Government Union Collective Bargaining 101
A helpful primer on the rise of government unions and the monopoly power given to them through collective bargaining.
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anti-worker propaganda.
no wonder you're funded by parasite corporations.
Let me be blunt.
Is there a labor crisis in America today?
Abolish these union thugs! Wastes of life POS!
Fuck public sectors union
All state unions are bad we've got one and I haven't had a raise in seven years.
End gov unions now! This is the reason why states like NY and CA has such high state and local taxes and they can’t get anything done!
Kag West beats Teamsters union take over attempt!
Factually inaccurate.
This is nonsense.
Bull shit video !!!
..There is a significant difference between private industry unions and gov unions, and it's the gov unions that make slaves of the tax payer. Private sector business must show a profit to allow for wage increase a private business cannot continue to pay higher and higher wages if there is no profit. While gov unions are not controlled by profit and loss. To keep paying higher and higher benefits in a gov union ends up with the Detroit effect, where the city goes bankrupt,services fail or the Illinois effect where property taxes scream out of control and services to the people are greatly cut.. Further competition and the market control private unions while gov unions have no competition ,where when those gov unions expect an increase that increase comes in the form of higher taxes.FDR, Ron Regan,Jimmy Carter all did not favor gov unions,since they recognized at the end of the day it was ,it is a uncontrolled tax on the general population.
Wow, I can't believe this blatantly biased propaganda is masquerading as an educational video. This is disgusting
"There has been little focus on exactly what Collective Bargaining is, and how it works in government. Collective Bargaining gives unions a monopoly on the government's workforce." ….what? That's not the definition of Collective Bargaining, nor is it true. This video is very misguided.
paid for the libertarianist. tea party
I agree with your statement 100%.
Collective bargaining and/or Unions in this country have all but been busted down to zero for working American's. Union's do not cause the kind of financial degradation that they are being blamed for. The top money grabbers of our time want Union's out of the way so that they can, work you for longer hours, pile unreasonable or extra amounts of work on the Employee, kill your benefits, and lower your wages.
This information is corrupted spinning it in favor of the wealthy.
Why should anyone care? Google "Reagan's Liberal Legacy", he was a complete fraud, both libs and cons tend to have a childish view of him.
Amusingly enough, FDR was against them.
I voted yes for issue 2 in Ohio to uphold sb5, which will limit public sector unions. Enough is enough.
@luvcheney1 General Electric paid ZERO taxes in U.S in 2010, because multinational corporations own Congress and the president. Why does Exxon Mobile get huge subsidies and tax credits? Same reason. Why did we bail out the banks and the insurance companies? Same. With corporate rule, we the people, have become the scapegoats and this means that workers have lost wages, benefits, and jobs. Our environment is being destroyed, our infrastructure in decline. The U.S. is looking very 3rd world.
And this is according to:
Some American corporations use aggressive strategies to pay less — often far less — than their competitors abroad and at home. A Government Accountability Office study released in 2008 found that 55 percent of United States companies paid no federal income taxes during at least one year in a seven-year period it studied. The paradox of the United States tax code — high rates with a bounty of subsidies, shelters and special breaks — has made American multinationals world leaders in tax avoidance.
@kingmafi6699 – Well said.
@luvcheney1 — Chinese workers are already demanding higher wages and benefits. It looks like American corporations will be coerced to raise Chinese worker's income or be penalized by the authoritarian state of China. Con-servatives prefer social-darwinism.
@luvcheney1 – I checked the GPOacess site about the GDP and its calculation is wrong. I went directly to the WhiteHouse and got different (tweaked) numbers. I also went to the taxfoundation site. The rich nowadays pay almost the same as somebody making less than $380,000. Ironically, the 1920s-1929 the tax rate was at 25% currently what the 112th GOP House of Representatives is striving to do. The failed conservative policies of the 1920s isn't what America needs or wants.
@luvcheney1 – The Corporate tax is currently at 7%, under GWB it was around the same level 7-9% percentile. The wealthy and corporations do cooperate in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. etc. What make US any different? Corporations and the rich paid higher (prior to the 80s) taxes in the US. Corporations have been leaving since the 70s, Reagan furthered this process in the 80s with tax-break/cuts incentives and no tariffs on importation of goods.
@luvcheney1 – President Reagan along with his cronies deregulated the: banking industry, Wall Street, Oil companies, switched the US to credit rather than money et al. Also known as "reaganomics". This supply-side economics isn't working, hasn't worked. It fact, it has slowly but surely destroyed this nation. The Federal Reserve is independent from the government, it's privately-owned. I am sure it gets some public money either forcefully or generously.
91% tax rate does NOT yield the same as 35%. Your logic is seriously faulty. Taxes regarding the GDP were higher in the 1950s. You're delusional. Republican President Dwight Eisenhower was very progressive. He spent money like crazy on the: interstate highway, G.I. bill, public works and highly favored unionization. He also said that any party which advocated the elimination/dismantling of social programs were "stupid and negligible" – still rings truth today regarding the American people.
Germany is an ideal example of how it creates its high-priced union made goods, sells them to emerging markets, US and other states in the European Union. Unions in Europe vary from 10%-30%, Canada's unions are at 30%. And so on. So, private unions are being crushed is because the US govt. has favored big businesses over unions since the 1980s. In the 90s the US had NAFTA crafted. Ilegal immigrants are cheap labor for big businesses. I wonder why won't Republican fight for them^ and business?
