Happening Now – Fast Forward
A special Sunday Happening Now message on a selection of Scriptures of Jesus’ words on fundamental life issues in our current world. Past, present, and future, what the Bible says, and why it matters in our lives today.
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0:00 – Introduction
27:22 – 1. The Bible’s Historical Performance And Reality
33:54 – 2. The Bible’s Future Performance And Reality
35:55 – 3. The Bible’s Present-Day Performance And Reality
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Every person must see Jack Hibbs to understand Biblical prophacy, and the meaning of what is happening in the world.
Must see tfis.
When I got married in 1979, my mother in law was saying then that Jesus was coming soon. 44 years have passed.
"On the other hand, what if the pre-trib view is wrong? What if the tribulation starts and we are all still here? Picture millions of believers who had been taught only one view all of their life only to find out that it was wrong. Would many of these people be spiritually prepared and alert, or would they be dismayed and maybe fall into apostasy because they realize they are now living in the tribulation time? Hopefully,y if the pre-trib view is wrong, many believers will just acknowledge that they were wrong and continue to put their hope in the glorious appearance of Jesus who will give them relief and will deal out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel (2 Thess 1:7-8). Hopefully, they will be excited about the fact that Jesus will come to be glorified in his saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed ( 2 Thess. 1:10)."
I Learned This When I Was In The High School Youth Service.
Not keen on Congregation reading
Revelations in scripture says that a great army from the Kings of the east came to destroy and conquer at Har-Megedon. So, China, India, and more countries were not mentioned by name but these could be part of Armageddon.
Before Roe vs Wade there is a lot dark secrets of the past history about abortion starting way more than century
I have a born-again niece in South Carolina who stands up for her faith every day. Don't diss your brothers and sisters in other states. The reason you all got it right …this time… might be because people in other state love you and are holding California up in prayer. You are awesome, but that was low. You know you can't build your state up by putting other states down. 26:00
I am amazed how politicians, even the SCOTUS, have been out of touch with the people and Roe v Wade is another prime example. Praise God, repent, praise God Shalom.
He is PERFECT Amen!
Awesome!!!! Praise Jesus!!!
That is fabulous. I am so glad!
We are living in the book of Revelation!!! We can now see ourselves in the Bible !!!
The Dems went wild when Trump raised the Bible and said we are going to go by this word !!! He isn’t perfect but God has chosen him like it or not !!!
We did vote it was overwhelming,that’s why Biden got more votes then any president in history , REALLY !!!! That is why Mike Lindell,Sydney Powell ,Lynn Wood are still working on this !!! The foreign government’s that interfered !!! This Must be fixed or no point in voting!!!
Thank you Jack, you sure have strength to say it as it is. The Righteous Father is working through pastors like yourself and others like Amir.He has not left us in ignorance, may He bless you and yours. HAL'LELUYAH COME LORD
Can Jack HIbbs please come and speak to Canadian churches to tell them that not all division is bad? They worship unity above all, including truth, up here.
Wow! Look at the crowd, wouldn’t it be so awesome if every single person was taken when Jesus returns? Leave that place empty, Lord Jesus amen!
Thanks pastor Jack for your excellent sermon encouragement
If a woman or Transgender want to have an abortion.
Charleston, SC !
It has become woke. And very crowded!
I know that Jesus said that IF IT WERE POSSIBLE EVEN THE ELECT WOULD BE DECEIVED. But God already knows the end of all things and so He also knows who will be His elect come the very end, and of course they will not have been deceived. We see so many of Jesus' followers being deceived every day including those in leading ministries who are upset about the overturning of Roe v Wade, and those whose thoughts around Biblical marriage are evolving, and those who don't even preach about sin from the pulpit. The list goes on. I don't think we are to take that verse and chillax at the idea that we can't be deceived because we can be. It's by the Holy Spirit and reading the Word that keeps our eyes on Jesus and our feet on the right path.
Blessings to all! How I would love to be there in person But, Berkeley, CA is a little to far to drive. But so thankful for Jack's Spirit filled messages!!
Pastor Jack, I think you can preach a "Happening Now" sermon every day, lately. I wouldn't mind! I especially loved the "Futures" sermons and am probably going to go through the series again. I am so glad you are standing strong.
Listening from Rhode Island USA
The Bible doesn't say as a Christian in Peter 1 4:14……. It says…. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ …….
Good thing I read my KJV Bible, it hasn't been changed by new age wicked scribe's.
We are all the same according to Christ, nowhere in the Bible does it say Christians are one step above the rest or on another level.
Amen deaf me
Where is the scripture being read? In Washington State abortion is legal, even to minor children without permission from their parents, up to 24-25 weeks (called “fetus viability”). People are warned to stay away away from Crisis Pregnancy Centers where adoption is offered as an alternative. It breaks my heart. The Democrats, sadly, are in control here. Pray for those of us who are praying and declaring God’s word over our legislative body here.
Maybe you should mention the names of people in ministry who are for Roe v. Wade, Jack. Paul certainly didn’t have any trouble mentioning names of false teachers. By the way, I’m wondering if the overturning of Roe v. Wade didn’t happen because of that bill AB 27 that got people so upset. Like it’s as if we pulled back from the cliff just in time hopefully because something was coming to further widen that word abortion to meaning after birth. I shouldn’t say wait. I should say you guys because you live in the US and I live in Canada and nothing like that has happened here. Babies are still aborted and people can still request assisted suicide here.
Live life to the fullest with Joy in Jesus Christ. Praise Jesus for all of your heart and mind ❤
Thanks Jack.
pray for Kansas and for us to remove our governor! because we are a lot like California people come from all over to get abortions here and it is absolutely heart-wrenching!
Absolutely awesome message!!
I am being attacked for having stood out. Fighting on these very issues. And you're right. Here in New England, most people really believe there is nothing going on and walk around as if people like us are crazy. Because this area is run and most moving here are not true believers in God. The worship other Gods, idols, mother earth. Etc.
Christians will not speak out in public.
So we who do get attacked and fight alone.
Robbed again yesterday. Caught. See what comes of it.
The right wing and the left wing belong to the same bird.
Any law that goes against Gods' laws. We are not to obey. All other we must follow. This is in the Bible.
People think Texas & other red states are safe, they're NOT. Many things are going on just as bad as California. They've buried their heads in the sand, refusing to deal with anything unpleasant, thinking it'll pass.
The division is obvious already. After the ruling so many people who claimed to be Christian came out in full support for abortion, spouting all of the talking points lies by the left, those you'd never have thought they could be so deceived. So few truly have a heart for God & a complete allegiance to His word.
Isn’t it amazing both Pelosi and the VP mentioned grandmothers and mother’s in their statements. Do they know that Only women who chose life can be called a mother, and it takes pro-life to be called a grandmother.
The dollars gone anyway we are quadrillion a trillion dollars in debt and we're not paying other countries for what we owe
GOD bless you