Glenn responds to Jussie Smollett’s dropped charges
The social justice mob just freed Jussie Smollett practically scot free. Michelle Obama’s former Chief of Staff, Tina Tchen, colluded with Soros lap dog Kim Fox to make sure that this Hollywood elite never answers for his crimes. Sneaky underhanded corruption is nothing new to Chicago’s political machine. Glenn breaks it down for you.
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King Lizard: George Soros
One of many crowned dragons of the earth.
Soros looks like he should have already died. He will meet his maker soon. You would think as old and rich as he is that he shouldn't worry about such things. Pure evil is the only answer for it.
In the Psalms it says that the fool says in his heart there is no God. Elsewhere, God says be sure your sin will find you out. He gives people time to repent and if they don't, then His judgment comes and their sin is exposed. It's worked in the past for them because people just let it go or made excuses. No more. People are finally outraged across the political spectrum. They got so arrogant and elitist that they really think we bought their lies.
What is going on with D.A. prosecuters all across the nation? We have one prosecutor in Boston….? I think it's Boston that is tell her police dept. NOT to arrest illegals even when they're committing crimes. WTH? It's a desparate move, in my opinion, from the Deep State backed by Soros of course….😒
Tomi Lahren you are wrong
"A Huge Victory"!!!!SURJECTS WAR (RACE WAR) America & Trump NEXT TIME YOU WILL NOT KNOW WHAT HIT YOU!!!there is clearly enough evidence to convict ALL FORGET COLOUR and look at the bigger picture!
The rats aren't even trying to hide it anymore let's take them down now!
Here are the things to be looked at :
-The birth certificate of OBAMA as well as his college .All the messes in USA today is coming from OBAMA
-The investigation of Hillary on Uranium,Benghazi,Emails Russian collusion
-The Omar marriage with her brother and election funds and her math on new green deal
– The AOC $1000 000 corruption
-The special investigator for Adam lies
-The Harris corruption ans sexual background
– TheShapiro The conspiracy in the Judge J
Soros, the face of EVIL !
soros is behind everything and he knows he and his friends are above our laws . that BLACK judge and her BLACK friends are laughing at us right now.
Jus Smellet…
“I’ Wish That I’ had Jussie’s Girl” Where can I’ find a Women like that🤔
# 800-COR-RUPT
Ext; Mrs. Foxx🦊
IMO: Jussie was a puppet & agreed to star in this "Crime Drama". However, within 2 days my Black Fam called it a HOAX & dragged Smollett on Social Media (hilariously!). When it got serious w/the 16 Felony Charges, I think Jussie said, "I aint goin' down for this!" (Remember his STRUT into the Courtroom? Que his theme music: "CAN'T TOUCH THIS!") Then ALL charges magically disappeared. The ending to the Smollett mini-series sux. There better be a Sequel based on TRUE EVENTS. I got my popcorn🍿
It's white male privilege……..oh, wait.
Yet, Democrats are now attacking Lucy Flores for speaking out against Biden. Have they no conscience? Have they no memory? They went NUTS over Kavanaugh but Biden is a goddam Saint.
I just started reading a New York Times article today that said his crimes were trivial, and that Trump was making a big deal about nothing. Don't those idiots at the Times understand he could have triggered a race war with his stupid stunt?
This is the exact kinda stuff that keeps our prisons filled and mostly just inoccent ones while real criminals are free
My cat was going to bury Jussie in the sand box but someone saved him.
"They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show ya. When the chips are down, These civilized people, they will eat each other"
Incredible how trump would be the best president ever in the history of the United states.
And black people in America have no power right!
what's the difference between social Justice and Justice?
does anyone else think that Tina Chen looks like a man?
George Soros and Obama family are behind all this shameful crap.
The middle class has long recognized that there is two types of justice in the US. One, where the well off, well connected or those with important attorneys get the complete compassion of the system, with moderate fines and probation (or in the case of Mr. Smollet, total exoneration) The other type is for the rest of us, and the poor slobs who have little or no money or connections, represented by so called public defenders, and who are, not infrequently, given the full and brutal force of the court. When certain classes are above the law, eventually the law will collapse.
George Soros owns this country!! That's why he hates Trump so much he cannot Buy Trump!!! That's why he is constantly trying to destroy Donald Trump!! Trump is taking his control of America away! George Soros is the man behind every President!! But this time America has a real president!!
Calling Seal Team Six. We have a job for you.
Hillary is "Jussie's Girl".
When there is overwhelming evidence and the prosecution let them walk.
Watch the Soros sponsored ads for San Diego District Attorney in 2018. He was pushing a Public Defender who speaks of nothing but letting people go free.
O. J. Simpson got off with, "If the glove doesn't fit…you must acquit". Fast forward to now. If the glove does fit and it manages to benefit the LEFT…elites, you must not even dare to prosecute…you must drop all charges!
Jesse could’ve probably shot somebody in public and still get away with it just like Hillary Clinton if you got connections you can get off.
Keep screwing the police and karma won't be fun. Expect the police to keep you safe but that only goes so far. Time for them to go on vacation see what's left when they get back.
Unfortunately, after that old demonic rat, Soros, dies his multi billion dollar foundation will continue giving money to corrupt people and organizations.
Flip flopping Glenn…….. at it again
Glenn, you taught me everything I know about the Left. The president needs all hands on deck. Get on the train, please.
Hello Cheetos head. Are you still upset that your girl Hillary isn't appointing judges? Oh? So the meds are working, huh?
Verrry interesting. 🙂
Jusey should have been tested to see what drugs he was tripping on.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive !!! All the dirty laundry will be aired out!!!
TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Why isn't old man Soros on his death bed. I guess the devil has too much work for him to do.
**100% Corruption***