He just DESTROYED the WEF globalists great reset plans | Redacted with Clayton Morris
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Britain’s George Galloway just won a CRUSHING election victory against the war mongers and WEF rats in the U.K. Galloway returns as a member of parliament where he intends to end support of Israel’s war in Gaza, focus on family values, and crush the blank check support of Ukraine.
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Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Real Moses congratulates "Saint" Georges Gal hole the way down the road 🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂
I prohibit WEF agenda, I prohibit WHO agreement!
I pray that truth and righteousness propagate across the world like dandelions in the Spring to shine a light on the evil of the globalist wolves in sheep's clothing, the WEF/WHO/United Nations/NATO- implementing their dystopian control and compliance takeover they affectionately refer to as, "the great reset'.
Klaus Schwab died two weeks ago.
Even so a lot of people are still unaware that there is no choice when voting is an illusion. That will all amount to nothing.
Trial by judges Smith & Wesson.
Go George!!! Give 'em hell. Maybe some of your common sense will rub off on the US Congress. 🙏
We are waking uppppp!!!!! We will win over this evil organizations!
He is all part of the plan in my opinion.
Britain is so dead politically. They have been caving since post WW2. A complete joke
Asian guy in charge cost UK tax payer 11billion in extra interest plus the actual interest on loans he got us from his boss Rothschild no wonder he got the top job with returns like that for him enough to create another isreal or fund both sides of another war.
Israel is fighting Hamas they're aim is to get Hamas, not Palestine people, Israel has a right to exist, Hamas want to eradicate them all together. You need to know your history. Hamas uses Palestine people as human Shields. This isn't right.
Well, let me know when you stop your inhumane foreign policy in your former colonies and your outrageous pro-Turk and anti-Greek policy.
George, you have my vote! You need to join Nigel Farage and others to put things right in this world! Sunak and his lunatics need to be ejected from government office NOW before it's too late. The WEF, CFR, UN, NATO and others are criminal organisations that report to the satanic elite that are destroying our world.
Just keep at them George Galloway.
Warmongers are those who want to force peace just so the othr side can recover and attack again and ypu all know, everything else are cheap excuses!
Big dreams saying this one man in the house of commons can do anything
Rishi Sunak is NOT Moses ♥️😀🙏💪
Goerge Galloway for prime minister!!! ❤🕊️⭐️
Wow , that is great news, Love you Mr Galloway. Too bad, you should've been born in Canada and save that great country from the Woke and globalists
I hope George has changed his stance on the jabs and on us "anti-vaxxers". Sadly he fell for the convid fear and was pretty damning about those of us who refused the jab. HAVE YOU CHANGED YOU MIND ON THE CLOT-SHOT, GEORGE?!?
I hate seeing the explanations of the great reset what a lie.
This fellow is like a breath of fresh air!
Not anti usury
Not anti Rothschild Jewish usury faith.
King is defender of usury faith
Dressed very orthodox, ziobot
George is Zionist, so yeah nah
George Galloway for UK and Richard Wolff for US.
Awesome thanks for sharing 👍
Problem is that Mr Galloway sympathies are with Islamists
Canadian "Liberals spent $500,000 for WEF report favouring carbon tax, justifying climate policies"
Really really do you think they're going to stop then you must be one of them predictive programming, operation Mockingbird
Musical HERO BOB DYLAN??? The same BOB DYLAN who openly admits he SOLD HIS SOUL???..
Well done George .clap clap clap 🙂
Go go sir george
Dear Sir Galloway
Please know you are loved all the way to Lost Angeles. Be sure to protect yourself from fat headed fatwahs. Kelvar vest with a turtleneck. The psychoes exist and take orders. Blessings and total congratulations❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤Janet❤❤❤
Great man!
I Just want to thank your people for the job you are doing, there's still hope 👍🏻👍🏻💪🏻💪🏻
Will George Galloway's party, be standing people in all constituencies, in the next election, id like to know? I loved his reply to the Sky reporter, yes many British people despise the prime minister! I wish him luck in his quest to get rid of the WEF and WHO ect! We all want our country back!
Love 🥰 George ❤️❤️❤️❤️ welcome back 👏👏👏👏👏👏
YES. We the people have had enough!!!!!!!!!
They're blocking my comments
I like this guy , he gets two thumbs up from me . I wish he was one of our Senators . May God's bless him , by his grace we go forward with hope .
Bravo George Galloway‼️ We are thrilled you've taken the place of liberalWEFers!!
We need someone like this man in the Australian Government