Greg Koukl: That’s What You Are. What Am I?
Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason discusses the statement, “Many challenges to Christianity apply equally to the view of the challenger.”
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@punchbowlhaircut "What kind of evidence would be enough for you to believe that they were true?"
It is a good question.
What if I told you that the pink invisible unicorn showed up and performed a miracle just for me. Would you believe it or would you assume I was lying? I could go on to say 'you can't disprove it, therefore it is true.'
So, I think that the answer to your question floats somewhere around: accounts of miracles need to stop looking just like lies do.
@punchbowlhaircut "Isn't the phrase from Peewee "I know you are but what am I"?"
I think it is from the third grade. SO… yeah… peewee probably used it.
@smsavage32 Ok, I'm finally back. Bones is a good show 🙂 I don't think I ever meant to argue that you were saying because you can't disprove the miraculous stories in the OT that they are true. If I did, sorry about that. You seem skeptical of the fact that Christians have evidence that such things can be true, but my question to you is, "What kind of evidence would be enough for you to believe that they were true?"
@smsavage32 bah. I had more to my argument but I guess the second post I made didn't go through. I'll get back to you tomorrow. Right now I really want to watch Bones. I can't stop watching!
@punchbowlhaircut "simply saying that you can't disprove something is a poor argument"
Glad to see that you can see this.
"I believe you were the first one to make that argument"
Did you seriously just defending yourself by using the old run-to-mother ploy of: "But, HE did it…"
Okay, I will play along.
"You rhetorically pointed out some events in the Bible"
And HOW did you get the idea that I was saying: You cannot "disprove" them, therefore they are true!"?
@smsavage32 that are supernatural as if to say that one cannot disprove that they are false. You provided as much evidence for their non-existence as I did for their existence. Its the point Greg was making in this video.
I guess you could say that if you ignore the other things I mentioned that gives credence to the validity and the trustworthiness of the Bible. But you never answered my question "What would it take to provide enough evidence for you to prove that those things happened?" I agree that simply saying that you can't disprove something is a poor argument, but I believe you were the first one to make that argument. You rhetorically pointed out some events in the Bible
@punchbowlhaircut "Elijah went to heaven on a chariot, Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt? Can you disprove such things happened?"
And now we get to the lowest bar of christian evidence – "you can't prove it's not true."
So you cannot prove that Zeus doesn't exits. Do you believe in him?
You can't prove the Isis isn't the one true God. Do you believe in her?
So, using that ridiculously low bar of evidence, every god is real.
Or…. perhaps ….
That logic just doesn't work.
Isn't the phrase from Peewee "I know you are but what am I"?
@smsavage32 Sort of. I think the fulfillment of prophecies in the life of Jesus and the historical accuracy that historians place on the Bible give us confidence that what it says is true. What would it take to provide enough evidence for you to prove that Elijah went to heaven on a chariot or Lot's wife turned to a pillar of salt? And can you disprove such things happened?
@punchbowlhaircut " I understand your frustration with what they taught you in your class"
Thanks. I think that everyone experiences a crisis of faith when they start reading what is actually in the Bible.
"good evidence that the Bible is in fact the word of God"
Would that be the "evidence" of Men flying to heaven on flaming chariots? Or a lady being turned into pillar of salt? Or a whole town of dead people getting out of their graves and going back to work?
@smsavage32 I'm a Christian and I understand your frustration with what they taught you in your class. There is no way to prove that Satan is deceiving them and not us. But I do believe there is some good evidence that the Bible is in fact the word of God. Greg has a lot of good blogs and videos about that sort of stuff.
As an atheist I have rated your video 5 of 5.
I think that you are spot on in your idea. In fact, this very idea was one of the things that helped me let go of the idea that Christianity had the answers.
Specifically, it was during a missionary class that we were told that the people of other religions claim that they have the word of God because Satan was deceiving them. They would then turn around and say WE had the word of God.
Yeah… "That's What You Are, What Am I?"
That's good.
It is interesting to deal with a certain worldview that proclaims by tautology that it is the default yet is also baldness as non-stamp collecting.
I wonder if you can guess who that is?
I ask if they feel they have evidence for what they believe. They say they non-believe. I point out that a carrot non-believes as well. It goes on but you get the picture.
thanks Greg!
What he actually says is, "I know you are but what am I?" 🙂