Finding Jesus on a Mormon Mission: The Story of Micah Wilder
How could a zealous Mormon missionary discover Jesus? Don’t Mormons preach the same Jesus as the historic Christian faith? In this interview, I talk with Micah Wilder about his wild journey to Jesus that started during his mission as a Later-day Saint.
READ: Passport to Heaven: https://amzn.to/3xrfsu9
READ: Sharing the Good News with Mormons: https://amzn.to/3vrK4cS
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They came to our church! What a blessing!, what a testimony! God can do the unthinkable !
Love this!
I actually look forward to mormans.
I dialogue with both men for about an hour and I MAKE SURE they walk away with an ACTUAL Bible. I've actually lost my first bible giving it away to a morman, I hope it served him and opened his eyes after I kinda pretend like I don't know what Christianity really is, I act as if I was just born in it at first, so they see me as either an easy or useful target, and I use that every year.
Can't get enough of Micah testimony 👌 increadable
Don’t trade one lie for another. All religions fail the test of proof and science holds the answers to the where and how, supernatural is impossible within the boundaries of particle physics.
Micah is a treasure.
Thank you, Sean… you are gifted in your ability to draw out your guest's story.
Micah, thanks for the courage and for speaking the truth and grace.
Thank God for His mercy and grace.
I know from first hand experience that jesus realy adores mormons….jesus asked me one day if i would allow him to minister to my mormon friends through me…I said yes and jesus told me I need to get out of my religious mind and not to get into conflict over mormonism…I said yes…..to cut a long story short, I have two wonderful mormon families who i love dearly who are my friends…I feel very grateful i said `yes` to jesus…because He knew exactly how to love my friends…I am still amazed that Jesus led me to mormons in my town and i am still amazed how much |He seems to love them….us christians need to get off our own religious train and be led by Holy Spirit as Paul said…then we will realy see what jesus is trying to acheive…..
Hi all I live in Southampton in Hampshire England. Way bk now I used to run in to Mormons in my town centre, this was about 2002 to about maybe 2007, I was qwite clued up on Mormon teaching and how different it was to biblical Christianity 🎉. I think my first encounter was in town, I got talking to 2 Mormons, we spoke about our differences and I was christ centred the whole time cos it's all about Jesus's right ❤. I agreed to a home visit and I thought it would be these to guys again, but to my shock wen I opened the door it was 2 very pretty gorgeous young woman 😮 arkward 😅 anyway we all had a really good talk and again I tried to show them from the bible the truth 🎉and that God wasn't a man who became God but has bn God eternally ect ect. But over the years iv had my encounters with Mormons and J. Ws. Iv got a lot of history to tell lots of memories and sometimes I wish I could go back and say or do things differently, 😢 but I can't, so I trust the Lord in that 😊 if hon iv kinda lost my way in talking to the cults and I'm praying God will light a fire in me again. You're videos are helping big time ❤. God bless you. 😊🎉
Such a beautiful testimony!!
Thank you !!!
Thank you so much 🙏🍀
I'm convicted of my past of being "short" with Mormans and Jehova witnesses at my door. As for me, i think it came out of fear and insecurity in my walk with Christ and my lack of knowledge of the word. I am so sorry for being that way and shedding a negative light towards Christians.
I listened to your book on audio book before ever knowing you did youtube. I watched several youtubes of you before I knew you were the person who did evidence demands a verdict and I have to say that is a great book. I like a lot of your interviews as well but I find books to be more complete. If Micah's book isnt on audible I recommend that he tries to get it there!
Excellent interview and Excellent Testimony ❤ ✝︎
💗❤❤❤💞This Gospel message if you continue to believe this messag, you will be saved: For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time,
What a Testimony…malolahi (thank you so much) Micah, God bless you always
Thank you, Micah, God Bless You, thank you for the truth.
Where can I find a version of this in a different language?
I'm wondering if Micah will go to seminary and become a preacher? I'd attend his church any day. He shares the Gospel so well!
I'm a Christian from a solid Christian family but I'm inspired by the pure hunger of Micah Wilder to know God. God bless you✌️
Great thank! Thanks!
How good is God.!
It’s a great book. I picked this up at a Christian bookstore in Australia. I knew nothing about this story but there was just one of this book sitting there amongst many and I just knew this was the one to read. I’m so glad I did and I have discovered such a great ministry in the process. Even after being a Christian a long time, it is easy to fall under a works mentality so this just brings so much clarity to trusting in Jesus alone and not in what I have to do. I highly recommend this book.
This was such a great interview! Learned a lot about mormonism but also how Christians should be responding. Thanks!
Growing up a Mennonite and a Baptist, my progression from the Reformation into The Restoration, is imperceptiblly fulfilling.
I have never known Christ more fully and felt the love of Heavenly Father.
The Angel Moroni Came !
God Bless
Micah has an inner glow that mormons do not have. Mormons seem very robotic and brain dead.
This interview and testimony was so encouraging. Love to see a life changed.
I've now bought 4 copies of this book to share with others. It's fantastic. Recommended to anyone and everyone.
– https://youtu.be/cC_dJEztuD4
Praise God the day He opened a young mormons eyes and heart to created a mighty warrior of our Beloved Savior, Jesus 💞
I am also a returned LDS missionary and I appreciated your testimony Micah. I can tell it was heart felt and that you're in a much better place than you were inside the church. I just want to point out that the struggles you went through are not descriptive of all LDS people, for instance I don't feel like I am separated from the love of God when I sin, some of the strongest moments I have had with Jesus were realizing he still loves me even when I'm falling far short to where I should be, and I have those experiences while still being inside the church. Anyway man great discussion, much fairer than most content about Mormons on YouTube
read material by jerald and sandra tanner concerning the fraud of mormonism. also read "the godmakers" books.
Incredible Conversation. Sean, what you are doing is very unique and encouraging in the Christian YouTube space. I so appreciate your style, your loving and humble questions, as well as your desire to bring on such a wide array of guest. You have a big fan right here!