Flattening the Voter Fraud Curve
Since the coronavirus fundamentally changed the way we live life, there has been a lot of talk from liberals about moving away from in-person elections, and making all elections by mail. But what would the implications of this be? This week, Hans von Spakovsky breaks down some of the challenges in moving away from in-person elections, and why moving to by-mail elections would unwisely endanger the security and integrity of the election process.
Show Notes
Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database: https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud
Hans’ Recent Articles on Voter Fraud
America’s Hidden Voting Epidemic? Mail Ballot Failure (Fox News): https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/americas-hidden-voting-epidemic-mail-ballot-failures
Potential For Fraud Is Why Mail-In Elections Should Be Dead Letter: https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/potential-fraud-why-mail-elections-should-be-dead-letter
Covid-19 Must Not Push US to Dangerous Online Voting: https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/commentary/covid-19-must-not-push-us-dangerous-online-voting
Hans’ Books Dealing with Voter Fraud
Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk: https://amzn.to/3eNQ0p4
Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department: https://amzn.to/3aGXVS9
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BALLOT FRAUD EVIDENCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FDGsXptbF0
Project Veritas uncovers ‘ballot harvesting fraud’ in Minnesota: Devine
By Miranda DevineSeptember 27, 2020 | 10:09pm
If you really want to see the inner workings of rampant voter fraud watch this video from Josh Bernstein at this link:
We should be voting by blockchain, with private keys issued by the IRS upon acceptance of your tax returns.
There is no place in the USA where you do not have to show id to vote
except rural areas of Repug-Bull-KLAN run RED states If you are white – you can vote with non photo id – Fishing or Hunting license ( someone thinks people who vote dem do not fish nor hunt)
In BLUE states the law has always been show state id / state drivers license or US passport.
Drivers licenses & ID for illegals are a different color.
This is why NO ONE has been arrested for voter fraud.
Repug-Bull-KLANs have been investigating voter fraud since 2004 and less than 3000 people have been charged STOP being gullible
YOU FAILED TO MENTION THIS … https://youtu.be/L6sRu8lZAc8
Let's flatten the curve from 0 to 0.
TRUTH TIME: I THINK THE $89 BILLION WOULD BE BETTER SERVED IN USA CITIZENS HANDS DURING THIS PLANDEMIC. DNC WANTS In addition to the $3.6 billion, the U.S. Postal Service needs $89 billion to ensure it can keep up with an unprecedented number of mail-in ballots, Clarke said. https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2020/07/22/States-need-36B-to-handle-elections-during-pandemic-expert-says/7561595431098/
https://thefederalist.com/2016/10/13/voter-fraud-real-heres-proof/. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/17/no-voter-fraud-isnt-myth-10-cases-where-its-all-to/
Most of the people convicted of voter fraud have been Repug-Bull-KLAN election organizers. They illegally collected absentee ballots and never returned the Democratic voter ballots (North Carolina) https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=north+carolina+voter+fraud
Do your own homework
The Heritage foundation shows 1290 cases in 20 years out of 400 million votes
You cannot steal an election with 1290 votes over 20 years (64 cases a year)
Lets review voter fraud In Red states… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE0fZftT6aQ
GOP US House Rep Charged With Felony Voter Fraud
The Heritage Foundation should be ashamed of itself for spreading disinformation about Vote by Mail. It has become a joke of a think thank and is nothing more than a Trump mouthpiece. I have vote three times by mail in New Jersey without incident. Oregon has been voting by mail for 22 years. This is not something new or something to be afraid of.
12:30. Asking the election officials if their system is working is as reliable as asking most thugs' mothers if their sons are good boys.
If or when a politician changes from his platform after being elected, that's voter fraud. Think it's 100% now. And POS Barr is guilty of dereliction of duty. And fake news is wagging the dog.
In south korea also there happened the general assembly election voting fraud widely on last April 15. 2020.
