Happening Now with Amir Tsarfati
#JackHibbs #AmirTsarfati #HappeningNow
Join us for Happening Now with special guest @Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati
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O WOW!!! No words!!!!
When will GOD put then"HookK"into Russia's cheek and drag it to Israel ????
Politics has no place in religion. If you want to be a politician then be a politician. You want to be a preacher, preach the word of God
God bless Israel ❤️🇮🇱❤️
BEAST (Biology Encoding Advanced Satellite Tracking)
GOD 🙏 BLESS you Amir and Jack.
If the church is ruptured before the tribulation, who are the saints the beast makes war with in Revelation 13:7?
Thank you Amir . Your in site is spot on . It's also very preverlant in uk now . It sickens me . Not only with labour party but across the board . God bless you and Jack for your courage to put the truth out there x
The stars of heaven might not actually Big..
And The Earth might even have literal Foundations.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
– God Called the Light = Day
– And He Called the Darkness = Night
– And the "EVENING" and the "MORNING" were the "FIRST DAY"(The Sun hasn't made yet)
I want to thank the lord to have the blessing of this to pastors that give the teching of the lord god bless them
democrats are the antichrist/Obama is in the basement using Biden the puppet,
May YAH bless you both and your families
I Love You brother Jack and Amir
I love how Amir worded hate pride false religious organizations alike. No offense brother Jack I listen you, and respect your lesson. Whites, congress black brown and red they all have a part in destroying thing of YAH, or THE HOLY SPIRIT,, ALL NATIONS are guilty of this today in some way, I think.
Luke 21:24
YAH has no respect of persons,, don't forget to mention those who are holding and controlling power over here in the beast, here in Babylon, the klan
So thankful for these updates. My world news comes from you guys! All the pieces are falling into place for a upcoming rapture. Even so come. I am a child of God.
We see the Jewish nation is absolutely under attack BUT The LORD will have his way no doubt about it !
We will see the day when the LORD will deliver ISRAEL ,,down with the Democrat party Lord ,power to the
Jewish NATION ,,, no more growing Muslim hatred Prayer & faith going forward to see the Jewish NATION Reign! ❤️🙏👍
It's so refreshing to see pastors who are well equipped with both biblical knowledge & discernment of global issues. God bless you Amir & Jack!
Thank you God for teaching us the truth through your servants yes America is getting weaker but God is still on the Throne
Father, please bless and protect your servants, Amir and Jack…those who bring and clarify Your Divine Word to what I see as over 300 thousand viewers. Thank You for the Influence and indwelling of Your Holy Spirit receive and broadcast the Holy message of Jesus Christ!
Thank You for sharing this message
So grateful for these updates. Thank you, you guys ROCK!
Love Jesus and love you both
Thank you Jesus for Amir and Jack for bring us your words. I love you guys! God bless you 🙏🙏🙏
When is Don Stewart going to come back on the Happening now?
Kkiikkkkkk iki