Fighting for Human Rights Means Defending Born AND Unborn People
Are advocating for life and human rights linked to one another? According to these experts, yes.
This video is an excerpt from this virtual event: What Does it Mean to Be Human? Bioethics and Public Policy: https://youtu.be/G4LPoyp0D-4
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Protect the unborn, or be judged accordingly.
This is the single biggest issue of our times. Christians, physicians and biologists alike agree that the unborn are just as human as we are.
Abortion is just another form of state-sponsored genocide.
That's right un born have rights
All rights for them!
Tell them to read the Bible
God will deal with those that don't want to do right!
The devil will be the common enemy of human survival. Justice and fairness are open for the people. Pray that God will give us life and strength. Amen!
The moment egg is fertilised by sperm, it becomes a humanbeing with soul!
In all my debates with pro-abortionists, I ask them whether they believe that a woman has a right to commit suicide, or believe in doctor assisted suicide. When they say no, which they will, then I point out the hypocrisy of the ‘women have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies’ argument.
normally, we don't want our finest gifts to literally perish without a fight, yet we murder unborn babies daily- this is evil
Pree disposition sentientcy by DNA of both parents before conception medically and neurologically proven..!
And by the way this same evidence was prevalent in all the animals before it was discovered in humans.!
There is no such thing as human non-person since human beings are sentient before conception from both of their parents..! Sentient DNA passed from both that gives them all of their intelligence in life from their PARENTS SENTIENCY BEFORE CONCEPTION AND PROVEN BY NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCE..!
In row v wade judges decided to intupertat the Bible in Genesis the creation of addem, WHICH BY OUT FIRST AMENDMENT GOVERNMENT IS FORBIDEN TO DO..! In Genesis where Adam became a living Soul when God breathed his first breast into his lungs..!
Medically addems first breath of oxygen nitrogen air has never left the human race, NOT EVEN IN THE WOME! IN THE WOME CHILDREN GET ALL OXYGEN THREW THEIR MOTHERS UMBILICAL CORD or life would not be impossible at all.! ADDEMS BREATH THREW MOTHER'S UMBILICAL CORD..!
Although scientifically wrong Roe versus Wade broke the laws of the United States when they let government interpret the Bible and violated our first amendment..!
Yee,yes,yes ♥️ Babies will be under major attack now .
"Human Nonperson" Armbands anybody?
If women can have the right to decide if a unborn child is human or not, men should also have the right to decide either they pay or not pay child support
All these sanctimonious people in the comments need to walk a mile in the woman's shoes. You have NO clue what her situation is. Unless you are able to carry that child, care for it and pay for it for the rest of it's life, you need to butt out.
No, abortion shouldn't be a form of birth control but are you seriously saying that someone who has been raped, should have that child to be reminded of it everyday? That someone without the emotional and financial stability to care for a child should have it and the child should suffer? How many of you have adopted unwanted children who weren't aborted?
Stop telling people what they should do and start looking in a mirror before you start preaching about the bible. Pretty sure you missed the bit about do unto others …
Everyone needs to start taking care of their own business and stop minding other peoples.
I would hope, given I had Parkinson's that I would have a kindred spirit in my family voting for me
Alzheimer's voters?
I see women out there bragging about having abortions it literally makes me sick and it's not just like one abortion they've had four or five and killing a baby at full term that's murder and I don't know about a vessel or whatever I just think that all unborn babies have a right they have just as much right to be born as any body has rights I think that if you have unprotected sex they have the morning after pill go get it keep them on hand if that's the way you're going to live your life keep some on hand in the instance of incest or rape I guess that has to be up to the individual but it should be done very early on very early on
A mother's womb should be the safest place in the world.
The most evil is the killing of the unborn.
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