(Secret code by chinese hacker: follow the party)
Hehehe in the closet
Hi Patriot! Can you please support this petition? If we don't have a voter ID Dems have a chance to win! They always cheat! They are criminals. 100k signatures until June 25 needed! #VoterIDNow #voterfraud
Change nothing. Risk your life to vote for freedom as a citizen. As a soldier, risk your life fighting for freedom. If its not worth the risk to you, then fuck off!
Who are these "suppressed" voters, without the opportunity in their life time to obtain an Identity card. How could you, if it was your life's work to be "unidentifiable" be able to function in America as a citizen? Do these folks not drive? Not Bank? Not live in a rented or owned structure? Not Eat? It is Impossible, unless the person is mentally ill and unable to function without constant support. Are these the people whom are allegedly being suppressed/prevented from voicing their opinion? Or are there people in America with such limited education or mental acuity to obtain an identification card. If so, wouldn't they need government "welfare" assistance, and have to prove their Identity to get the card and welfare? How often have these people voted before? If it was so important that they desired to vote, but needed to obtain an ID, they have 4 years to do so. If a person is irresponsible to the point were they can't simply figure this essential task, should they have the responsibility of picking the leadership of the country they choose to never legally participate in? I saw not. You may disagree, but I welcome any dissenting opinions to describe the person who is being actually suppressed, against their desire to participate. I cannot think of one situation that anyone could survive in America without an ID or proof of identity
You folks should not believe 1/2 of what the heritage overlords want you to believe with out verifying or at least questioning it in your own minds. Do you folks believe there been proof of voter fraud. (by the left) The conspiracy theories the right believes… come on you guys are smarter than that. As a service member I voted by mail multiple times, that said, wide spread vote by mail is not the best idea. But if you conservatives want to free up elections fight the biggest issue facing democratic elections, gerrymandering! Of course you need to look at people suspiciously being thrown off voter roles and given provisional ballets as well. The right has been fixing elections for yrs folks, and then pointing the finger else at the left. Don't believe it
Here's a start:
Block any voting law Democrats want to pass (bc there's a 99% chance that it's involving some benefit or loop hole for them).
Election Fraud https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfpRySqe-6fdIT9-I64aAH6Cxy0Caec-f
2012… Candidate for Mojave County Sheriff found guilty of voter fraud and tampering with a public record. But voter fraud "never happens", right? http://www.mohavedailynews.com/news/local/hays-pleads-guilty-to-voter-fraud/article_5f5d908c-6af7-579b-b4c8-931b91a06423.html
His last comment about deciding how we shld vote based on what is the "safest" thing to do will be a losing proposition bcuz it will ALWAYS be "safer" to stay home. If that is the criteria, then it might be "safer" to have voting done over the internet using a secure website, like we do our banking. This way, we can confirm their identity and ensure they cannot vote more than once. Also the data can be encrypted and backed up in the "cloud" with very little chance of data loss. Every person could print out their ballots and verify online they were counted. Along with that, we shld have stiff penalties for hackers or anyone impersonating a voter.
If we can go to Walmart that has a hundreds of people in there, why can't we go vote? Seriously, what's the problem. WI actually DIDN'T have an uptake in covid cases, verify for yourself if it concerns you. There were 28 MILLION mail votes that disappeared in NEW York in the last 4 elections, 265 dead people have voted year after year in LA found out in 2016, North Carolina had 13, 416 dead voters who voted, 746 voted in NC and across the state line, South Carolina had 963 dead people voting, Wisconsin LOST 135,000 mail in ballots and Virginia, WOW… 5556 illegals voting with 1852 of them casting a total of 7474 votes in multiple elections. GEE, what could we be concerned about???
Hillary wouldn't have won the popular vote without voter fraud.
Voter fraud should be a felony, fines and jail time and loss of the right to vote for life.
I thought everyone knew that dead people tend to vote democrat… it's one of their strongest voting blocks
Voting in person, sound ID, and paper ballots must be used to prevent the corrupt Democrats from completely distorting the election.
Tom Fitton. Judicial watch has been working very hard on cleaning up voter rolls but its so vast and taking time