Wars & Rumors of Wars Global Tensions Hint At Last Days
This week on Marking the End Times, I discuss Matthew 24 where Jesus prophesies about wars and rumors of wars. I want to inform you of many conflicts happening around the world as it pertains to bible prophecy and the wars that were rumored by Jesus.
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Video of song I wrote about wars and our freedom https://youtu.be/yYqIu3UYB8A?si=CB-tDEA16qX3Ilcv
CANT the Dam thing just Start already , Dam….HATE THIS WORLD TIMES 1000…..
The US and the rest of the world have been at war non stop for over 1000 years. When have we not heard of "rumors of wars". I've been hearing of war since I was a kid, my dad has, his dad has, and his dad has. The wars and rumor of wars verse only made sense in the Pax Romana, which occured in the first century. The End Times was a judgment on Israel and the Roman world BACK THEN. All Bible prophecy is fulfilled.
Freely I give
Freely receive
$7.50 a month for a subscription??????
I think it says unless there's a falling away first
Have you ever considered allowing everyone to view your “subscriber” content? Jesus freely gave, so should we as Christian’s. If you have answers, why would you only provide this to people who pay you?
EuroNews just posted that the EU Foreign Minister has a 10 point peace plan roadmap which will involve the UN and many nations. This could be the Daniel 9:27 covenant. It’s worth keeping an eye on. My question is the timing of the Rapture. Does the Bible say that the identity of the Antichrist is revealed at this signing? Does the Great Tribulation begin at this signing? Can the Church still be here after this signing? Thank you
Has the world forgotten
Rapture is posttrib. It’s not debatable.
1. Resurrection PRECEDES the rapture. 1 Thessalonians 4. Dead in Christ shall rise first.
2. Jesus said the resurrection is on ‘the last day’ over and over and over in John 6. That is the last day of the age of grace. The last day of life without Christ. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Obviously then this also means the rapture is on the last day since the resurrection PRECEDES THE RAPTURE.
3. The resurrection / rapture is in Rev 20:4. John says he saw the dead come to life. HERE is the resurrection and rapture. It’s post trib. AFTER Rev 5-19. The church goes through the tribulation. We will not experience Gods wrath just like Israel did not experience Gods wrath when He punished Egypt.
Any other position other than a posttrib rapture twists and distorts Gods Word.
Matthew 24:29-31
The Glorious Return
“But immediately after the tribulation of those days……..And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, ………….And He will send forth His angels with A GREAT TRUMPET and THEY WILL GATHER TOGETHER His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.
Jesus Himself says that He is coming back for His church AFTER the tribulation.
How can it get ANY CLEARER????
Stop with the false doctrine of a PreTrib rapture. This bad doctrine of escapism has got to be refuted. Too many people planning their escape instead of filling their lamp with oil
The whole world is a powder keg. Even our own country and the progressive left bent on destroying our democratic principles
I'm going to Taiwan here in the next 12 hours. Ought to be interesting to be in that kind of atmosphere in such a time as this
It’s always been the last days they said this 1000 years ago and they will be saying it a 1000 years from now …if they keep saying it eventually it will be the last days…“ a broke clock is right twice a day”… live your life don’t worry about things you can’t control nobody alive or even your grandkids on earth today will even live long enough to see the last days!!!
"Our world today is at war." — LOL — That is nothing new. The world has always been at war, in varying degrees, since man came on the scene.
A tip: the red border on the thumbnail might make viewers think the have already seen it.
Its here already
300 National Guard soldiers from Pennsylvania are being sent to the Horn of Africa because of this pirate situation, but I feel there's obviously more going on…I was prior army
I read quick hits last night posted to my email and it said something to do with how things are going and what animals for extinction and what could be around in 3 centuries, then said something along the lines of ‘I’d be very surprised if we were here or the rapture doesn’t happen by then’ I am so confused because I think Jimmy Evans wrote it, I am not fully quoting it but I took it along those lines. That’s saying the rapture could be centuries away isn’t it, that doesn’t seem like end times to me. I am NOT trying to start anything here, I am just confused 🤯🥺 can someone help please! Amen 🙏🏻
Pastor Mark thanks for keeping us informed.
The Korean War has never stopped. We’ve been in a cease fire.
Love your reports Mark. I look for them every day!
War is evil. So evil.
Thank you…Revelation 22:20.
It's so sad that every day, it's depressing news. Would be nice for once that christians could take a breath of fresh air. and that evil would get knock back for awhile. But we know all things are to happen before our Glory comes for us. ✝️🕊💜🙏
MBS is already revealed. Hes the 7th King of Rev 17, the sea beast of rev 13, esau from edom rebuilding Edom (Neom) by the red sea wanting to get Jacob back for selling his birthright. Once MBS does deal with Israel, Daniels 70th week begins. The end. The first 42 months is for two witnesses, midway through MBS will be slain and risen as 8th King with Judas in him for final 40+ 2 months. Do not take the mark of the false messiah, islams messiah, The Mahdi MBS.
Dont forget the spiritual wars they are getting stronger i see workers peers and family members having wars within their own kingdoms
You are not OLD reading the news paper online. You are OLD receiving the news paper at your door step like ME.
Jesus didn't predict anything. He couldn't even predict his own death. Those words are stolen from prior Jewish prophets, and were twisted and changed so they will sound like someone else said it.
Mark, do you think the financial problems in Russia, China and other countries are a main factor in them going to war?
"Evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse"-the Bible.
Mark I used to read the paper but when I read an article concerning our family and caught all of the misinformation in the article, it finally dawned on me that you can't believe everything you read!
Who cares better off world usa sucks
Thank you for the video
Brother Mark, greatly appreciate your for your informative updates of the current Rumours of War on the rise everyday just slowly igniting to light up the 3rd WW subsequently. All these events are fullfilling End Times Signs and events described by Christ Himself in Matthew 24 which we all Believers should prepare as pre-tribulation events before our Rapture Flight taking place. Love you beloved.
Just what if! If we do have to go through the tribulation how do we navigate it?
Wars & rumors of wars….This has always been the case in the world. Something BIG will happen that will be undeniable making this true. Maybe a nuke gets dropped?
Mark, I met you in Dallas@ Jimmy's church.
Could you respond to David Wilcoxson’s argument (he’s on YouTube) that the Olivet discourse was fufilled by 70AD?
God bless
Sorry its later than you think
Thank you Pastor Mark!
MARANATHA from Sweden 🇸🇪 – Am Yisrael Chai🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Amen and I read on Tech Beat that Russia and China have troops in Jordan getting ready to march into Israel wondering where this is in the Bible? Exzekial 38? God bless you and Ty so much for sharing this God bless you
Excellent thanks Don!
The word “apostasy” in 2 Thessalonians 2 is DEPARTURE=Rapture not a “falling away” from the faith. The Rapture can not be imminent if something has to happen first. Andy Woods has a clear teaching on this. MARANATHA / it could happen today. I am not “waiting” for anything to happen first.
Thank you