Now you got what u got. I hope US will be back on track soon, i really do, because if US falls, the whole Western world collapses too. Buckle up! and #GodBlessAmerica
White privilege = not hating the color of the skin you were born with.