@luvcheney1 – Emerging markets? Yes. Cheap labor. However, who courted China in the 80s? Reagan. US consumers if they knew that a small business is hurt financially by purchasing at Wall-Mart would try to spend more money at the mom & pop shop than at Wall-Mart. The same thing applies with private union products are being outcompeted by cheaper wages/prices — the thing that many people forget is that they are essentially lowering their standard of living at the expense of cheaper products.
Addendum: regulations had been a part of the US economy from the 40s up until 1979. Regulation keeps Wall Street in check. Keeps the Banks in check. Keeps Oil and Gas companies in check. Regulations help fight Corporate fraud, abuse, corruption and the like. Federal/State regulations help the public, you know that? If there were less regulations would be like China/Mexico – i.e., living in heavy smoke-filled air, wastelands and pollution. Big Business needs to adapt, not the other way.
@luvcheney1 — You agree then that Reaganomics began the dismantle of private unions. At least you're owning up to it. Corporates taxes are currently at 7%, Capital gains tax is at 15% and the Federal Income tax at 35%. Under Republican President Dwight Eisenhower Corporate taxes were at 35%, Capital gains tax at 30% and the Federal Income tax at 91%. Wasn't the 50s America's Golden Age? Keep in mind America had to pay more WW2 debt than it currently has to for the ongoing 3 wars.
This video was created by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. Corporate propaganda. The video says Private Unions have declined since the 1980s. I wonder why? Reaganomics. Reagan shipped American jobs abroad. Reagan gave private companies incentives to ship jobs abroad with huge tax-cuts/breaks and no tariffs on imports. Reagan was a union buster. Public Unions are currently at a higher rate now because you can't ship government jobs abroad – govt. looks out for the public good. Simple as that.
@rvgmuhs07 I don't know where you get your information, but it is tainted, with corporate greed. I am ending this conversation. Good luck to you. Bye
@rvgmuhs07 I said collective bargaining was part of labor law that was passed to protect workers rights. It, and other labor laws are now being eliminated, due to corporate power.Corporations(e.g. Koch brothers) make more profits when they drive down pay & benefits of workers. How has collective bargaining been abused? Bargaining is part of getting a fair deal for both parties. Now corporate tax loop holes, that is interference. Where do you think Exxon Mobil and Bank of America are going?
@rvgmuhs07 OK, In your world, $100,000/yr, which is really $25,000 in healthcare, retirement, vacation benefits and about $51,000 in cash, before taxes, is a lot of money. In most areas of the US, that is barely enough to comfortably raise a family. Look at Wall Street and you will see where the real money is in the US. It is not in the pockets of our teachers.
@rvgmuhs07 So, with your basic math, ending the rights of public unions will solve the $4trillion problem? Refute, yes! Public Union leaders do not force anything on the government, they negotiate a fair contract. $51,000/yr, is barely a living wage. Teacher education cost up to $50,000/yr. I have spelled out where I think the $ could come from to balance the budget. Corporate America is awash in cash. They don't pay their fair share. How about ending one of the 3, trillions dollar wars?
@rvgmuhs07 Yep, watched the video. Pure propaganda. Example: Unions don't have the final say. Teachers are not paid a huge amount of $. $51,000/avg in Wisc, is low for a professional and they should have a right to bargain for benefits and healthcare. Corporate America is awash with cash. Record bonuses, stock market is up. CEO salaries,never higher. Why can't they help pay the deficit? Agreed, the system is broken. The top 1% are getting richer. Working people are suffering more every day.
@rvgmuhs07 Basic math. To have a balanced budget, money coming in to IRS must = money going out. US needs something like $4trillion to balance the budget. Big oil, big banks, etc have mega loop holes and tax breaks and closing these would bring in billions, a lot of $. But that is not even up for discussion. Get through your head that this video is propaganda, and not based on fact. For example: Roosevelt was in favor of, and signed collective bargaining legislation. Look it up.
@rvgmuhs07 Ending collective bargaining will save how much $? $20 billion/year could be gained from closing tax loop holes for big oil alone. Collective Bargaining rights were created by labor law and because corporate power is so strong, now being eliminated. While corporations make record profits in the billions, record numbers of working people have lost jobs, housing, healthcare. Obscene:Goldman Sachs gave out $16.2 billion in bonuses in 2010, averaging $500,000 to each employee.
@rvgmuhs07 Collective bargaining is democracy.It's co-workers negotiating as a group, instead of individually, with employers for an agreement on pay, hours and other working conditions. Without this right, workers will suffer loss of benefits and pay. Labor laws were passes as the result of union organizing and pressure on government. You are very biased against workers and unions, and very pro corporation. Walker initially cut taxes on the rich, creating the budget crisis.
@rvgmuhs07 The deficit is not too big to fix with a more equitable tax rate. Why do you think taking away teacher's right to collective bargaining can fix the deficit, if closing corporate tax holes can't? Good luck teaching. I hope you will get your news from multiple sources and not just FOX News and Bill O"Reilly etc.. You will probably one day wish that you and your fellow teachers could negotiate (collective bargaining) a contract for a living wage, health care and a retirement check.