FIGHTING MOB POLITICS: Independent Thinking with Kevin Williamson
Glenn sits down with Kevin Williamson, author of “The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics.” They discuss the history of mob culture, and Kevin’s experience with it as a journalist.
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Thanks Glen you make a lot of sense. The problem is most people don't think that way. They think in groups. They listen to short news clips from the Main Street news media and that's what they base their opinions on. I don't really know how to change that. Pray for America.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
You can be quicker with your words. It's interesting you where once a never trumper, but thanks for getting off the Hillary band wagon
Here's an independant thought: Listening to Kevin Williamson makes me want vomit. Who thought it was a good idea to have this guy on multiple BlazeTV shows?! What a garbage, contradictory, self-absorbed, hypocritical and BORING individual he is!
Glenn. WTF, man? This is what I'm paying $99 a year for?!
Poor Glenn he is very ill he is tough but you can see it. He's getting out of control with his weight it's probably related to his ailments. If you pray, say a prayer for Glenn Beck's health to be renewed and hopefully he can begin to lose weight.
“Think independently”…??
That’s wrong think!