Globalist TAKEOVER of America’s Economy Is Nearly Complete | Glenn TV | Ep 328
A gigantic cover-up is under way to mislead the public on the TRUE state of the U.S. economy — and it has massive global implications. After a few years of Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan to fundamentally transform America, we all felt the pain in 2023. This year, however, we have a chance to let our voices be heard. But with a historic number of people heading to the polls in 2024, global elites can’t afford to let you know what they’re really ushering in: 21st century fascism and Phase II of the Great Reset. Glenn believes that this year, the elites will go into overdrive to grab control and make sure YOU can’t vote out their plans. So Glenn heads to the chalkboard to reveal the frightening numbers that the Biden administration doesn’t want you to know: Will inflation ever go down? Does the United States still have the strongest economy in the world? Who’s really to blame for all the pain? Glenn also explains what the 2023 economic numbers can show us about our future. The foundation for the Great Reset has been set, and Glenn reveals what you need to be on the lookout for NEXT: You will own nothing. You will CONTROL nothing. You will have NO PRIVACY. And it’s coming faster than expected.
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The exact same thing is happening here in the UK. European leaders are merely puppets dancing with the NWO and the WEF. 'Sectarianism' is now creeping in fueled by mass migration and the leftwaffe who glorify it. An uprising is about to go BOOM!
This is well articulated liked and subscribed 👍
Glenn keeps saying,"You will own nothing and be happy" i think he is pushing that ussue very hard.. is that what people want?
Every Time They Raise Wages Then They Also Raise Rent And Mortgages . So Really You Are Not Any Better Off Financially . Rent And Mortgages Are Really High .
This Is Really Happening .
America Is Also Selling Off The American Land In America To Foreign Countries . So Foreign Countries Own Pieces Of American Land . And Also America Has Foreign Countries That Own The Businesses And Factories In America . Alot Of Them And Alot Of The Land In America Is Owned By Foreign Countries . So Does America Really Own Their Own Land ?? What Happens When All The Farmland Is Owned In America By Another Country And Foreign Countries Own The Businesses And Factories In America . ?? Who's Running This Shit Show Anyway ??
Foreign Countries Are Now Starting To Use Another Currency Besides For The American Dollar .
You Can't Get A Place To Live Anymore If You Don't Have A Good CREDIT SCORE .
You Can't Just Keep Making Free Money . Anybody With Any Common Sense Can Figure That Out .
America Is Loosing It's Buying Power With Foreign Countries .
I Also Read That The State Of Illinois Was Going To Start Allowing Illegal Immigrants To Start Being Police Officers In The State Of Illinois In America .
Once The Country Collapses . It'll Be Time To Make Their Final Move In America To Take Over With The Digital Dollar . Actually I Don't Even Think The Federal Government Is Going To Wait That Long . That's Why They Want All Of Your Guns And Ammunition . I Believe Also They Are Sitting Up Their Own Police And Army In The United State's Of America Thru Bringing In All Of The Thousands And Thousands And Thousands Of Illegal Immigrants . Across Our Borders In America With Young Men Of Fighting Age To Conform Them When The Time Comes . Which Is Soon . The Illegal Immigrants Are Being Funded Financially With Everything Free To Set Them Up In America . They Also Are Being Financially Funded By Someone To Get To The American Border . In The South And They Also Are Flying In Airplane 's ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ From Mexico Once They Get There , To Canada And Then Getting Off The Airplane 's At The Canadian Airports And Walking Into The United States Of America At The Northern Border In America To The Northern State's .
It's In Plain Sight But People Are To Busy Trying To Work And Keep A Job , So They Can All Pay Their High Expensive Rent Prices And Their High Mortgage Prices To Keep A Place To Live And To Keep A Roof Over Their Head . People Are To Busy To Keep A Roof Over Their Head . No One Is Understanding What Is Really Going On . Because They Are Not Truly Hearing The Truth To What Is Really Happening . We Are Close To An American Collapse In America With Our Country .
Biden Signed An Executive Order To Bring In The Digital Dollar . The Federal Government Will Control The Digital Dollar For Everyone Thru The Electric Computer System . That Means You And Your Freedom Will Be Controlled Thru The Digital Dollar Thru Computer's And The Federal Government . The Federal Government Can Track Your Every Move Thru The Digital Dollar System And Also The Federal Government Can Shut Off Your Money Supply . So Good Bye FREEDOM . FREEDOM WILL BE EXTINCT . NO MORE FREEDOM . DO YOU UNDERSTAND ??
What is it called when companies control the government?
The military industrial complex is the one that controls everything!!!!your vote dont even matter they put biden in charge tto be a puppet
This willbe God's final straw with mankind..
This should have way more views but YT blocks it as much as possible.
God bless you, Mr. Beck!
🛖❄️🌈🌐🛶END GAMES 😮
Joker José Obiden…not even funny!!
The Spirit of anti Christ is here NOW 🙁
Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled
Joe couldn't count his balls twice and get the same answer 😅
It all started with Bush and Baker.
I realize a long time ago that we need big business, corporations. Our country cannot run on Mom and pop stores. How do you think we have become a great nation. All these big business stores going out of business it's going to be very bad for us as a country.
The elitists don't think their doing good for others. They are sucking you into their green lie to ruin everything for ourselves and leave the privacy, meat, cars, flying and homes to the rich only.
Thank you, Glenn!
i might owe a lot of money but i look good
National Propaganda Radio… what a perfect name for NPR. That was the only news channel i would listen to. Only when i drove though! Then i heard our dear Bill Gates was donating to them like 300 Millions + a year. I stopped listening! That was the last main stream media I listened to .
History has shown that Evil never relinquishes power without bloodshed. Prepare prepare prepare, come to Jesus, repent, pray and prepare physically and spiritually!
Were they doing face recognition to the millions of illegal crossing the southern border?
I think not!
The True Body of Christ is rising up. The NWO are the ones who will be ensnared in their own traps for us. We say that in the name of the Lord Christ, amen. Join us.
Because Americans voted in the Communist party
Basicly, they are pissing on us and telling us it’s raining.
We know what is happening our life is being robbed by narcissist people they will fall and hard
"Death by Convenience"
Basically the whole world's gunning to take what we have our home and our freedoms
It's called take down America and your freedoms is what it called…
Many governments wanted to control the world – from back in history, to Genghis Khan, to the Soviet Communists, to Hitler, to today's Globalists. No system ever succeeded in ruling the entire World. The U.S. could not even win in Viet Nam or Afghanistan. But it will be bad for U.S. citizens, good for the U.S. ruling political members.
New World Order
Global Governance
One World Government
Cashless Society Central Bank Digital Currency
America Is A Constitutional Republic Not A democracy
Anyone Referring To America As A democracy is A Liar. Right Stu And Glenn???
Hahahaha 😂😂😂😂, Biden!!!!
I love watching you
That’s exactly what China does to its people!!!
Glen the Democrats create a crisis only to cash in on it !!! They have been ripping us off for decades! They get trillions only to benefit themselves and their rich globalists pig donors! Who by the way own the democrat party !!! and they are calling the shots and they are the ones who are behind all this mess !
Joe Biden sucks. My childhood was better.