God's Plan to Establish His Kingdom on Earth • Gospel of the Kingdom Ep. 2
The Bible tells us that God’s Kingdom arrived on Earth through Jesus. But the full extent of that Kingdom has not yet come. What went wrong with the establishment of God’s Kingdom, and how does he plan to fix it? Join Tim and Jon as they continue their conversation around the theme of the Kingdom of God.
In this episode, you’ll learn …
What it means for Jesus to have authority over Heaven and Earth
How humans are invited to co-rule with Jesus now and in the future
How God responds to humans setting up their own kingdoms
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Yes, but mainstream of church teach that beleivers will live on heaven… does violate the Torsh of God… e.g. Genesis 1:26
If you notice in Exodus through Deuteronomy, God was doing everything he could to put himself amongst his people in order to be their King and walk among them! Because he did! But then the Israelites were fearful of The Lord God and ended up asking God to leave them, so they could basically do things their way. So God had a way right out of Genesis, for restoring his kingdom and becoming the king over all the peoples on Earth, but the people continually pushed him for their from them.
Because God States a number of times in Exodus and Deuteronomy. Dad, he walks among them. And that he lives among them. And until you get to 1st. Samuel, you really have God as the leader of the tribes, although it gradually deteriorates, That relationship between the Israelites and God. Because over and over and over they leave him.
That said, I don't think that if the people chose God to be their King, they would have not had an actual King. They simply wouldn't have had a human King! Although God is in physical form, and could have come down to them as a king in the flesh at any time, because he did in Genesis!
And God had continued to protect them, conquer other people, provide abundance for them, and guide the people throughout early parts of the Torah, when the people were following after Moses and Joshua…. But just like the Pharaohs forgot about the goodness of Joseph and God's blessing to Egypt, the Israelites forgot about the goodness of God and how he could have protected them from all these other kingdoms, if they would just follow him!
But they continually didn't! They had too much temptation in their hearts to follow wickedness.
But both sides thrive on killing others
The kingdom of God has started in 1979 with Islamic revolution of Iran 🇮🇷
Then the universal messiah will appear .. he is the 12th infallible messiah imam. He will be coming with Jesus on his right side ., Jesus will back him up., Jesus will shock the Christian’s as he turns out to be a prophet of God (father) .. not God himself., he is just like Moses and Mohammad.
The Jews will be shocked that the messiah they were waiting for turns out to be the Shia 12th imam messiah who will be against the Jews and especially Zionist Jews.
Jews will be shocked as Jesus turns out to be the Muslim prophet of God whose ancestors had denied him and rejected his prophethood and had conspired to kill him by crucification. But God Allah saved him.
The Sunni Muslims will be shocked because the messiah turns out to be the 12th Shia imam Mahdi (savior) and he will be the twin of prophet Mohammad on his looks and height and even voice.
He is the universal messiah .. his kingdom will be the kingdom of Allah who Jesus talked about all the time during his prophethood ministry 2000 years ago.,
Thank you for this ❤
What rift 6:00
THEY will reign? Implying hes ruling through them
I am sooooo excited since I came to understand more about God's Kingdom here on earth. Its really great hearing you guys talking. ❤ when we let go and trust in the Lord, and receive our inheritance and the WILL God wants us to have. So glad I can hear more GOOD NEWS 👍
Let me think about this for a second: this god supposedly created this world to his own specifications…..but it is not really his so we have to help him establish his kingdom in…..his kingdom? He should have gotten the title of ownership when he first made the place. What a pile of nonsense!
Prayers for you
But, Jesus was the Creators first creation. The Creator and God’s only begotten son created everything else together. And ya’ll are not even mentioning the enemy telling lies and tricking Adam
, who is the man that is responsible for sin entering the human condition. Not acknowledging the enemy does not make the enemy disappear. In fact it makes it easier for the enemy to attack and bring humans into a state of devastation. Just as sin entered mankind through one man, one man brings defeat of sin and away for humans to be redeemed. The son Jesus has defeated death and the enemy. We can go straight to our creator in the name of Jesus. It is all to restore the original plan that God the Creator and his first creation the only begotten son’s wanted. The enemy’s attackers will not derail what they want and created. My name is DeeDee using Tracy’s computer.
God is the owner of the Earth. But he gave management of his world to humans.we forfeitted our rulership by not ruling in partnership with God.
God's inegrity is kept by Sending God the Son into a human.
Jesus fully man, Son of Man, he brings the victory.
So Humans can return to right relationship with God.
I appreciate these teachings but I have to say the interruptions while Tim is talking we’re drivng me nuts😂 as I wanted him to finish his thought! Maybe let Tim complete a sentence before interjecting? Otherwise, good info 👍🏻
So helpful to trace great themes through the Bible. Please talk about the alternative kingdom made by man not alternate.
