Get out now! China issues dire warning, as Putin readies massive attack | Redacted w Clayton Morris
China just told all of its citizens to get out of Ukraine now. I wonder if something is about to happen. Putin launched kamikaze drone strikes on Kyiv after NATO forces attacked Donetsk and Belgorod. Russia has completed its mobilization of 300,000 forces and is readying an attack. Fauci is back to remind us that he didn’t call for lockdowns. Ethiopia is on the verge of collapse. And the WEF plan for us all to eat bugs is being rolled out in European schools.
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About Clayton Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else is telling. Along with the facts and the full picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Rumbling Kick
50:13 facts.
20:00 just because he says they were "active officers" I highly doubt those are active serving US officers this guy is a scared inexperienced kid I doubt he can tell the difference between a retired volunteer and an active duty soldier. There are alot of volunteer fighters in Ukraine from the west why would the US state department risk having active duty elements in there at this time when they can run spooks and mercs there is no need for it.
I appreciate your reporting but you guys need to be more critical of all sides
17:00 soldiers sign bombs it's an old custom it's not about proving where they come from
It's Glaring holes and means very obvious.
Politions in Europe don’t care about their voters they follow the WEF agenda. So Europe dies.
I think he's stoned out of his mind. lol
Hmm wander if it's being spread by chemtrails since their has been many planes in the sky for the last 2 weeks.
My son was also depressed by the lock downs I even got a therapist for him for a while and since he's been back in school he has been a lot better.
I think you mean depression
its a chain dart like scorpion from mortal combat
It’s great listening to you guys, great news feed, but why does the USA government not listen to what you are saying. I know that the USA is only helping country’s that have lot’s to offer. And not helping African country’s in there wars because it black population control 😮. Haiti and so on middle eastern countries included. The USA and nato jumps on board asap when black and brown countries are fighting amongst themselves.I love Natali and you guy’s for speaking the truth. Good teamwork!!!. I am from Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹 but I Live in Canada 🇨🇦 Now.
Used to watch wion news but they later got compromised giving biased information then discovered this channel… Thanks for the truth on both sides
Is alternate disinformation channel
Maybe its not a gov war but a depopulation act they dont want that riots people raising up on arms over throwing elit
This is all USA
Its no joke I saw US destroyed all states nothing left please WAKE UP STOP UR GOV
Lots of love from Pakistan….
Journalist like you who Tell the truth ,….. live under torture , death threat ….constantly
Your channel ,………..fresh breeze after a continuous storm of
Global Media misinformation……
War is some people who planned carefully to start a conflict and walk away with great wealth.
1:08:04 looks like the elites want to get rid of population.. by different agendas this is food, cancer causing…
Did she say English numbers 🤔lol
Xi is dying,putin is dying LOL but they turn a blind eye to their demented president.
Whenever I see films or movies of people eating 'alternative' food sources all I can think of is that movie with Charleston Heston called, "Silent Green". All I can remember is being repulsed by food for the next week afterwards.
Someone should spamm these videos and images to twitter and reddit so those "elite strategist" and "great minds/speakers of truth" get a real view on the war and its progression.