Farmland WARS: The Global TAKEOVER of America’s Land|Glenn T…
Farmland WARS: The Global TAKEOVER of America’s Land|Glenn TV|Ep 244
There’s a world war raging right now between globalist and nationalist authoritarians. Glenn exposes why Ukraine is so vital to the globalist agenda and why it’s so essential to nationalists like Russia, China, and Iran. The war is being fought more discreetly in other parts of the world, including our own back yard.
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There’s a world war raving right now between globalist and nationalist authoritarians. In some parts of the world, the war already involves bombs and bullets. Glenn reveals why Ukraine is so crucial to the globalist agenda and why it’s so essential to nationalists like Russia, China, and Iran. The war is being battled more covertly in other parts of the world, including our own back yard.