6:00 humans were made to be gardeners
Some 95% of religious people in the world cannot tell you where the church started, or, when it was started.
The majority of people would tell you that the church was here when Jesus walked the face of the earth.
Jesus said, Upon this Rock “PETRA”
I will build My church. (MATTHEW 16)
In (MARK 9:1) Jesus said, Some of you shall not taste of death, till they see the kingdom come with power from on high. “WHO’S HE TALKING TO?”
The kingdom had to be established before all of them died!
James was killed sometime in the 40’s. Paul was killed sometime in the early 60’s. Peter was crucified head down sometime in the mid 60’s.
All of the apostles met a violent death, with the exception of the apostle John, who was banished to the lsland of Patmos in thr year 96.
John himself died a natural death about tge year 99.
Therefore, the church had to be established sometime between the year 30, and the year 99, in the lifetime of most of those apostles.
If you’re trying to tell me that the kingdom is not here, then, you’re going to have to produce some apostles that are over 2000 years old.
Because Jesus said that the kingdom would come in the lifetime of those apostles.
The reason we don’t know it:
Is because, “We don’t know what the church is.”
“We don’t know what the kingdom is.”
Because we don’t understand God’s Law.
Ive always been more aware of the Bible and Christ as a moral authority than as a prophecy of a new world out of the death of the current one its so mysterious, which we had Christ now to answer so much.
What went WRONG with the Kingdom of GOd???? His kingdom is ETERNAL and perfect
How did we go from the promise of a new Kingdom coming to Earth, and the pessimistic Gospel held by most Western Christians over the last 150 years?
All Kings and kingdoms have heralds and a king never goes anywhere without first being announced. So in the conduct of a King, Jesus sends John the baptizer as his herald to prepare the way of the Lord. As do the prophets announcing the heart and purpose of the king. Bearers of good news, change your mind and conduct for the kingdom of Heaven has arrived.
I tried to do research abt the difference btn kingdom of heaven and of God and gave up. Only to stumble on this…I like how you have simplified it and linked it from the beginning. Thank you for sharing the knowledge.
Amen 🙏❤✝️
✝️I N C E S T 📣
The narritive that Tim creates about humans being gardeners does not align with rev 22:1-5.
Verse 2: ….the leaves of the tree where for HEALING of the NATIONS. If you need healing that means you dont live for ever also it means that you can get sick otherwise why would there be healing?
Verse 5:… they will rule as KINGS. Kings dont rule like gardeners, they rule over people.
So this gardening narritive is not a correct view. Tim needs to address those verses that seems to suggest other things.
To me the Power of Resurrection Life come by realizing the Kingdom IS come because the Master Ruler Jesus Is Alive Here and Now by Way of His Mind and Spirit Living in Me. If I have been given the Mind and Spirit of Jesus Christ what does that make me? Answer = A reincarnation of Jesus because His Holy Spirit Dwells in Me and empowers me for Daily Living. The Only reason a Person is a Saint which Means Holy One Is Because of God's Holy Spirit abiding in them as a Subordinate soul spirit who has presented them self as a Living Sacrifice even as THE SON of God DID to the FATHER Most High. We are free to Love One Another because He First Love's Us. The One word that describe LOVE is Sacrifice and if you are not willing to Sacrifice then you are not a Subordinate Follower of the Universal King Ruler. Christians are impotent in daily life because they do not confess Jesus Christ IS come in the Flesh meaning Their Flesh by Way of the Christ Anointing Spirit of Promise. To confirm Read 1st John 4:1-6 and Note the words IS COME 9 times in 6 verses to emphasize the point. The phrase Anti Christ is Found only 5 times and each are in 1st & 2nd John and has reference to any one who does not confess that the Christ Anointing has come upon and into them is a Anti Christ by Choice. Yes the Ruler of the Universe is coming again but the Next Time as King Ruler of the Universe and His Resurrected Saints along side Him to Rule ALL of Creation. No Earth, No Physical body, No Sorrow and No Death the completion of Salvation that takes place when we depart the Human Physical Body of Corruption; the complete Resurrection with a New SPIRIT Body. Being A Subordinate Son of God Under the Loving Kindness of THE SON of GOD is how Life is meant to Lived . Not I am LORD but Here am I Under the LORD of Creation. To Be Are Not To Be Is The Question? Each Human must answer for them self By choosing for them SELF. Grace Peace to you AMEN
This is amazing so great. Even looking for these teaching more about the kingdom !
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Really love what you guys are doing! Really stimulates creative thinking!
The Old Testament documents well how poorly the Israelites did since the Exodus. Are there any history books that document how well 😇Christians have done since Jesus rose from the dead?
help us Lord to rule over your creation the way you want us to and to take good care of it